"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Thursday, March 31, 2011


For those of you who missed it yesterday, Osama gave a big speech on energy. What did he say?

That's right, a whole lot of nothing. As usual, nothing at all concrete, just a lot of propaganda. Basically his solution is a ten year plan to cut our oil imports by 30%. And what does it depend on? Is he opening up Anwar? No. Rescinding the Gulf drilling moratorium? No. We're going to depend on American ingenuity and innovation. That's right, he's got his fingers crossed someone is going to invent a perfectly clean, cheap energy source. Of course we're going to throw another couple billion to the universities and think tanks to fund more research. Like they haven't been looking for this for the last 10 or 15 years.

He says he does understand that the high price of gas is hurting lower income workers in particular. Sorry, you're just going to have to suffer for the next 10 years, but be happy, he feels your pain. No new drilling, no new anything except hoping some scientists / tech companies will pull our butts out of the fire. It's really a sad commentary on the state of the average American voter that over 50% of us fall for these glib tongued demagogues on election day.

This entire administration is in way over their heads on everything except turning America into a socialist haven.

Dumb Farmer


I don't usually do this but this is so well put I decided to pass it on intact. Thanks again John for the good info!

The 9,000 Pound Elephant in the Living Room, or "These people can't be serious."
By Doug Patton March 21, 2011 6:35 am

Financial advisor Dave Ramsey put forth an interesting scenario recently on his nationally syndicated radio call-in program. Taking a hypothetical phone call from John Q. Public and his wife, We the People, in one brief illustration Ramsey demonstrated that no one in Washington , D.C. , is really serious about cutting spending.
Ramsey has a way of boiling large numbers down to their essence and showing us the absurdity of our debt crisis. In his radio example, his callers — "John" and "We" — are earning $58,000 a year. However, they are spending $75,000 a year. More importantly, they have credit card debt totaling $327,000. In fact, $10,000 of the family's income goes just to pay interest on those credit cards.
"Now, what would you expect my advice to this couple to be?" Ramsey asked his radio audience. He then proceeded to say that if he followed the current model of "cuts" being proposed in Washington, his recommendation would be that they reduce their annual expenditures by a mere $3,000 — all the way down to $72,000.
Ramsey has calculated that these numbers are in exact proportion to the actions of our federal government in dealing with our deficit. However, instead of terms like "billions" and "trillions," to which no one can relate, Ramsey has reduced the numbers to one we can all comprehend. Anyone with a brain can figure out that a family making $58,000 and spending $75,000, with $327,000 in credit card debt, is headed for bankruptcy — or worse.
This, most people would agree, is the classic definition of insanity. And yet, many Americans go merrily along pretending that somehow the reason for our debt is the war in Iraq, or the war in Afghanistan, or tax breaks for the rich or whatever other cliché entrenched Washington politicians want to throw out during election years. The truth is that we could eliminate every federal program in Washington and we still could not pay for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security at the current levels — and still provide for the defense of the country. The truth is that this nation cannot pay its bills, and like John Q. Public and his wife, We the People, we are in for a rude awakening when those bills come due.
It has become obvious over the last two years that Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress have no intention of being serious about the realities of our federal spending. Letting them set our national priorities is — in the words of satirist P.J. O'Rourke — tantamount to giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
It is tempting to believe that John Boehner and his House Republicans are any more serious than the Democrats about making the tough decisions to keep this nation from falling into a financial pit from which we can never escape; but all one has to do is look at their proposals to know they are not the least bit serious. They are as addicted to spending as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who ran our spending levels up to the point where we are now spending $1.5 trillion more than we are taking in this year. Meanwhile, Boehner and company want us to cheer about $6 billion in cuts?
We cannot continue in serious times with unserious people representing us in Washington . They have taken the United States of America from the greatest, strongest, most prosperous country on the face of the earth and turned it into a debtor nation. They have taken us from a shining city on a hill to a banana republic.
As Dave Ramsey concluded in his lesson to his listening audience, it is the 9,000-pound elephant sitting on our foot in the living room.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


MY FRIENDS, THIS IS A DIRE WARNING! Remember me telling you about the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issuing a formal warning to the U.S. several months ago that our debt level was unsustainable? That we needed to cut spending drastically and increase tax revenues. So, what have our glorious politicians done about it? Cut the equivalent of one drop of water in the ocean out of the budget so far. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have even come up with a bill yet, they're passing 2 week budgets at a time, called Continuing Resolutions, or CR's.

The truth is it won't matter anyway. It's way too late now. The IMF is now proposing to replace the U.S. dollar with a brand new currency based on an average of 6 or 7 different currencies as the world standard. Yep, that's right. And China is the biggest one. This is going to happen. Almost certainly within the next 2 years. Maybe within the year. When this is implemented, it is going to cause a financial disaster that will make the Great Depression look like a cakewalk. Why are they doing this? Because the dollar has lost so much value in the last 10 years that it's only worth 60% of what it was then. Because they know it's only going to get worse. Why? I could write 10 pages full of why's but here it is in a nutshell: In order to pay just the interest on our debt, the Fed has been printing more and more money. That causes each dollar to be worth less and less. That's what we know as inflation.
What we're going to get when the IMF makes the change is hyperinflation. We'll be lucky if our dollar retains 40% of it's current value. THAT MEANS EVERYTHING YOU BUY IS GOING TO GO UP 60%! THAT MEANS YOUR 401K, YOUR IRA, YOUR CD'S IN THE BANK AND THE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET immediately will only be worth 40% of what it is today. Many, many people won't even be able to afford food and there will be riots in the streets.

Now I know you're going to be rolling your eyeballs, thinking I've become a real whack job. Do a little research for yourself. Find out China is unloading it's U.S. dollars as fast as they possibly can. They are buying up companies and real estate everywhere else in the world but here. Find out that the richest people and corporations in our own country are doing the same. Unloading U.S. assets as quickly as they can, replacing them with foreign investments. They know our currency is going to collapse. That's why gold and silver prices have skyrocketed.

OK, I'm not saying this to "toot my own horn", but because 90% of my readers are personal friends and I don't want to see you hurt. But I remind you of what I just said a few posts back: I have a 20 year plus track record of being extremely accurate at predicting things like this. But I don't want you to take my word on this, look into it yourself. I'm not going to tell you how to protect yourself, you're all smart enough to figure out ways to do that.

May the Lord help us all in these coming hard times,
Dumb Farmer


Monday, March 28, 2011


Here's a perfect example of why we need to get the crooks out of Washington. General Electric earned 14.2 billion in profits worldwide, including 5.1 billion on U.S. operations, last year. How much tax did they pay? $0. That's right, zero, zip, zilch, nada. And that's not the worst of it. Thanks to all the special interest tax breaks and credits their bought politicians managed to insert in the tax laws over the years, they actually ended up with a $3.2 billion tax credit! Corporate taxes historically made up 30 to 33% of federal tax revenue. That was back when we actually had politicians who cared about our country, instead of building their personal fortunes and futures. Today, corporations only contribute 6% of tax revenue. Meanwhile they continue to complain the U.S. tax burden is too high, and continue moving operations and jobs overseas.
How much did you pay on your meager little income?  Does that frost your drawers enough to make you remember come Nov. 2012?

Vote every damn one of them who isn't a Tea Party member out come 2012.
Dumb Farmer 

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Old Sam Walton would roll over in his grave if he knew how his stores were being run today. Wal-Mart has been the most successful American business since the advent of Microsoft. I believe they are the largest private employer in the country today. Of course 80% of those are part timers - no benefits.
But, the larger and more successful a business gets, the less they care about their customers.
I finally got aggravated enough with the lousy inventory control at my local Supercenter to write a letter to them. This is the worst grocery store I've ever shopped at for being out of stuff all the time. I'm a singe guy, and usually don't buy more than 15 or so items at a time. Yet almost without fail, they'll be out of at least 1 or 2 things I'm looking for. This is nothing but poor management, especially when many times it's the same items.

We are sinking to the level of our own mediocrity.
Dumb Farmer


I'm sure this will be no surprise, but a recent Newsweek poll found 38% of Americans failed the test required for immigrants to become U.S. citizens. Got a grip on that, 38%???

44% could not identify the Bill of Rights as the first 10 amendments to our Constitution.
73% had no idea why we engaged in the "cold war" with the USSR.
29% could not name our current vice president.
6% couldn't even identify Independence Day as July 4th.
And the real kicker? 58% had no idea who or what the Taliban is. Guess they'll wonder why they're being beheaded when the Muslims succeed in taking us over through our own stupidity.

No wonder we're in the shape we're in.
Dumb Farmer


Tiny new device out called the "Square" plugs into a cellphone and allows credit/debit cards to be scanned. Big advantage for small business people, considering the prevalence of younger people who carry no cash at all. Witness card readers at all the fast food joints nowadays.
Mark my words, and I'm telling you I have been extremely accurate with predictions of this type over the past 20 / 25 years. This is one more step leading up to the government doing away with paper money entirely. So what, you say?
The government will be able to track not only every cent of your money, but also where it came from and where you spent it. Ah, think of the tax ramifications! Yes sir, we can collect taxes we're missing now from the "underground economy". They'll just electronically whiz taxes out of your accounts and into their coffers.

We ALL need to stay informed and politically active to squash these kinds of things,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, March 25, 2011


Have you been indoctrinated enough to allow Big Brother into your car with you yet? The state of Oregon, one of the most liberal in the country, is proposing to install a GPS monitoring system into every vehicle registered in the state. The stated reason is to implement a new tax on the amount of miles you drive. Oregon already has some of the highest gas taxes in the nation, but now they're complaining revenue is down because people are getting better mileage and driving less. OTHER STATES ARE WATCHING CLOSELY TO SEE IF OREGON GETS THIS ENACTED. If it flies there, how long do you think it will be before YOUR state tries it too?

While the tax increase part of this is bad enough, that's just the tip of the iceberg. This is a GPS system. Do you want government bureaucrats able to track your every movement 24/7/365??? Oh, you can bet they'll tell us they won't do that. Oh, we'll put "protections" in place to prevent that. Do you believe your government has never lied to you before? If so, God bless you, either you live in lala land or you've got your head in the sand. (Or somewhere else where it doesn't smell very good) Let me ask you this: if all they want is more revenue, why wouldn't they just raise the gas tax instead of forcing every citizen to spend several hundred $ for the GPS unit, create a multi million $ bureaucracy to track miles/taxes etc? You see, it makes no sense at all, does it? Still think there's no ulterior motive?

To those of us who are old enough to remember what freedom actually is, the thought that state governments would even consider this for one second boggles the mind. Don't think it can happen?
They've been turning our kids into sheeple for the past 25 years. Half these youngsters today never watch or listen to the news, (read a newspaper, are you kidding me?) have no clue about what's going on the world, and even if they did, if it doesn't affect them personally right at that moment, they could care less. A shrug of the shoulders.

Lord, let enough patriots stand up to defeat this Anti-American nonsense,
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Ya'll remember Bernie Ebbers, the World Com CEO, creator of the (formerly - now bankrupt) largest telecom company in the world? You remember, the one who went to jail for a long, long time?

As I've said before, it seems all American businesses are just plain crooks nowadays. Verizon Wireless has adopted Ebbers way of doing business. Tell you you're in a 4G service area when you are not, advertise $50 per month  cost which, when you receive the estimated billing charges a week or so later in the mail, you find out that with Verizon's "surcharges" and taxes goes up a miraculous 80% to $90 per month! Then, when you return the modem because of all the above, they charge you a $35 return fee. Wonder how long it will be till someone files a class action lawsuit? Any attorneys out there want to volunteer their services?

I may be a Dumb Farmer, but I'm not that dumb!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Wow, here we are involved in another war overnight. And I'm not sure what to think about that yet. Of course I sympathise with the rebels, they're the underdogs. However, we know next to nothing about them at this time. Maybe we'll get lucky and this won't backfire on us. But are we spending a billion $ worth of munitions and putting our pilots in jeopardy to create another radical Muslim state? I tend to think this is a lose lose situation. We would have lost an opportunity to help create a Muslim state friendly to the U.S. by doing nothing. But are we going to accomplish that? And we've certainly succeeded in alienating more Muslim states by intervening. And Ghadafi hadn't bothered anyone outside Libya since Reagan destroyed his palace and killed some of his family members.

As I said, at this point I don't really have enough information to form an opinion one way or the other. What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Well folks, I'm finally joining the 21st Century. Succumbed to the pressure and joined Facebook. Should make it easier for any of you who wish to share this blog with friends, since it seems 90% of the world is on one or another of these so called "social media" sites.

God Bless,
Dumb Farmer

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Who's more out of touch with reality, Harry Reid or Charlie Sheen? Both are living in some kind of fantasy world. Sheen's mind is fried by drugs, what's you're excuse Harry?

Reid just stated that the Tea Party movement will fade away by the 2012 elections. Proving he understands absolutely nothing about why the average working American is p***ed off at our government. Hey Harry! Pay attention, here's just one reason out of a million: Why in the HELL are we sending foreign aid to China??? When China owns 1/3 of the U.S. debt??? Answer that one for us Harry.

How do these morons continue to get reelected?
 # 1: They do anything they can to continue to allow illegal aliens to enter this country, AND to VOTE. Yeah, that's right, they're facilitating voting by illegal aliens.
# 2: The average American voter does not educate himself before he goes to the polls. They stand there looking at the names on the ballot and vote for one they recognize, which is usually the incumbent.
# 3: They've been taking the big campaign contributions (read : bribes) so they've got more money for advertising.
# 4: They court every liberal special interest group. That includes radical environmentalists, homosexuals, unions, pro abortion people, and on and on.

Please do not be an average American. Stay informed, stay active, and help save our country for our children and grandchildren.

Dumb Farmer

Thursday, March 17, 2011


An extremely interesting new book is out. "The Islamic Anti-Christ" by Joel Richardson advances and presents very viable arguments for an idea I have wondered about since I first heard about the Koranic prophecy of the return of the 12th Imam, also known as the "Mahdi", shortly after 9/11. And basically, that is : Is Islam the false church (the Whore of Babylon in the King James Version) of Bible prophecy?
Even if you're not a Christian, you've probably heard that almost all of the Bible prophecy concerning "the end times" and Armageddon have already been fulfilled. If not, here are just a few:

There will be an explosion of knowledge. 100 years ago we didn't even have indoor plumbing. Now we have microwaves, cell phones, nuclear reactors, and spacecraft.

There will be "earthquakes in many places" : The number of earthquakes worldwide has increased almost exponentially since the early 1900's.

There will be wars and rumors of wars : There are more regional conflicts in progress right now than at any other time in history.

Man's love for his fellow man will fall away: Just look at our society and world today.

There will be false prophets everywhere: Witness the number of TV and mega-church pastors exposed as homosexuals and frauds.

If you give even a cursory examination to Islam, it becomes apparent that Muhammad espouses a philosophy that is the direct antithesis of Christ's message. Jesus says "turn the other cheek", Muhammad said "behead the infidel".

Lots of food for thought. Visit the link to learn more.

I remain,
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Thanks for sending me this John. This is what I said earlier about Obama and his cronies actually wanting the price of oil (energy) so high. It's a "green" thing to them, and they don't care how badly the American public suffers. This is long but I promise it's worth reading to the end, especially the last paragraph. Remember this every time you get gas/fuel, heating oil, pay at the grocery checkout, and REMEMBER IT COME NOVEMBER 2012.

The $4-Per-Gallon President

by Sarah Palin on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 6:27pm

Is it really any surprise that oil and gas prices are surging toward the record highs we saw in 2008 just prior to the economic collapse? Despite the President’s strange assertions in his press conference last week, his Administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.

The evidence of the President’s anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see. The following is not even an exhaustive list:

Exhibit A: His drilling moratorium. Guided by politics and pure emotion following the Gulf spill instead of peer-reviewed science or defensible law, the President used the power of his executive order to impose a deepwater drilling moratorium. The Administration even ignored a court order halting his moratorium. And what is the net result of the President’s (in)actions? A large drilling company was forced to declare bankruptcy, the economy of the region has been hobbled, and at least 7 rigs moved out of the Gulf area to other parts of the world while many others remain idle. Is it any surprise that oil production in the Gulf of Mexico is expected to fall by 240,000 bbl/d in 2011 alone?

But that’s just the Gulf. There’s also the question of a moratorium on the development of Alaska’s Outer Continental Shelf. It seems the Obama Administration can’t agree with itself on whether it imposed a moratorium there or not. The White House claims that they didn’t, but their own Department of the Interior let slip that they did. To clear up this mess, Gov. Parnell decided to sue the DOI to get a solid answer because such a federal OCS drilling moratorium would violate federal law.

Exhibit B: His 2012 budget. The President used his 2012 budget to propose the elimination of several vital oil and natural gas production tax incentives. Eliminating these incentives will discourage energy companies from completing exploratory projects, resulting in higher energy costs for all Americans – and not just at the pump. According to one study mentioned in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, eliminating the deduction for drilling costs “could increase natural gas prices by 50 cents per thousand cubic feet,” which would translate to “an increased cost to consumers of $11.5 billion per year in the form of higher natural gas prices.”

Exhibit C: His anti-drilling regulatory policies. The U.S. Geological Survey found that the area north of the Arctic Circle has an estimated 90 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil and 1,670 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable natural gas, one third of which is in Alaskan territory. That’s our next Prudhoe Bay right there. According to one industry study, allowing Royal Dutch Shell to tap these reserves in Alaska’s Chukchi and Beaufort seas would create an annual average of 54,700 jobs nationwide with a $145 billion total payroll and generate an additional $193 billion a year in total revenues to local, state, and federal governments for 50 years. This would be great news if only the federal government would allow Shell to drill there. But it won’t. It’s been five years since Shell purchased the lease to develop these fields, but it’s been mired in a regulatory funk courtesy of the Obama Administration. After investing $3.5 billion in exploration programs (a significant portion of which went to ensuring responsible spill response and prevention), Shell announced last month that it has given up hope of obtaining the required permits to conduct exploratory drilling this year. That means no jobs and no billions in oil revenue from the Arctic anytime soon thanks to this Administration. Let’s stop and think about this for a moment. Right now Beltway politicos are quibbling over cutting $61 billion from our dangerously bloated $3.7 trillion budget. Allowing drilling in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas will enrich federal coffers by $167 billion a year without raising our taxes. If we let Harry Reid keep his “cowboy poetry,” would the White House consider letting us drill?

Taken altogether, it’s hard to deny that the Obama Administration is anti-drilling. The President may try to suggest that the rise in oil prices has nothing to do with him, but the American people won’t be fooled. Before we saw any protests in the Middle East, increased global demand led to a significant rise in oil prices; but the White House stood idly by watching the prices go up and allowing America to remain increasingly dependent on imports from foreign regimes in dangerously unstable parts of the world.

This was no accident. Through a process of what candidate Obama once called “gradual adjustment,” American consumers have seen prices at the pump rise 67 percent since he took office. Let’s not forget that in September 2008, candidate Obama’s Energy Secretary in-waiting said: “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” That’s one campaign promise they’re working hard to fulfill! Last week, the British Telegraph reported that the price of petrol in the UK hit £6 a gallon – which comes to about $9.70. If you think $4 a gallon is bad now, just wait till the next crisis causes oil prices to “necessarily” skyrocket. Meanwhile, the vast undeveloped reserves that could help to keep prices at the pump affordable remain locked up because of President Obama’s deliberate unwillingness to drill here and drill now.

Hitting the American people with higher gas prices like this is essentially a hidden tax and a transfer of wealth to foreign regimes who are providing us the energy we refuse to provide for ourselves. Like inflation, higher energy prices are a hidden tax on Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. And these high gas prices will be felt in the form of higher food prices due to higher transportation costs. Energy is connected to everything in our economy. Access to affordable and secure energy is key to economic growth, which in turn is key to job growth. Energy is the building block of our economy. The President is purposely weakening that building block and weakening our country.

2012 can’t come soon enough.

- Sarah Palin


Here's the proof for prior post: The number of millionaires jumped 8% to 8.4 million in 2010. The number of "super millionaires", those with a net worth over 5 million, also jumped 8%. This is on top of a 16% jump in 2009. That makes a 24% increase in the total number of millionaires in the last 2 years, while the actual unemployment rate has hovered around 16%.
A note about an individuals net worth: The largest chunk of the average Americans net worth is the equity in their home. And as you all know, home values have dropped precipitously the last 3 years. In fact, many, many people today owe more on their home than it is now worth. Making the above figures even more astounding. 
And it's not just the unemployed/underemployed who are suffering. The majority of people still working are lucky if they haven't had to take pay cuts. At the least, just about everyone I know say their workload has increased drastically because they have to do the work of laid off or not replaced workers. With no corresponding increase in their wages. Of course the business owners/shareholders are making more, they're getting more work for the same pay. Take the new Harley CEO, for example. His total compensation last year was over $6 million. Harley profits were up by $150 million. How did he do it? Laid off 1800 workers and made the rest of them take a pay cut. These people are no better than crooks.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Finally heard someone talking about all the nuclear plants in Calif. today. Sure took them long enough. Maybe I'm sensitive to the subject since I lived near TMI when that disaster happened. Unlike the general American public, I know about the cancer clusters that have been showing up for the last 20 years around around the TMI area. They've tried, and mostly succeded, in hiding/hushing that up.  Obama and the "Greenies" in his admin have been pushing for more nuke plants. (It's "clean" energy) Watch what happens when the "big one" hits California.
So, what's your druthers, die of air pollution from coal fired plants or radiation from the nuke plants? Personally, I'll take my chances with the air pollution. Which, by the way, is not nearly as bad as years ago with all the scrubber technology employed today. Besides, it won't kill 100,000 people if something happens at a coal fired plant while the operators are asleep on the job, which they've been caught at multiple times at TMI and many other nuke plants.

I still say we need the "beam me up Scotty" beam :-)
Dumb Farmer

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Apparenty the terrible quake / tsunami in Japan, global warming, and the Griffis shooting are all related. They're all the fault of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. (Amazing, everything wrong with the world used to be Bush's fault)
Speaking of global warming, I'm really getting sick of it. We had frost in N. Fla. again this morning. An all time record low for 3/11. That's about the tenth all time record low this winter. This after weeks of low 80's highs and mid 50's to mid 60's lows. Had to cover my flowers and tomato plant. Darn Sarah and those nasty conservatives anyway. Ah well, it's going to be 72 by this afternoon :-)

Dumb Farmer

Thursday, March 10, 2011


OK folks, here's what you've all been waiting for: The Common Sense Test. See where you come in on the scale.

1. You are a congressperson and have before you a 1200 page bill that will cost the taxpayer $100 billion plus dollars and fundamentally change the nature of American government. What is your best course of action?

A. Have your staff and/or outside consultants analyze everything in the bill, the true costs, and the effects it will have on the country, giving you a detailed synopsis so you can make an informed decision about your vote.
B. Take the word of the President and the bill's sponsors that the country needs this and vote to pass.
C. Vote whichever way your party leaders tell you to.
D. Take off on a taxpayer funded junket to explore trade links with Timbuktu.
E. Tell your colleagues they need to pass the bill to find out what is in it.

2. You are a small time landscaper and need 6,000 lbs. of sod for a job you are doing. Your only truck is a Ford Ranger and your trailer is 3000 lbs. gross with no brakes. What do you do?

A. Have the sod company deliver it to your job site.
B. Pay a friend to haul it on his larger truck/trailer.
C. Make 2 trips.
D. Turn down the job, it's too much trouble.
E. Save money by loading it all on anyway, causing you to rear-end a car when a light turns red.

3. You are in charge of Homeland Security. How do you insure the safety of the flying public?

A. Thoroughly search every passenger who looks like a middle eastern terrorist.
B. Scan all baggage and carryons before loading and boarding the aircraft.
C. Cross your fingers and hope for the best.
D. Create a huge multi billion dollar federal bureaucracy to strip search every elderly grandmother, our military men returning from deployments on civilian aircraft, obviously American businessmen in thousand $ suits, etc.
E. Issue an advisory to every law enforcement agency in the nation telling them that "disaffected" American veterans are potential domestic terrorists.

4. You are laid off due to our current economic situation. It is putting you in a severe financial bind. How do you handle this?

A. Cut out ALL but absolutely necessary spending, including doughnuts, eating out, going out on Sat. night, etc.
B. Spend an hour cutting coupons out of the Sunday paper, then spend half a day and $20 worth of gas running to 4 different stores to save $5.50 with said coupons. Then complain you have no time do things.
C. File for WIC, housing assistance, etc. as well as your unemployment.
D. Run up your credit card charges by spending just like you did before you got laid off.

5. You are on an Interstate highway and it is snowing. You have passed 27 cars and 3 trucks in the ditches. What is your best course of action?

A. Slow down to a safe speed, which may be as slow as 30 or 40 mph, if conditions and visibility are bad enough.
B. Stop and get a room for the night.
C. Continue to drive 65 mph because you are the worlds greatest driver and all those in the ditch are idiots.
D. Go even faster because you have 4 wheel drive, all season tires, and are the worlds best driver.
E. Become #28 by doing either C or D above.

Where do YOU score on the Common Sense scale? Score 5 points for every correct answer.

1. A
2. A, B, or C
3. A plus B
4. A
5. A and/or B

25: You have more common sense than half the people in this country today.
20: Keep working at it, you're getting there.
15: Remind me to never vote for you or let you drive.
10: You are qualified to be a college professor.
5: You're headed for Congress!
0: Congratulations! You'll be our next president!

Hope ya'll got a chuckle,
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


President Obama and the rest of his flunkies think it's a good thing gas prices are nearing $4.00 per gallon. "People are changing their driving habits already" was the spokesmans comment. Ah yes, a "greener" world. And another example of just how out of touch they are with everyday working Americans. They must think everyone lives in a city and can take a bus to work. They must think everyone makes the $100/200k plus they make and can just cut a bit of nonessential (now called discretionary) spending. Wonder where they've been the last 3 years? Wonder if they're actually capable of rational thought at all? Pelosi: "we have to pass this bill in order to find out what's in it". Need I say more?

Remember, we all need to stay politically involved if we're going to fix our country.
Dumb Farmer


A lot of the American public today shares some of the same faults as our politicians. Specifically, the inability to think beyond the end of their noses. Every time the price of gas/oil spikes they start calling for the government to release oil from the strategic reserve. I wonder how many of those calling for this even realize why we have it in the first place? It's in case of war. Remember 90% of OPEC countries are Muslim? Remember 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq? Hmmm, yeah, let's release that oil that was bought at $28 per barrel so we can reduce current pump prices by 4 or 5 cents a gallon. Then we can replace it with new oil bought with taxpayer money at $100 plus. Brilliant.

Dumb Farmer

Monday, March 7, 2011


Nobel Prize winner Christian de Duve, professor emeritus at Rockefeller University, recently confirmed Common Sense and Circumstance's contention that the primary human trait is selfishness. (see post on human secularism) And he says if we don't get it under control, it will eventually destroy the planet and lead to the extinction of the human race. Says we are overrunning the planet and need to institute worldwide birth control similar to the Chinese. I agree. However, I'd like to add another stipulation to that. If you test less than 100 on the IQ scale or common sense scale, you don't get to reproduce at all. If there was a common sense test similar to the IQ test, just think how many politicians we could get rid of! (Just kidding, but it sure would help alleviate a lot of problems:-)

Food for thought,
Dumb Farmer


Our government has and continues to lie to the American people daily, however their lying about the true unemployment rate will help our economy. Let me explain:
I first became aware of this back in the late 70's and early 80's. From the 70's through the early 90's we were always in boom or bust cycles. They usually lasted about 2 years or so. Everything would be going great guns, cars, houses, products selling and the economy humming along nicely. All of a sudden you'd start seeing newspaper and TV reports that this or that economic indicator had dropped. And the reports would increase weekly. The next thing you know, we were in a recession. Why?
People read that stuff and think "oh crap, a recession is coming, I may get laid off. I better stop spending on anything that isn't an absolute necessity". Bingo, a created recession. After a couple of years all of a sudden you'd here this went up, that went up, and bingo again, a boom cycle. That's what you call self-fulfilling prophecy. And I swear it was done deliberately. Why? Because the super rich creators made a killing and became even richer. How's that? They'd buy real estate, stocks, and businesses when the prices were down, sell when they went back up.

So, back to today. The government is fudging unemployment figures. The latest for Feb. says down .1 % to 8.9 seasonally adjusted. A lot of economists say the true figure is somewhere between 16.7 and 22% when you count those who have taken part time jobs because they can't find a full time job, and those who have become so discouraged and depressed they've quit looking. But I say this is one government lie that may benefit us in the short term, albeit not like the old days. This one has hit so deep and for so long people are out of resources. They've spent their savings just to survive. But watch for more encouraging reports, a little bit at a time, in the future. Eventually it will help.

Keep informed,
Dumb Farmer


It appears we have learned nothing since 1983 when we lost 241 men in the Beirut barracks bombing. Here's something you probably won't read about anywhere, because they don't want it known: Although our Marines were guarding the airport in the midst of a violent civil war, and having recieved many threats to get out or else, the sentries were NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE AMMO FOR THEIR WEAPONS. That is a firsthand account from my brother-in-law, who was there.

Now, 28 years later, we find Homeland Security/ICE/Border Patrol following the same idiotic thinking. Our Border Patrol agents are armed with non-lethal rubber bullets facing drug runners with semi and fully automatic weapons. Yep, we wouldn't want to hurt anyone, now would we? Ask other Border Patrol agents how they feel about that, after just losing one of their own recently. Not only that, but two of the weapons recovered after that fiasco were from THOUSANDS the BATF knowingly ALLOWED to be sold to Mexican gun runners. Now go figure that one out.

How do these total morons get in the positions they're in????

You can't fix stupid, but we can get rid of them,
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Got a 2nd personal look at our current welfare state the other day. Happened to get in line behind a couple of beneficiaries of our government largess at the grocery store. Man: 400 lbs. Woman: 300 lbs or more. 2 way overweight kids. Groceries separated into 5 different piles. Woman fills out some kind of voucher for each of 4 of the piles. All of which has me standing in line for at least 15 minutes. A couple of weeks ago the same thing had happened to me at a different store, and the people were just like this couple: extremely obese.

As I've said before "America is the only country in the world where the poor are fat". I don't wish to see anyone starve, but this is ridiculous. Those two families are eating enough to feed a dozen adults. And we are paying for it. And I'd bet we're paying their rent and medical care also. Oh, yeah, that's right, they're disabled. Disabled because they're too fat to do any work. Somehow they manage to procreate though.

We CAN fix this, stay politically involved.
Dumb Farmer



This latest round of price hikes on gas and diesel fuel is outright robbery. Just a few days after the trouble started in Egypt, pump prices here started rising. And as you no doubt know, have continued to jump almost daily. Here's the truth: The oil bought on the market today won't be to our pumps until the middle of April. The gas you're buying at outrageous prices now was bought at the much lower prices of 1 1/2 to 2 months ago. Is it any wonder Exxon is making $30 billion a quarter? How long are we going to put up with this? Until we can't afford to drive to our $8.00 an hour jobs that are about all that's available today? Until we are all as dirt poor as those starving people in African countries?

You know why the government won't do anything about this price gouging. Because the oil companies own way too many congressmen and senators. See previous post about public financing of elections to solve this problem.

Meanwhile, my advice is buy stock in energy companies.

Hang in there, 2012 elections are coming,
Dumb Farmer