"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Good morning friends. By now you've all seen the reports of more rioting and the plans for demonstrations all over the country. My feelings? What a crying shame. Why that? Because it might not be happening at all if the mainstream news had covered the story properly from the beginning.

Just as they did in the Travon Martin case, they refused to report the FACTS, and instead reported what they wanted to. Which is a viewpoint that fits into their political worldview. Much of the evidence and testimony examined by the grand jury was reported very early on by alternative news sources. But CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the leftist print press IGNORED the EVIDENCE. Is it any wonder the people are so upset? I'm not condoning rioting in any way, but the way this case was reported made it seem like another an out and out incidence of police abuse of power. They report on the huge imbalance in the number of blacks vs whites in the prisons, but they don't report that the reason for that is because blacks are committing crimes at the same ratio.

Here's a link to an excellent article on this subject : http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jul/21/family-secret-what-the-left-wont-tell-you-about-bl/

Why is it a huge deal every time a white cop shoots a black person, but it's nothing when a black cop shoots a black? If you wanted to spend a day digging, you could come up with a thousand instances of that happening that you never ever heard about. Maybe the letter writing campaigns need to start targeting the news outlets. Demand they pay for all the millions of dollars of damages that are occuring right now and will occur in the following days.

Martin Luther King was a great man who accomplished a tremendous amount of good. Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton et al have done nothing but instill an angry victim attitude in their followers. And those who stand up and speak the truth are reviled as Uncle Toms.

Let's all hope this passes quickly
Dumb Farmer

Monday, November 24, 2014


This mornings news had two reports that finally tripped my trigger to write a post. But it wasn't just those two reports, it was the accumulation of similar reports over the past several years. This is a large country, with a population upwards of 300 million, and one needs to take that into consideration when you see an item here and there about official misconduct, or just stupid behavior. But when report after report after report of outrageous (and many times illegal) conduct by police all over the country keep surfacing daily, sooner or later you have to realize, Houston, we have a problem.

Another instance (this makes at least a dozen I've seen in the last several months) of a police swat team conducting a no-knock raid ON THE WRONG HOUSE. Two or three of which resulted in severely injured children, and several with completely innocent people killed. The latest also involved the FBI and the suspect hadn't lived in that house for FOUR, yes 4! MONTHS. How in the hell does that happen? What kind of incompetent morons are running these "investigations"?

Just a couple right off the top of my head:
Police running "no refusal" DUI checkpoints where every driver stopped is forced to take a breathalyzer test, and a refusal results in a trip to the police station where a nurse is on duty and they FORCEFULLY take a BLOOD SAMPLE.

Virginia police trying to take a 17 year old boy to a hospital and have him injected with something to cause an erection so they can photograph it and compare it to a picture he sent to his girlfriend (who was also sending him nude pics, this wasn't some unwanted harrassment).

Police in Nevada arresting and hauling  a man off to jail because he refused to let their swat team use his house as a headquarters.

The picture of  CHP "officers" pointing their rifles right in the faces of innocent drivers at a roadblock not even driving the type or color of the car of the guy they were looking for.

I could go on and on. These kinds of things were totally unthinkable in this country just 10 or 20 years ago. So, what has happened to the land of the free?

And what about the home of the brave? What has happened to our young men? Reports from the very recent FSU shooting reminded me of the UVA mass shooting several years ago. The one person who tried to stop the guy instead of cowering under desks was an 80 year old Holocaust survivor professor. There's no more fist fighting, that takes guts. Now they shoot each other. Really a cowards way out if you think about it.

The problems in our society today are complex, and there is no easy solution to getting back to the realization that our individual problems are OUR problems. That they are not the fault of our family, friends, government, or society. Back to individuals taking responsibility for their own actions. For feeding themselves and their families. But we CAN do something about widespread abuse of police power. Time to write your elected officials - local, state, and federal - again. Demand they reign in the unconstitutional heavy handed behavior becoming so widespread in police forces around the country.

Stand up for what you believe. I remind you again, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


There is a very unusual and ongoing situation in New England that highlights corporate greed in America today. Market Basket, a $4 billion Massachusetts based regional grocery chain, has an employee revolt going on. Unusual, you ask? Seems they love their CEO. Former CEO, that is. Seems the board of directors weren't happy with the amount of profit the company was making. So they canned the longtime CEO and brought on board 2 corporate hatchet men (well, 1 man and 1 woman) to cut costs.

Since Market Basket is a privately owned company, I was unable to find the kinds of financial information that is available by law on publicly listed corporations. But the following was related to me by a friend who lives in the area. According to him, Market Basket has always been successful, profitable, and a pleasant place to shop. You see, they had happy employees. They had decent wages and benefits. They were treated in such a way as to create good morale. A lesson that 99% of companies in America today need to relearn : a happy workforce results in employees invested in doing a good job. Therefore resulting in reduced costs, INCREASED PROFITS, and LONG TERM success.

The problem is, the big investors and the Boards of Trustees don't give a shit about the long term. It's all about me, me, me right now. How much can we make right now? Over and over again we've seen it. Screw the employees to pad their Swiss and Cayman Island bank accounts. Put 20k people out of work? So what, I'm enjoying my new 120 ft. yacht that burns $7k worth of fuel an hour. And paying a crew of 4 to sail it.

I saw it firsthand at the company I retired from. Watched it go from the best company in the country to work for (and one of the most successful) to just another typical "cut this, cut that, if you don't like it there's a thousand people who'd like to have your job" outfit after the long term CEO retired and the Board chose a former economics professor as his replacement. Understand, the average manufacturing company returns a 4 to 6% profit. We were making 12%, but suddenly that wasn't enough for the greedy bastards. So the next guy threatens to close plants, lays off several thousand workers then brings them back as part time with a huge pay cut and no benefits. Said CEO gets an extra couple million on his bonus. So now they've got a pissed off workforce that doesn't give one shit about doing a good job or if the company makes money or not. I'm hearing stories that product quality is suffering. Surprise huh?

I digress, back to Market Basket. The employees, including managers, have basically shut the chain down, demanding the return of the former CEO. And the customers are supporting the employees, refusing to shop there until this is resolved. I truly wish them the best of luck. Check out Save Market Basket on Facebook. Donate to their support fund if you can.

Dumb Farmer

Saturday, August 9, 2014


There is no doubt our medical system needs an overhaul. Proof of this? I just received a bill for $706 for 15 to 20 minutes of a doctors time. That's on top of the hospital's bill of $500.  And $2k to get a spot of skin cancer removed from a different place. But is a government takeover of the entire system the answer? Just what has your government done for you with the "Affordable Care Act"? What has all of the bruhaha, political shennanigans, outright bribery for votes, and government BS actually done for  us citizens?

Basically, not a damn thing except drive the price, not only of insurance, but also of medical services, even higher. The following figures are right from "healthcare.gov". For a single retired male, or a young family, the only plans that come anywhere near being affordable, even after the "tax credits?  have either a $6250 / year deductible, or a $3500 deductible and you pay 30% of all charges. So basically, the only thing they're good for is if you get cancer, have a heart attack, or need some other major surgery. How many young families have $6k in the bank to pay deductibles? From what I've heard, most employer plans are almost as bad.

So who has Obamacare helped? I don't think anyone. The "poor", have always had free medical care, they still have it. The rich can afford it. And once again the working man gets screwed. Only now, the cost of care is up even more. So what have we accomplished other than adding a hundred thousand more federal government employees to administer the law? Adding another layer of bureaucracy and cost to a system already burdened by tons of laws, costs driven sky high by fear of lawsuits, and the age old human bugaboo, greed.

That's right, greed is just as rampant in the medical field as everywhere else today. You've heard about doctors charging you almost twice what they will accept from an insurance company as payment if you don't have insurance, right? I ask you : is this any different from someone robbing you at gunpoint? How in God's name can these people sleep at night? If you can't afford insurance, how are you supposed to be able to pay double what they accept from insurance companies?  If they can cover their cost of doing business and make the high incomes they do at that rate of compensation, how do they justify screwing over the poor working man? Do doctors still swear to the Hippocratic Oath?

I have said before that anyone can detail (bitch) about the problems in our society today, but the idea is to come up with solutions. Well, truly, I'm stumped on this one. The only thing I can see that would help WITHOUT the government stepping in and controlling everything, including doctors salaries, is to get rid of the lawsuit crap. That fear of lawsuits causes doctors to routinely prescribe tons of expensive tests to protect themselves. One referral after another. Turning what should have been a, let's say $2k procedure, into a $4k ordeal. Actually, we need total tort reform, but since 75 to 80% of Congress are lawyers, that doesn't get done.

If you have any other ideas on how to "fix" the system, please detail in the comments below. Maybe if we get enough "average" people (as opposed to the rich elites in D.C.) thinking, we can come up with something better than what those prostitutes in Washington did.

Dumb Farmer

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Hello friends, it's certainly been a long time. Quite frankly, I've just pretty much given up on educating people. Almost given up on caring what happens to this country. I've come to the conclusion it's a losing battle. People are so wrapped up in their own little worlds they don't want to know or care what's happening in the real world.

That is until they are manipulated by the news media into thinking a certain way about any given subject. And that has never been more obvious than with the current mess in the Gaza Strip. I just saw a picture that's propagating around the web of parents carrying dead Palestinian children. Caption asks if this is right, and states "this is a yes or no question". This is such blatant manipulation it would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic. And if half the country wasn't so stupid that they fall for it. And if it wasn't being repeated in kind all over the liberal news media in one way or another. Oh, the poor Palestinians. Shame on those barbaric Israeli's!

Let's ignore the thousands of years of hatred between these two sides for now, and simplify the issue to recent history. Since 1948, Israel has been repeatedly attacked by one group or another. Now it's Hamas. It's been Fatah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, and on and on. ALL WITH THE STATED GOAL OF REMOVING ISRAEL AND ALL JEWS FROM PLANET EARTH. Israel, who does have the capability of removing their problem from the planet, has bent over backwards time and time again. Ceded this, agreed to that.

Why do you think there are so many Palestinian civilian casualties? Because Hamas deliberately locates their rocket sites and tunnel entrances in neighborhoods, mosques, even hospitals so they can say to the world "see how barbaric the Jews are?" They are experts at manipulating and using world opinion. And they don't care how many of their own people they sacrifice to accomplish that. So, who are the real savages? I can't recall ever hearing about an Israeli beheading someone because they didn't believe in Israel's God. Oh, and by the way, the Palestinian people ELECTED Hamas to govern them. They had other choices. Choices that wanted to choose the path of peace and reconciliation. But they CHOOSE Hamas. Why? Because they've been brainwashed into hatred from time of birth. And it happens on both sides of any ethnic division. Brainwashed by greedy power /money mongers.

Here's the bottom line question for you - If Mexico started lobbing rockets into the US, if Mexican soldiers dug tunnels under the border and made attacks on US citizens, what would you demand your government do?

Don't be brainwashed
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Good news and bad news.

     The good news is the goobermint, in the form of the BLM, actually backed down from instigating something worse than Ruby Ridge or Waco when faced with a reported 2000 to 2500 armed citizens and militia members who showed up to protect the Bundy family from government snipers. This situation had the potential to turn into a major disaster. All it would have taken was one trigger happy whacko on EITHER side.

     If you just look at this particular instance, you think, well, there was wrongdoing on both sides. Apparently Bundy hadn't payed the grazing fees for years. But the causes of the reactions from Joe Western Citizen goes back a long ways.  I remember hearing bitching about high-handed BLM tactics since the mid 80's. And the EPA is pulling the same kind of crap. It's built up for many years and people have finally had enough.

Now here's the kicker : Seems the esteemed Senator from Nevada, Harry Reid, has a huge financial interest in the BLM kicking the ranchers in that area off that land. Gee, that's a surprise huh?

This is only one link, you can find many more.


This country today reminds me of Lot asking God if He would spare Sodom if He found one righteous man in the city. Would He find even ten amongst the 535 in our Congress? Yeah, I guess He might find ten, but that's about all.

Stand up for Freedom,
Dumb Farmer

Monday, March 17, 2014


The mystery captivating the world's attention.

DISCLAIMER : The following is strictly my own theory, I have not seen anyone put forward the following postulation. And that is what it is, a guess. The only evidence I claim to support this is the fact that the plane's navigation system was pinging the Loran beacons on the route used to the Middle East and Europe, and that no crash debris has been seen anywhere. If you relate this information to others, please do not claim it as fact. In this instance, I do not want to be cited in "I read it on the Internet".

With all the satellite surveillance of the earth today, it's hard for this writer to believe that U.S. government, for one, doesn't know where this aircraft went. Doubt me? Just put your own address into google earth. And that is commercially available, unclassified imagery. But if they know, why in the world aren't they telling?

Because I think it's in a hanger at a military base in either Pakistan or southern Iran. Why? Because of the 20 or so electronic countermeasures engineers on board. Both Iran and Pakistan could benefit greatly from the cloaking technology those people have been working on.  And yes, even Tehran in northern Iran is well within Boeing's claimed range figures for the 777. I checked.

But again, why hide that fact? (If it is indeed, fact) Because Iran hijacking a commercial airliner could quite possibly ignite a worldwide call to put an end to Iran's nuclear bomb ambitions once and for all. And that is the last thing our president wants. And Pakistan is "officially" a U.S. ally. No, I don't claim Obama is a practicing Muslim, or in secret cahoots with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) or any other conspiracy. What is proven is that he spent considerable time in Muslim countries when young, and has claimed to be Muslim at different times in the past. (See foreign student aid applications) And it's been pretty plain throughout his presidency he has no liking for Israel, consistently siding with the Palestinians. I do claim he is a Muslim sympathizer. Look into his staff and appointments, it may be an eye opener for you. Here's one to tickle your interest : in December 2012, Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine, reported that six highly-placed Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators within the Obama administration had transformed the United States “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”  And one more : google Huma Abedin.

So there it is, for what it's worth. Not even worth the paper it's printed on, since it isn't printed on paper.

Dumb Farmer

Thursday, February 20, 2014


It never ceases to amaze me how otherwise very intelligent individuals can continue to ignore the tons of evidence out there that "yes Virginia, there is a conspiracy going on to completely change America into someone's version of a socialist / communist utopia".  How they reason away every news item / report if it comes from Fox News, WND, the Tea Party, or any other conservative source. Honestly, I know people that think these places are falsifying the news. I know people who think anyone who watches Fox News or reads conservative websites is a moron.

So I'm going to get a bit nasty here, because I'm frustrated by years and years of unsuccessfully trying to open peoples eyes to the TRUTH. So you think I'm an idiot? Brainwashed by right wing talk radio? A redneck country hick who has no compassion for anyone less fortunate than myself? Who would walk right by someone having a heart attack or epileptic fit on the street? Yep, I've been accused of all of those things.

I won't bore you by reiterating the hundreds of reports about heavy handed government intrusion into our lives today, the increasing militarization of our police forces, and the continuing erosion of our constitutional rights here. But for the sake of newer readers here's a very short list :
2008 campaign - Obama "we need a national police force the size of our military"
2010 "someone" unknown funds a Rand Corp. study on how best to implement a national police force.
2011 Two times Obama says it's too bad I can't just do away with Congress so we can get things done
         Democratic N.C. governor says we need to suspend elections
         Obama campaign starts a website for people to report websites and posts derogatory to Obama
         FBI contracts to record every conservative talk radio show
2012 DHS has bought over 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo over the last year and a half.
DHS has been conducting military exercises in and over major American cities.
DHS is in the process of taking delivery of 2700 upfitted MRAP's. (that's Mine Resistant Armored Personnel carriers) Yes, the very same used in Iraq and Afghanistan, only modified for high speed street usage.
2013 Multiple reports of intimidation (attempted control) of the press. Reporters as famous as Bob Woodward detailing how they were threatened by the White House.

Sorry about my rant, now here's the latest attack : The FCC is proposing to monitor every newsroom to insure that the news the government wants covered is reported. See here


and here : http://www.infowars.com/justice-group-warns-of-obama-plan-to-put-government-monitors-in-newsrooms/

You get it right? You can read between the lines right? The FCC controls station licenses. The Obama administration controls the FCC. Are you naive enough to not see the possibilities here? The government dictating what is and isn't news? How news is presented? I ask you what is one of the first things a communist / socialist junta does when they take over a country? CONTROL THE NEWS MEDIA.

Yes, taken individually, each of these things can be shrugged away. But put it all together folks!!!

Dumb Farmer