"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Saturday, November 2, 2013


The 60's dope smoking, communist sympathizing, anti-Vietnam war radicals are in control in Washington. And they still hate everything military. And they are working very diligently to "fundamentally change America".

Obama has removed 197 Generals and Colonels since he's been Commander in Chief.  It has been reported by very reliable sources (including retired Medal of Honor recipient Major General Patrick Brady and former Delta Force commander retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin) he is using a "litmus test" for retention. "Are you willing to order troops to fire on American citizens?" He removed Gen. Carter Ham, Maj. Gen. Ralph Baker, and Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette because they publicly contradicted the administration's outright lie on Benghazi that there were no resources available to rescue the personnel at the consulate. Of all Obama's scandals, lies, and deceptions, Benghazi and what I've just told you should be prime grounds for impeachment.

Now it's been revealed he's ordered the Seals to remove the Navy Jack patch from their uniforms. For those of you who don't know, that's the "Don't tread on me" serpent flag that has been flown on U.S. Navy ships since the 1700's. And a version of which has been adopted by the Tea Party people as their symbol. Can these jerks get any more petty?

See the complete story here, written by a former Seal :

Please pray for our country, I am afraid very hard times are coming
Dumb Farmer

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Ok folks, better sit down. You've heard me say before how out of touch with reality our Washington politicians are. Like they live on a different planet, maybe even different universe. Here's the latest proof. This is Harry Reid during a TV interview:

Listen, we’re willing — the president has stuck his neck way out. He’s willing to do a lot of stuff with spending, but there has to be some reciprocity here. Once Republicans decide that they’re going to let — keep in mind, also, that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The rich know that. The rich are willing to pay more. They’re not the ones out here saying, ‘please don’t tax me.’
“The only people who feel there shouldn’t be more coming in to the federal government from rich people are the Republicans in the Congress. Everybody else, including rich people, are willing to pay more. They want to pay more. So, yeah, but we’re going to have to have mainstream Republicans step up again.”

If you don't believe this is true, watch for yourself : http://www.inquisitr.com/1006383/harry-reid-everyone-wants-to-pay-more-taxes-gop-wont-let-them-listen/

That's not all, he also says "We don't have a spending problem, we don't have a debt problem, we have a funding problem". Yep, that's right, let's just take 100% of everyone's income and we'll decide how we'll dole it out.

I've said before, "we the people" are the problem. The close to half of us who are receiving some kind of government assistance will continue to vote for those who give it, and half of the other half are either to apathetic to vote, or just won't take the time. Are YOU willing to put forth the effort to encourage everyone you know to get registered, and then keep on them to actually go to the polls come election time?

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Well folks, our wonderful EPA has done it again. Yep, the same folks that required California to put a virulent cancer causing chemical in gasoline several years back. A chemical so volatile it permeated through the tanks and ground water, contaminating wells for miles around gas stations. Now they've got us driving potential bombs. Every truck, even diesel pickups, built since 2010 is an explosion waiting to happen.

Remember what McVeigh used to blow up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City? What the terrorists use for some IED's? Fertilizer and diesel fuel. Fertilizer being Urea, which is 50% nitrogen. Nitrogen and diesel fuel, when mixed, is extremely explosive. All these new trucks have a tank (plastic, for God's sake!) with several gallons of what they call DEF, Diesel Exhaust Fluid, that is injected in tiny amounts along with the fuel to induce cleaner combustion. That DEF is basically urea.

In the last 2 years, I have personally witnessed the aftermath of 2 truck crashes and have seen the reports of 3 others where the trucks exploded after a crash. Now, a youtube video of a truck crash/explosion in Indiana has gone viral. These are only the ones I know about.

How long do you think the EPA will cover this shit up? That the motoring public is driving alongside potential bombs millions of times a day? That truck drivers are being killed regularly because of the EPA's stupidity? I am searching for an investigative reporter with the resources and backing to break this story. Meanwhile, I would urge you to contact your Senators and Congressmen asking for an investigation.

Don't hang around trucks on the highway, good advice bombs or not.
Dumb Farmer


Remember TWA flight 800? Went down over Long Island Sound in July of 96, killing all 230 aboard? Remember the official government investigation pinned blame on a mechanical malfunction, despite multiple witness accounts of the plane being hit by a missile?

Well, now, 17 years later, the truth is finally coming to light. The truth of a massive government coverup. Altered witness testimony, military explosives residue on plane parts covered up, and even Federal judges complicit in the deceit, a sure indicator that the orders came right from the top. Which was the Clinton White House. And one of those judges, Sandra Sotomayor, recieved her payback with an appointment to the Supreme Court.

Are you ready for the truth? Think they covered up a successful terrorist strike? That's what I thought back then. The truth is worse. The TRUTH is it was a U.S. Navy missile that downed Flight 800. The Navy had a battle group "war gaming" not much farther offshore than Flight 800 was. Somebody screwed up - big time. My guess is it was a heat seeking missile rather than radar guided, since witnesses reported it went past the plane, then turned around and came back and hit it right in an engine nacelle. Ok, I'll be the first to admit shit happens. Friendly fire has killed a whole lot of troops in war. A friend of mine was hit by .50 cal. fire from a chopper door gunner. Guys were hit by napalm, short artillery rounds, even small arms fire. But this wasn't war, and it wasn't soldiers. But why the massive coverup? Why not admit a tragic mistake was made? There are only two reasons I can think of. Embarrassment to the Navy for one, but I think the real reason was money. Yep, that old bugaboo money. The government had already paid paid out millions and millions to family members of 9/11. Can you imagine how much they'd have had to pay to the families of the 230 victims? Even in 96, my guess is it would have approached a billion.

At first glance, you would think it was totally stupid to attempt to cover it up. But it worked for 17 years. Do you think this is ever going hit "60 Minutes" or get any other mainstream media attention? With Hillary in the preliminary stages of a presidential run? Think a court is going to order the government to own up and pay up? I highly doubt it. I predict it will be ignored, just like the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing. And do you really think JFK was killed by a lone whack job? How about Agent Orange? How many guys died without medical treatment while the VA denied any ill effects for 20 or more years?

Ask not what your government can do for you, but how badly your government can screw you over.
Dumb Farmer

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hello friends! It's been several months since I've had time to write a post, and an awful lot of awful news has hit the air and web waves. Awful news, you say? Yeah, I happen to think it's pretty awful when day after day news shows government at all levels just ignoring the United States Constitution and just doing whatever they want to for whatever purposes they choose.

What's even worse is that WELL over half the population is so self-absorbed they hear, shrug their shoulders, and go on about their business. Or, they bitch about it for a day or two to friends and social media, then just go on about their business.

So what's recently going on that's so bad? For starters, IRS gestapo raids on small businesses, holding employees at gunpoint, the IRS intimidating every conservative group that applies for tax exempt status, "revelations" that the NSA is recording every single cell phone call, email, and social media post of everyone in the country. (Remember, I told you about this well over a year ago?) Hauling elementary and junior high kids out of classes in handcuffs, for God's sake, for shooting spitballs and having a piece of paper that vaguely resembled the shape of a pistol. The White House intimidating reporters, and now outright attacks on free speach.

A Phoenix pastor has just been arrested by the PPD, jailed for 60 days, and fined over $12k for having a Bible study night IN HIS HOME. It's amazing the Muslims can completely take over Dearborn and Detroit, practice Sharia law - beating their women, and no one does a thing about that. In fact, I doubt you've seen one thing about it on MSNBC, CNN, etc. over the last several years. But have a Bible study in your home? Off to jail you go. This is so outrageous it's hard to believe, but it's happening right now. How about the 19 year old who when someone he was having an online disagreement with called him "crazy" and he responded "yeah, I'm so crazy I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids, lol" and he's been in jail since March???

And last, but not least, the Henderson County and Las Vegas Police departments pointing guns at and arresting and hauling off the owner of a house next door to a house where a domestic disturbance was happening because he declined to allow them to take over his house as headquarters for their SWAT team.

Honestly, have we, as a country, gone over the edge of sanity? Once again I urge you all to DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. The power of public opinion is tremendous. Witness what the gay/lesbian organizations have accomplished for their purposes. It's way past time to SCREAM at your elected representatives, write letters to the editors of your local papers, get involved in the political process. When they knock on YOUR door, it's too damn late folks.

Dumb Farmer

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Two of the most precious freedoms we are granted in our Constitution are under vicious attack by this administration. There is a reason freedom of speech, and the right to defend one's life and protect oneself from a government that becomes out of control, are the First and Second amendments in the Bill of Rights. We are seeing things perpetrated by the current administration that are unprecedented, at least in my lifetime. I thought all the recent news was pretty scary, and this really puts the icing on the cake. Not only are they intimidating reporters with all sorts of investigations, including the IRS, but now this :

That's right folks, now they are arresting people, ESPECIALLY vets, for posting anything opposing Obama's policies on social media! HELLO THERE PEOPLE - CAN YOU SAY HITLER, STALIN, MAO, CASTRO, POL POT?

Now I know from experience there will be tons of people who say this is just some over zealous bureaucrat's doing. I say BULLSHIT! It's systemic, and all these things are not happening without direction from the White House.
This has really gone way too far now. It's way past time to start writing your Senators and Representatives demanding Obama be impeached for crimes against the Constitution. I have made it very easy for you to do just that. You can very easily find your particular Congressperson's email address by clicking on the "Contact your Senator or Representative" link at the top of this page.

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem,
Dumb Farmer 

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Better hold on to your hats folks. I've finally had a few minutes to catch up on current events this morning. And the news is not good. Things are happening so fast now it's hard to believe. Things I never, ever, would have thought could happen in this country.

First, we all know about the IRS targeting Tea Party and other conservative groups, now we find out DHS has been sending armed plain-clothes agents to infiltrate Tea Party group meetings and rallies.


Second, the NSA actually publicly admits it has built the huge data storage facility in Utah. Of course what they haven't admitted is what they need all that storage for. To record and save every single phone call, email, tweet, facebook post etc. of every American.

This one really should scare the crap out of you. A direct attack against freedom of speech : http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/doj-slam-muslims-on-facebook-face-feds/

Add to this recent news about the DHS buying 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo, the IRS Gestapo raids on small businesses, Obama's direct attacks against news reporters, Obama approving the UN arms treaty, which if ever ratified by 2/3 of the Senate, will effectively outlaw private gun ownership, and what conclusions can you possibly come to? He said he would "fundamentally change America". 

I still have several friends who defend him at every opportunity. Dismiss every report like those above as "the sky is falling" conspiracy mentality. He still has a 50% favorable rating in the polls. I am beginning to think it's possible he will succeed. Beginning to think a second civil war is possible, because there are a sizable number of people who absolutely will not stand for a communistic totalitarian government. There are still those who truly believe Patrick Henry's "give me liberty or give me death".

Please join me in hoping and praying that it doesn't come to that.
Dumb Farmer

Friday, March 29, 2013


So you think all the "conservative" chatter about Big Brother watching is just more fear mongering?  Shrug off the 40 acre data storage building NSA is about put into operation in Utah? Well put this in your pipe and smoke it :

Tuesday, I went to buy a rifle. The National Instant Criminal Background System comes back with a "conditional approval", can't pick it up until Friday, a 3 day wait like it was a pistol. So today I go to get my new weapon. Nope, still conditional, can't pick it up till Monday. They can keep doing this for up to 30 days.

Let me give you a little background. Since the inception of the NICS, I've probably bought somewhere around 25 or 30 weapons of one type or another. I have concealed carry permits in 2 states. I've never had a problem buying a pistol or rifle before. So what changed? I now write a conservatively oriented blog. I now repost a lot of material on Facebook critical of Obama and Democrats in general. No, I have never threatened anyone. Guess I do fit Obama / Napolitano 's description of a possible terrorist though. Let's see : "those who see themselves as patriots", "those who jealously guard what they see as their freedoms", and "disaffected veterans".


Dumb Farmer


So here we are in 21st century America. The Democratic party may as well be renamed the Socialist Party, (a system that eventually bankrupts every country that has ventured down that path) and the Republicans - unfortunately including a lot of Tea Party people - have become nothing more than bought stooges for conglomerates and corporations. Greed is running rampant in all sectors of our society, from business to the politicians to those on government handouts. More, more, more, they all demand.

It's hard to say which segment is the biggest offender. Business has returned to the days of the Robber Barons, where the owners live in unimaginable wealth while their workers can barely keep shoes on their kid's feet and put enough gas in the car to get back and forth to work.
Looking over the annual report for one SMALL corporation that I own stock in, I see the CEO received $3.1 million in compensation, and each of 4 Executive VP's received over $1 mil each last year. The 9 Board members raked in from $253k to $35k, an average of $144k each, for a total of 1.299 million, for attending 4 meetings. Yep, you read that right, for attending 4 meetings in a year.  

That got me to doing some research. Exxon Mobile CEO Rex Tillerson : $34.9 million in 2011. That's all I could find after 30 minutes of searching on Exxon. Apparently they are very sensitive to the subject, not even including exec compensation tables in their annual report to shareholders. Hmmm, wonder why.
GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, the man Obama chose to be his "jobs czar", and a man shamelessly responsible for moving thousands of American jobs to China and Brazil, got a whopping 80% pay raise last year. To $20.6 million.

I could go on and on here. You get the idea. A month or so ago the Republicans shot down a Democratic sponsored bill to create a tax liability on every corporation / company that closed plants down here and opened new ones overseas. (An idea I proposed here almost 2 years ago, but I said make it retroactive for the last 10 or 15 years and create an offsetting tax credit for every new job they create here) Yep, one thing that could have a huge impact on job growth and economic stimulus here and the Republicans shut it down. Good job you prostitutes. Yes, that's what I said, bought and paid for corporate whores.

I say it's time for a real third party to emerge. (We could even call it the "New American Common Sense Party :-) With a candidate like LTC. Allen West, for example. A man who isn't rich, isn't owned, devoted the majority of his life to serving his country, including putting his life on the line in combat, and who has the right ideas, principles, and programs. And, I hate to say this, but it is fact. West would have a much better chance of winning because his skin happens to be darker. It's no secret that many, many blacks voted for Obama just because he is black. Or half black or whatever. They see him as one of their own. But I say there are thousands and thousands of good people who happen to be of African descent that would jump at the chance to vote for a man like West.

In the words of one of the more infamous egomaniacs on TV, "What say you?" Anyone want to join me in an "Allen West for President in 2016" campaign? Oh yeah, that's assuming we make it that far before the crooks in office now succeed in collapsing the dollar and we have total chaos in the streets.

Still hoping for Liberty,
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Almost 2 years ago I reported on an incredible scientific advancement that should change the entire world. See here : http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2011/04/cheap-clean-energy-is-here.html

At that time, they said these easily affordable "furnaces" could be in production within 1 year. A search I just conducted returned only the original M.I.T. press releases and so on. The original patent was bought by Tata Group, an Indian multi-national conglomerate. Not one single piece of new news in 2 years.

Reminds me of two similar reports from years ago. First, and this I'm pretty sure it was Paul Harvey's radio show where I heard about this, was about an engineer from Denver who invented a frictionless bearing. On the surface, that might not sound like such a big deal, until you really start to think about it. No internal friction in wheel bearings, electrical motor bearings, transmission bearings, differential bearings, and on and on. A huge energy saver. Not another word about it in 15 years?
Second was a guy who invented the proverbial "perpetual energy" machine. A device (engine, motor, whatever you want to call it) that produced more energy than it consumed. His claims were quite controversial in the scientific community, so he put on a demonstration for teams from Stanford, M.I.T., and other prominent engineering schools. While those academics never came out and said that his device worked as advertised, they never said it didn't either. What they said was, they were baffled. So what happened to it? 

 Don't you just have to wonder who owns those patents now? The artificial leaf is the real kicker, holding the potential to reduce the world's dependence on fossil fuels by 30, 40, maybe 50%. So is it going to disappear down the rabbit hole too? Seeing as how our current administration thinks the price of gas and oil here should be comparable to Europe, ($6 per gallon plus) to reduce oil usage and would just love to further choke the American economy with carbon credits, why aren't they investigating these disappearances? Hmmm, how much did the energy sector donate to candidates over the last few election cycles?

We should all buy stock in Vaseline
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


First, for my newer readers, let me clearly state the purpose of this blog. It is not just to point out the problems with our society and government today, but to educate and push people to seek out reasonable, common sense solutions. To motivate people enough to become involved in our political process. To at least make the small effort required to convey their thoughts to their elected officials. And finally, to make informed choices as voters. Toward that end, quite a few of my recent posts have been written to influence those readers who tend to have a 'liberal" or "progressive" viewpoint. You can expect that to continue. After all, there is no sense preaching to the choir, right?

I recently had a self-confessed progressive claim that the way out of our current economic malaise is for the government to spend more. Claims government spending creates jobs. Ah, a true statement, without a doubt. But at what price longterm? That is the real question. Another forwarded me a chart showing how unequal the wealth distribution is in this country, implying that a "redistribution" of the wealth is in order. Another truth. But how to accomplish that? Government wage and price controls? Both of these ideas are indisputably socialist, whether they realize it or not. As are most of the ideas and programs of the Democratic Party today. Let me make one more thing perfectly clear : I am NOT A REPUBLICAN STOOGE. My long term readers know I am as disgusted with most Republican politicians as I am with the Democrats. I do admit I am anti-Democrat though. I am a true believer in the principles this country was founded on, and the Democratic party of today has become the party of socialism.

The death of Hugo Chavez presents a perfect opportunity to take one small look at the results of socialism and government intervention.

After 14 years of Chavez, Venezuela has one of the highest overall crime rates in the world, and Caracas has the highest murder rate of any major city in the world at 130 per 100k population. They have a crumbling infrastructure, under-performing industy, (much of which was "nationalized" by Chavez) unsustainable public spending, the worst performance in capitol growth in South America, and 20% per year inflation rate.  Lest some of you be put off by the source for these statistics, it's the BBC. Not Fox, not WND, or any other conservative outlet.

The European states have been gravitating towards socialism for the last 30 years. Most of them today are effectively socialist. Most of them have stagnating economies with huge unemployment, and are on the verge of bankruptcy. I won't bore you with repetition, do the research yourself. Or see previous post here :  http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2012/11/comrade-commander-flaunts-his-arrogance.html

So liberals, I challenge you again. How much evidence does it take?

In Liberty,
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Just how much evidence does it take before people stop dismissing all the reports about what the administration and the Dept. of Homeland Security are up to as just "more rantings from right wing conspiracy nutjobs"? Laughing any given news report off  if it came from Fox News, or any conservative web site?

To recap just a few things briefly:
2008 Obama says "we need a national police force the size of and similarly armed as our military"
2008 Obama promises to "fundamentally change America"

2012 DHS has bought over 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo over the last year and a half.
DHS has been conducting military exercises in and over major American cities.
DHS is in the process of taking delivery of 2700 upfitted MRAP's. (that's Mine Resistant Armored Personnel carriers) Yes, the very same used in Iraq and Afghanistan, only modified for high speed street usage.
2013 Multiple reports of intimidation (attempted control) of the press. Reporters as famous as Bob Woodward detailing how they were threatened by the White House. Here's the latest:

“I had a young reporter asking tough, important questions of an Obama Cabinet secretary,” says one DC veteran. “She was doing her job, and they were trying to bully her. In an e-mail, they called her the vilest names — bitch, c–t, a–hole.” He complained and was told the matter would be investigated: “They were hemming and hawing, saying, ‘We’ll look into it.’ Nothing happened.”

And I saved this for last, because it proves to liberals that I am one of those "right wing nutjobs".
2009 - 2012 It's been CONCLUSIVELY proven that the birth certificate he provided was altered AND pretty well documented that the social security number he uses (or was using until it was discovered) was issued to a deceased Conn. resident. No one has ever found out who paid for his expensive education. Not one single college classmate has come forward and said "yeah, I knew Barry back then". No reports on Obama at all until he shows up in Chicago and joins Rev. Wright's anti-white, anti-America church.

These are only the tip of the iceberg. If I had the time I could fill several pages.

So when does the not so average (because the average Obama supporter doesn't have a clue what's going on in the world) Obama supporter start to wonder? When the jackbooted thugs knock on their door?

Dumb Farmer

Friday, March 1, 2013


Want to know why our folks in D.C. can't get anything worthwhile accomplished? Just look at the people we elect:

President Obama (D-Ill) thought we have 57 states. (Duh, this is our President?)
Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) says "we have to pass this bill in order to find out what's in it".
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga) thinks Guam would tip over and sink if we base an additional 8k Marines there.
And just to prove it's not only Democrats - Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo) thinks a woman can control whether she gets pregnant or not if raped.

And now, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Ca) claims loss of 170 million jobs if the "sequestration" kicks in. Let's see, cuts of $85 billion (2.4% of the total budget) would cause 170 million people to lose their jobs. That's pretty amazing, considering only 134 million are currently working.

That's just the ones that come to the top of my head this morning. The real problem is "we the people" keep electing these idiots.

When do we wake up, America?
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


From time to time I am reminded of how difficult it is to bring people to a point of unbiased objectivity. To "remove" themselves from "self", take a step back, look at all the evidence, and re-examine their core beliefs. To look at an issue with a fresh perspective and ask themselves "could I possibly have been wrong about this all these years?"
I constantly run into the "it can't happen here" attitude. The "all this stuff is faked and / or spun by right wing conspiracy fanatics" idea. And not only that, but that the vast majority of "Tea Party" type people are stupid, uneducated, bigoted, fools who are easily duped. Meanwhile, they dismiss  anything that doesn't agree with their worldview, or even worse, in the course of a debate they eventually concede that every piece of evidence you present, every point you make is true, but their last statement is "well, I don't care, this is how I feel (or this is what I think) about it.

(Yes, I know the same thing happens on the "right". All blacks and Hispanics are lazy welfare sucking criminals. Obama is the cause of everything wrong with our economy and country, etc. Stupid is not confined to one political viewpoint.)

Yes, there are a lot of total b.s. reports out there. Anyone can write anything on the Internet. That doesn't mean you ignore the thousands of well researched articles with unimpeachable documentation.  

Our current national gun control bruhaha is a perfect example. People are denying that the end goal of the gun control advocates is to outlaw the personal ownership of all firearms. Denying that the long term agenda is confiscation of Americans weapons. They completely ignore or are ignorant of recent history. You can cite Nazi Germany, the USSR, China, Cuba, and EVEN MORE RECENTLY, England, Australia, and Canada. People, get your heads out of the sand! First they fingerprint owners and register every weapon. Then, some years later when everyone has relaxed and accepted this as the norm, another incident like Sandy Hook will be used as the impetus for confiscation. Oh yes, it starts as a voluntary "turning in". But guess what folks? If you don't bring them in, they'll come and get them.

This is from right next door : Canada    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_52pMg8qQcc

I concede liberals are correct that the chances of bills containing those kinds of measures don't stand much of a chance of being enacted by Congress AT THIS TIME. Even the majority of Democrats realize that would be political suicide right now. But these people are not going to abandon their agenda. It's been going on for the last 30 years or so, and they are not going to quit now. How about the next Congress, after the next poor bugger driven insane by doctor prescribed psychotropic drugs kills a bunch more?  After the Democrats succeed in allowing a million more illegal aliens, (oh, excuse me that's undocumented workers) who never even paid taxes, vote in the next election?

Someone recently asked me "what freedoms have we lost in this country?" Avoiding endless repetition, here is the latest to hit the news. http://www.allgov.com/news/top-stories/homeland-security-approves-seizure-of-cell-phones-and-laptops-within-100-miles-of-border-report-remains-secret-130211?news=847030
Verified here:

Remember, piece by piece, one small step at a time, is how they do it.

We have certain standards in our Justice system. One is THE PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. If the preponderance of evidence says the accused is guilty, then you must vote to convict. If you are one of the people referenced in the beginning of this post, can you honestly say that you have thoroughly examined the evidence?

Dumb Farmer

Friday, February 8, 2013


More news on the massive DHS ammo purchases has just come out. They are now buying an additional 21.6 million hollow point rounds. Folks, that makes 1.625 Billion - yes that's Billion with a B - rounds they have ordered IN THE LAST 10 MONTHS. At the height of combat operations in Iraq, the U.S. military was using 5.5 million rounds per month. Do the math, Homeland Security has now ordered enough ammo to conduct a small war for 30 years!

I won't bore you with repetition here, see earlier posts and this :

A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

 This is an open challenge for anyone to satisfactorily explain just what is going on here. Because the only rational explanation I can come up with is that OUR federal government is planning for a mass uprising in this country. I can envision 2 scenarios.

1. The collapse of the U.S. dollar from overwhelming debt, making everyone a pauper overnight. When people can't feed their children, there will be rioting in the streets everywhere.
See previous posts here : http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2010/10/two-weeks.html and here : http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2011/03/dc-fiddles-while-america-burns.html
2. That the current push for registering / fingerprinting every lawful gun owner is the planned first step to confiscation of all privately owned weapons. And that is just one step removed from a totalitarian government that can do whatever it pleases. Like doing away with term limits, for example.

So click on "post a comment" below and prove me wrong people. Because I truly hope I never have the opportunity to say "I told you so" about this.

Dumb Farmer

Monday, January 28, 2013


 Get ready to have your world turned upside down. Remember, piece by piece, a little bit at a time, it's been going on since long before the Obama administration. But Obama and his communist minions are preparing to bring it to conclusion. Several very recent developments, taken together, can not be ignored.

First, DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) has been stocking up on HOLLOW POINT ammo. See here: http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2012/04/what-does-dhs-need-with-450-million.html

Now, they have opened bidding on acquiring 7 thousand select fire weapons billed as AR15's, which is deceptive nomenclature. A full auto capable AR15 is an M4 or M16, depending on barrel length. This is Homeland Security folks, not the U.S. Army, or your state National Guard. And the military does NOT use hollow point rounds. See here: http://www.examiner.com/article/homeland-security-seeking-to-purchase-7-000-assault-rifles

Hold on to your hats... Secondly, over the last several nights, the U.S. military, in conjunction with the Miami P.D.  has been holding training exercises over and IN downtown Miami. With Blackhawk helicoptors flying down the streets firing blank rounds! They claim it's for preparation in case these units are deployed overseas. Yeah, right. Last time I checked, Kabul was nothing like Miami.
Here's the irrefutable proof :  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri9ioCbqJCU

The first section of the following  cannot be proven at this time, however, ask yourself - does this fit with what I've just seen above? 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow claims :
“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed,” Garrow wrote on his Facebook page, later following up the post by adding the man who told him is, “one of America’s foremost military heroes,” whose goal in divulging the information was to “sound the alarm.”

This is fact:
      Concerns over US troops being given orders to fire on American citizens in the event of mass gun confiscation first arose in 1995 when hundreds of Marines at 29 Palms, California were given a survey as part of an academic project by Navy Lieutenant Commander Ernest Guy Cunningham which asked the Marines if they would, “Fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”
The survey was subsequently leaked because many of the Marines who took it were shocked by the tone of the question.   The US Military has clearly outlined innumerable civil emergency scenarios under which troops would be authorized to fire on U.S. citizens.   In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” (PDF) dating from 2006. Similar plans were also outlined in an updated manual released in 2010 entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.   The 2006 document outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.
On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.” See entire article here: 

We have not experienced war IN our country since 1865. Civil war is the last thing we want here. War is hell on earth. War is ugly. YOUR best friend may die, YOUR wife and children may be killed, YOU may end up in a wheelchair. YOUR house may be a pile of rubble.

The only positive point I can see in this is that Obama may get a surprise if / when he actually orders troops to fire on American citizens on American soil. It won't matter what the ladder climbing / ass kissing Generals order, I don't think the majority of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines are going to comply. 

Unfortunately, at this point, I am beginning to think the only way to avert this is if Congress SOUNDLY defeats the gun ban / grab bills that are beginning to appear now. If, for example, the Feinstein bill is passed, (which will require fingerprinting, additional background checks and taxes on the owner of ANY semi-automatic weapon, rifle or pistol) there is going to be mass disobedience.
If you don't want to see the above happen, I strongly suggest when you leave here you immediately send an email to your Senators and Representatives.

God help us all,
Dumb Farmer

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Insanity in government at all levels has now become the norm. Just one mornings news illustrates this perfectly.

1. Martha Boneta, a Virginia small farmer, is fined $5,000 for having 8 ten year olds at a birthday party on her farm without having a permit for an "event". Then they fined her another $5k for hosting a pumpkin carving event for kids back in October. Sounds unbelievable doesn't it? See here:

2. PETA has succeeded in forcing the federal government to stop using chimps in medical research. So what are they doing with them? Sending over 100 of them into a 200 acre Chimp Haven park, where they will be cared for, including....wait for it.....live band events. At a cost of $13,000 each per year. That's your tax money, people.

3. A Philadelphia 5th grader searched, berated, humiliated in front of her class, and suspended, for having a piece of paper that was torn in the shape of a pistol. This is a stretch in itself, see the picture and story here:

All this in just one morning's news. Add in the Supreme Court's decision upholding a Connecticut city's "right" to confiscate private property to build, not a highway or utility right of way, but a mall. Because they'll get more tax money from a mall than private homes. 30 armed IRS agents raiding a small Arkansas bottling company and holding all the employees hostage  AT GUNPOINT for several hours, the kid drug from elementary school in handcuffs and expelled because his mother put a butterknife in his bagged lunch so he could spread peanut butter or something on his sandwich, the Idaho couple fined thousands of dollars PER DAY for attempting to build a house on their lot, which was in the middle of a development, and never designated as any kind of protected wetland, and on and on and on and on. Hundreds of cases of idiocy perpetrated by government employees of one sort or another. (Yes, I consider school employees to be government employees, your taxes pay 100% of education costs.)

How in God's name did we get here? Do you have to flunk an IQ test to get a government job? How have we gotten to the point where extremism is normal and common sense is so uncommon it's remarkable?

Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have had the distinct displeasure of being able to listen / watch the Senate testimony of Hillary Clinton on the Benghazi fiasco this morning. No wonder Congress can't get anything done. I have never seen such a public display of mutual masturbation in my life. The committee chairman's opening statement was over 5 solid minutes of gushing ass kissing. Thank you Secretary Clinton for your sacrificial service to your country. Thank you Secretary Clinton for this, thank you Secretary Clinton for that. On and on for over 5 minutes. When that was finally over and an actual question posed, her opening statement was 3 minutes of praising the Chairman.
     Well, I thought, thank God that's over with let's get some answers now. Wrong. Every single Senator, Democrat and Republican alike, spent at least an entire minute, many much more than that, praising Clinton before they asked their question.
     And the questions? Bullshit. Every one of them for over an hour and 30 minutes. Finally then, John McCain asked the first hard question. Which was glossed over, redirected back at Congress, and never really answered. At the hour and 45 minute mark, Rand Paul was the only one who finally confronted her and asked a few of the questions that really need to be answered. And it was the same crap. Blame Congress for lack of funding. Outright lying when confronted by Paul. Claimed they had NO access to video camera footage until weeks after the attack, when those videos were available openly on the Internet only days later. Denied that assistance was denied. Contrary to many, many reports of air and ground support available within 45 minutes, claimed we had no assets in Africa. OK, that may or may not be a true statement. Carriers off the coast don't count apparently. Aviano in Italy, only an hour or so away for jets, doesn't count. Claimed she had no knowledge of weapons being shuttled to the Syrian rebels via Turkey out of Benghazi.  Denied, ignored, misdirected. That's what most of her answers did. Except for twice when she said "see the classified briefing". She did take responsibility for the fiasco, while at the same time saying she didn't know what was happening.
      Big deal, what's that mean? She's already on the way out, Kerry is going to replace her.  Oh, and by the way, over 4 months later, not one State Dept. employee has lost their job over this atrocity. 4 have been put on administrative leave. With full pay, of course.

Congress is AWOL, and on our dime.
Dumb Farmer.

Monday, January 14, 2013

TRUTH IS......

To borrow a phrase popular amongst the younger generation : TRUTH IS. Well, just exactly what is truth? Truth is an eternal entity. It stands alone. It's not male or female, doesn't favor one side or another. It doesn't change depending on what you think or feel. It does not change over time. It just is.

I am still amazed at the wisdom of our founding fathers. They didn't have the scientific knowledge we have today, didn't have instant communications, didn't even have indoor plumbing. But what they did have was a thorough understanding of history, and therefore, human nature. They understood how the lust for power and money corrupts the souls of men.

So here's a little history course for you today: 

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”  – Benjamin Franklin

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States.”  -Noah Webster

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”  -  Thomas Jefferson

“… rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our own will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law,’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual” -  Thomas Jefferson
“When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny.”  – Thomas Jefferson

“A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”  – Benjamin Franklin

And perhaps the most relevant one for today:  

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedoms of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” – James Madison

So here we are in the Amerika of the 21'st century. Motorcycle helmet laws, seat belt laws, bicycle helmet laws, child safety seat laws, hate crimes laws, zoning laws that won't let you put up a shed or fly the American flag, affirmative action / discrimination laws, pollution laws, OSHA laws, gun registration laws, tax laws, and on and on ad nauseum. 

One small piece at a time. Now they are going to try and take the biggest freedom away. The freedom to defend your life. Defend your life not only from criminals, but from their tyranny.  

Once again I challenge you to get involved in your own future. It won't take you any more time to write a letter to your Congressmen and Senators than it has to read this post. Ah, the wonders of modern technology. You can find the info on how to / where to send them through the link at the top of this blog. Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem. (Apathy)

Dumb Farmer

Saturday, January 12, 2013


The video below is truly one of the most disturbing things I have seen in many years. Even worse than the 30 armed IRS agent gestapo raid on a little Arkansas water bottling company.
     Let me reiterate my philosophy before you start calling me names. "Question everything, believe nothing until proven without a doubt". That said, my first reaction upon seeing the title of this video was "yeah, right, another friggin kook". I seldom watch videos if they're more than 4 or 5 minutes long. My internet connections are slow, I get fed up with watching 30 seconds and waiting 2 minutes while another 30 or 60 seconds loads. But 2 or 3 minutes into this, I was hooked, and watched the entire 30 minutes. I predict the same for most of you.
     I am going to say now, before you watch it, that there are certainly individual elements that COULD have been faked / hacked in one way or another. Or not. I'll let you decide. I myself have many questions I want answered. I will be doing more research on this topic, stay tuned.


Lord help us all if this is true,
Dumb Farmer

Sunday, January 6, 2013


To my liberal leaning friends, please, please take the time to follow all of this through. Check the links I'm providing here, the proof of what I've been saying is out there. An empire doesn't fail overnight, unless by war. It happens one small step at a time. While the populace shrugs it's collective shoulders, because, after all, it's just one little thing. I couldn't possibly list all the freedoms we have lost in the last 30 or so years, it would take the rest of my lifetime to do all the research. But I have written about a very few of them in the past, see here: http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2011/12/how-bad-is-economy-and-will-america.html
Now, things are getting much worse quickly. This is what your government will do for you. This will absolutely blow your mind, you MUST watch this :

Remember, step by step. Bill just introduced in the House to remove the 2 term limit on the presidency by Rep. Jose Serrano, D. - N.Y. :

And, one of my favorite quotes : "He who knows not history, is doomed to repeat it."

Or, if you're not on facebook, go here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-Y-boz0cIw

Remember how everyone wanted to just ignore what was happening in Germany? That Churchill was one of the very few predicting what was going to happen? That people suffered from wishful, and "that just can't happen" thinking? So what are we doing in this country today? They refuse to call terrorists terrorists, now they are "insurgents" or any other word they can come up with. Refuse to acknowledge that the majority of Muslims want to rule the world, including America, and have a plan in place to accomplish that, without outright war, through political machinations right here at home.
How the majority of our voters just refuse to see the destination the Democratic party is leading us to? Not that the damn Republicans are much better in what they're doing, but at least the last thing they want is communism. We can fix their crap, we can't fix anything when the Dems succeed in getting the Constitution amended so many times it's unrecognizable as the original document.

If you care about your country and your children and grandchildren's futures, please care enough to start doing something about it.

Dumb Farmer
P.S. Thanks again to Matt for materiel

Friday, January 4, 2013


This past month has been a perfect example of why we're in the deep fiscal trouble we are in.

Just as last year, Congress couldn't come up with a budget plan acceptable to both parties, so they put off paying the piper with another temporary "fix". What was that "fix"? $600 billion in tax hikes with only $15 billion in spending cuts. Looked at another way, $41.00 in tax hikes for every $1.00 in cuts. At LEAST $614 million in direct pork barrel spending added. $222 million for rum producers, 59 mil to subsidize algae growers, 78 mil for Nascar to build new tracks, 7 mil for electric motorcycle makers, and my favorite.... 248 mil subsidy for Hollywood to make movies here instead of overseas. Hmmm, let's see, last time I checked, the movie studios were making money hand over fist and alcohol sales were higher than ever. (Maybe due to people trying, at least temporarily, to forget the financial situation they're in?)

And that's not to mention the few billion in tax breaks for giant financial institutions.  That's right, the very ones that put us into the housing crises and these financial doldrums in the first place.

Demonstrating once again the single biggest problem with politics today. Putting greed and reelection ahead of the good of the country. Rewarding campaign donors with tax breaks. Fear of offending any voters with spending cuts. And what are they talking about doing when they return to actually start to solve the spending cut? "Entitlements", which in their minds is Social Security and Medicare. They never mention the "welfare" giveaways. I recently saw a report that the typical American family today is better off making 28k / year and taking advantage of all the government subsidies (food stamps, heating oil, etc. etc. etc.) than to make $60k per year and pay taxes, healthcare, and so on.) No sir, it's that huge Social Security liability they want to cut. The program that we've paid into all our lifetimes and that they stole the money out of to pay for other stuff for years and years. Not to mention granting disability to anyone who's managed to become so obese they can't even walk more than a couple of dozen yards. If you doubt me on this, I challenge you to sit in a Wal-mart, mall, or shopping center parking lot and observe those using the handicap spots.

Lord, when do we wise up? We just had an opportunity to clean out this den of iniquity and what did we do? Reelect 75 / 85 per cent of incumbents. When will the majority of us wise up? I predict it won't be until chaos slaps them right upside the head when the U.S. government goes bankrupt because no one, not even the Chinese, will buy our debt.

Dumb Farmer