"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It's bad enough the government can track you everywhere you go if you own a cellphone (and who doesn't in this day and age) or have a GPS, or OnStar. Red light cameras, face recognition software, Carnivore and it's newer clones listening in on your phone conversations and monitoring your emails. Yeah, 1984 is here and long gone. Big Brother is definetely watching. Ever actually seen your credit report? It's scary.
But Winn-Dixie piled on the last straw today. I was told my Winn-Dixie card would no longer work after 12/31/09. I needed to go to the customer service desk and have my drivers license swiped to get the new card. EXCUSE ME??? Sorry W-D, you just lost another customer to Wal-Mart.
Where does all this end? Well, let's see. I can envision the bureaucrats that will be running our new federal healthcare system (or even the current private companies) basing rates on how much unhealty food you eat, for one thing. I suppose the final end of all this will be the mark of the beast.

God bless,
Dumb Farmer (who doesn't think my grocery store needs to know everything but my Soc. Sec. # to sell me food)


Do you realize you are subsidizing every business owner in this country who pays their employees minimum wage to $10 or $11 per hour????

It's a fact. You cannot support a family on those kinds of wages today. (Been to the grocery store lately? The gas pumps?) So, you've got a head of household, be it a man and a traditional family, or a single mother, whatever, working full time but also getting rent assistance, food stamps, free medical care, child care assistance, and on and on. Meanwhile, the business owner is living high on the hog. Yep, that's YOUR tax $ that bought his 350 thousand $ home, the Escalade, etc. etc.

Be sure to thank your congressperson for making this situation possible.


How much money is enough?

Well, lets see.... That 40 foot yacht isn't big enough for my parties, I need a 60 footer. My million dollar 4500 sq. ft. house isn't big enough, I need at least 7000 sq. ft. Oh, and silly me, I need 2 or 3 multi million dollar houses scattered around in the most desirable places. Oh yeah, and my very own private jet so I don't have to mix with the common masses and endure the hassle of commercial flights in this post 9/11 world.

Doctors making 2,3,4 hundred thousand a year double billing Medicare.

Banks and mortgage companies making loans to people they know don't have the means to sustain repayment.

Corporations with whole buildings full of engineers whose job it is not to figure out how to build a better product, but how to build it cheaper.

Just about every corporation and company in America today (large and small) operating like a used car dealer: Gouge every last cent possible out of every single customer.

And of course, our politicians who think nothing of selling America down the river as long as their pockets are being lined by campaign donations and promises of high paying do nothing jobs if they don't get reelected.

God bless and spread the word.
Dumb Farmer


There are only 3 requirements to become a member of NACSP.

1. Subscribe to this blog.
2. Stay informed on current events.
3. Study the candidates BEFORE you cast your vote at the polls.

A note on staying informed: A wise person takes in information from many different sources. If you only watch CNN, or only watch Fox, or only watch MSNBC, you are being brainwashed. You need a mix of newspapers, TV, talk radio, etc. And remember, if it walks like a turkey, if it gobbles like a turkey, there's a real good chance it is a turkey!


I believe last winter overall was the coldest ever recorded in north Florida. This morning will be the 2nd in a row with frost. High yesterday was around 56. Let's see how they fudge these figures.

God bless and keep the faith,
Cold Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Common Sense and Circumstance: CONGRESS OR BUREAUCRATS?

Common Sense and Circumstance: CONGRESS OR BUREAUCRATS?


Seems the bureaucrats are as bad as Congress. The career bureaucrats are the ones who are charged with implementing the laws that Congress makes. They make what are called POLICIES. Ever had to deal with any govt. agencies???? Being a former business owner, I could tell you pages of stories. But here's a quick recent one:
I needed to change my address with a particular Federal govt. agency who shall remain nameless. Change of address, simple right? The form was 4 or 5 pages long, including half a page notice about the "paperwork reduction act". Huh??????
I've sent several notices to several different state govt. agencies over 2 years telling them I am retired and out of business, save the taxpay $ and quit sending me stuff. Of course I'm still getting all the same forms to file etc. etc. Maybe a baseball hat upside the head would get their attention?????



I didn't think our government could get any stupider than when Nixon stopped the bombing of North Vietnam when we had them on their knees. Which final end result was we lost 58,235 or so damn good men for absolutely nothing. I was wrong.
I didn't think we could get any stupider than when we turned our schools into places that produce kids who can't read or write beyond a 6th grade level, have no personal discipline, respect for others, knowlege of history, our government, or geography. I was wrong.
I didn't think we could get any stupider than when the guards at our base in Beruit weren't allowed to have ammo in their weapons and we lost 238 good Marines to a suicide bomber. I was wrong.
I didn't think we could get any stupider than to sit down and negotiate with a terrorist (Carter and Arafat). Then we gave him the Nobel Peace Prize.
I didn't think we could get any stupider than when we elected a socialist draft dodger as Commander-in Chief of our country. But then, his only reaction to a guy who had killed hundreds of Americans and others overseas was to lob a couple of cruise missles into a desert, and let him get away. We all know the result of that fiasco.
I didn't think we could get any stupider than when we allowed American corporations to move 80% of our manufacturing jobs overseas. Who did they think would be able to afford their products when all those people they laid off were working at Mickey D's flipping burgers for minimum wage??? Wrong again.
I didn't think we could get any stupider than when some yoyo DA decided to prosecute 2 border patrol agents for wounding a scumball drug smuggler who was shooting at them. ....You guessed it, I was wrong.
I didn't think we could get any stupider than when somebody decided to prosecute the Seals who captured the terrorist who killed the 4 Americans and hung the bodies off a bridge in Iraq because somebody gave him a bloody lip. Yeah, that's right, I was wrong again.
Because now, in response to the Christmas Day attempt to blow up the airliner landing in Detroit, we make a rule that no one is allowed out of their seat during the last hour of a flight. DUH, WHAT'S TO KEEP 'EM FROM BLOWING IT UP 1 HOUR AND 5 MINUTES BEFORE LANDING OR 5 MINUTES AFTER TAKEOFF????? What kind of idiots are running the TSA and FAA?????

God Bless and stay informed my brothers and sisters,
Dumb Farmer