"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Heads up to all the MBA's and business PHD's out there : Here's how you really create a business that will be successful over the long term. And it has nothing to do with accounting methods, your current stock price,  your current profit, how many meetings and memos you propagate daily, statistical analysis, or anything you learned in our overpriced universities. In fact, it's very simple. Let's look at one single business that uses this model - Chick-fil-A.

From a single small neighborhood deli/restaurant in 1946 to a chain with over 800 stores, $3.5 billion a year in revenue, and a major NCAA football bowl sponsor, Chick-fil-A has and is continuing solid growth. No, it didn't happen overnight, like the "now" generation wants. In fact, it's taken 65 years to get to their present size. So what's their secret, you ask?

1. Honor God. You won't find one open on Sunday. They are deeply involved in donating to and supporting Christian charities.
2. Don't cheapen your product to increase profits. The size of the chicken in their sandwiches will amaze you.
3. Treat your employees like you would like to be treated, so they stay and become "vested" in providing good food and service to your customers.
4. Treat your customers like you would like to be treated.

Yep, simple. Yep, it works. Most American businesses today should take a page out of their book.

Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


You've heard about former Marine Cpl. Dakota Meyer receiving the Medal of Honor recently, right? Well, here's the rest of the story. There was an Army Captain, William Swenson, side by side with Meyer, repeatedly exposing themselves to withering enemy fire to retrieve wounded men and the bodies of those killed. Why wasn't Swenson nominated for the MoH along with Meyer? The word is because of his blistering criticism of the current ROE (rules of engagement) during the post action debriefing. They were refused air and artillery support, resulting in the loss of three Marines, a Navy corpsman, an Army Sgt., and many wounded. Now, two years later, Marine Corps General John Allen, now senior  commander in Afghanistan, has nominated Swenson for the MoH when the Army wouldn't.

 Remember I said the butt kissing and power mongering amongst the brass of our military today is just as bad as the politicians in D.C.? Swenson spoke the truth, maybe angrily, but do you blame him one bit? You only get one chance at this life, and those 5 young men were literally sacrificed for political correctness.

As I said in my previous post on this subject, people in D.C. - (and believe me, I'd like to see the whole list of those who promulgated these rules, including POTUS and SecDef,  have their asses shipped to an infantry unit in Afghanistan), have decided that our political goals outweigh the lives of our soldiers.

That, my friends, is quite frankly Bullshit with a capital B. You do what you want, but I have friends with sons there now, and a family member scheduled to deploy in the near future, and I am going to be screaming in my Senator's and Representative's ears. You don't put AMERICAN SOLDIERS in the crap and not give them ALL available support.

Please continue to pray for our country, and our men and women who are willing to put their lives on the line for it.

Dumb Farmer

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Another blatant example of what's wrong with American politics recently hit the news. In Sept. of '09, Obama's appointed cronies pressured the Office of Management and Budget to approve a $535 million stimulus loan to Calif. solar energy company Solyndra, a company that two of Obama's largest campaign contributors had $69 million invested in. Now, two years later, that company is bankrupt, and again Obummer steps in and forces a restructuring of the bankruptcy settlement so his buddies will get ALL of their $69 million back before the taxpayers get a dime from the liquidation of company assets.

As I said before, the second step to fixing our problems is to totally revamp our election system. We need to TOTALLY remove the influence of private money in elections. That means complete government fixed and equal funding for each candidate. No more PACs, no more vote buying. Each candidate will run on a platform that specifically outlines  their stances on current issues, their political philosophy, and their intended courses of action if elected.

Of course the first step has to be to get the current crooks out of D.C. or we'll never get anything like that accomplished. We have the opportunity do that just over 1 year from now. Fellow patriots, please continue to keep your friends and acquaintances informed, keep writing, and VOTE.

In Liberty,
Dumb Farmer

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Tomorrow is ten years since evil savages killed almost 3 thousand innocent civilians. A few thoughts about that:
1. Where is the outrage of the mainstream American press? Seems to have disappeared about 3 months  afterwards. They don't even call them terrorists anymore. Now it's "extremists". But don't let us kill a civilian or two, it's plastered all over the front pages. See prior post from Feb. 2010 "New American weapons-suicide soldiers".
2. I wonder what Bin Laden thought as the world was coming down around his head in those caves at Tora Bora? Looking at America's responses to the other strikes, (Iranian hostages, Beirut, Lockerbie, the USS Cole, the embassy bombings in Africa, etc.) I'll bet he never for one minute expected anything more than a couple more Clinton cruise missiles into empty desert. Thank God George Bush was our president, and not Al Gore or especially Barrak HUSSEIN Obama.

Lord, please give your comfort to the survivors and family members of all those innocents who fell that day.

Dumb Farmer



Apparently our Harvard educated president wasn't paying much attention in high school economics class.
His answer to our economic malaise? Throw more (borrowed) government money into the economy. (of course worsening the slide of the actual worth of every dollar, and hastening the demise of the dollar as the world standard currency)
Cut Social Security taxes in half. (Driving the final nail into the coffin of an already out of balance program)
Tax the daylights out of the rich. (They tried that in England-90% tax rate. The rich just packed up and left the country)
Of course, there would be short term benefits to the unemployment rate. Should last until after the next election. Which, as usual, is all the politicians care about. So what if we hasten the total collapse of America as we know it? We've still got the power.

Once again I reiterate: you must produce REAL GOODS in order to produce REAL wealth. Throughout our history, we exported far more goods than we imported. American machinery and goods were the finest in the world, and in great demand. It made us the most prosperous and powerful country in the world. That started to change as far back as 1971. That year, we imported $1.3 billion more than we exported. In 2010 imports were over $500 billion more than exports. America is on the decline. Meanwhile, China, who exports way, way more than they import, has the worlds fastest growing middle class, i.e. prosperity. Need I give more examples? The only thing that saved us temporarily was the dot com tech bubble. The problem there, which we are seeing the effects of  now that the bubble has burst, is that all that created was paper wealth. Why? Because they shipped the jobs of building all those computers and electronic devices overseas.
Yes, rebuilding roads, bridges, schools etc. will produce temporary jobs. It will not do a single thing to solve our underlying problems, Mr. Obama.

I've got to tell you, for years and years I would mentally roll by eyeballs when someone would start espousing conspiracy theories. That started to change a bit when they commenced to destroying our educational system back in the late 80's, early 90's. I thought "the people running our schools are highly intelligent, highly educated PHD's. They can't be this stupid. Is some group running an agenda here? I am really wondering if Soros backed Obama's agenda isn't to bring this country to it's knees, in order to remake it into their dreamed "socialist utopia". It's a wonder people this smart can't learn from history. NOT ONE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST COUNTRY HAS SURVIVED VERY LONG.

Remember, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Stay informed, stay involved, and VOTE!

God bless,
Dumb farmer

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


You've heard me rant about the morons running our government agencies before, but I've just come across more incredible examples of what highly paid government employees with no REAL work to do come up with to justify their paychecks. Thanks again John for the heads up.

Let's start with one of my favorites, the EPA. Late in 2010, they declared dust from farm operations to be a pollutant, and proposed hundreds of pages of rules and regulations forcing farmers to control dust. Are you sitting down? Modifications to all farm equipment to add water tanks and spray bars. Any site of five or more acres of "disturbed" land would be required to have a trained "dust control coordinator" on site. Farmers would be required to clean all mud/dust off equipment tires before entering a public road, either by washing (requiring a water truck and pressure washer), or installing a stone or blacktop pad at the entrance/exit of every field sufficiently long enough to clear all mud from tires.

Talk about economic impact, remember me talking about a $10 loaf of bread? Let these idiots have their way and it'll be $20. Farmers barely scrape by as it is, can you imagine how much this crap would add to their costs? Whose pocket is that going to come out of? YOURS every time you go to the grocery store. If implemented nationwide, this would definitely put 95% of family farmers out of business immediately, and who would buy up those farms? The huge agribusiness conglomerates, giving them total control over prices. Can you say "Exxon Mobile"? Better stock up on Vaseline.

Now, the EPA, through the USDA, (Dept. of Agriculture) has declared storm water runoff from stored feed hay to also be a pollutant, which must be controlled with dikes and retention ponds.Which of course would require a farmer to hire an excavator to build.  Stored hay?????

The next assault on your ability to feed your family came from the Dept. of Transportation. They recently proposed requiring every operator of farm machinery to obtain a CDL license. Yeah, that really makes a lot of sense, driving a tractor or combine from one field to another is a lot like driving an over the road tractor trailer on today's overcapacity highways. Cost? How about $5 grand for a trucking school?

These are just a few of the hundreds and hundreds of government regulations that are chocking the he** out of the American economy. Government overall is WAY out of control. Yes, we do need some regulation, but regulation with common sense applied.

The last chance to fix America is this next election. Don't forget to do your part, or you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Dumb Farmer