"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Good morning friends! I hope you have all come through the storm safely!

This post is way off topic, but I want to share it with as many people as I can. It's a minor little story about the power of nature, the power and goodness of God, minor miracles, and a hurricane.

A bit of background first. Those who know me know that I am certainly not what people think of when they think about "Christians". I smoke, swear, and drink. And I too, have had my fill of "holier than thou" Christians, the "if you don't believe this way", "if you don't believe that way", "if you don't do this or do that, you're going to Hell"  people. In fact, I was an atheist until I was around 28 or 29 years old. On the surface, the whole "God / Bible" story is pretty unbelievable to a questioning mind. Especially when you've seen a lot of "how could a good God allow such terrible things to happen" stuff.  To make a really long story short, let's just say I questioned, I looked, and I had my eyes opened. The one thing many mainstream churches and Christians forget is that when the disciples asked Jesus to describe the Father, He gave them a three word answer. He didn't say He's a jealous God, a vindictive God, a judgmental God. He said "God is Love".

Ok, ok, I know ya'll are waiting to see how Quantum Mechanics ties in to Sandy and God :-)
Quantum physics (the basics of which have been proven in the laboratory) says that if we believed with every atom in our body that we could walk through a brick wall, we could do it. It IS physically possible. 2000 years ago Jesus told us over and over all we have to do is believe, and our prayers will be answered. He walked on water, turned water to wine, raised people from the dead. Faith is THE key to everything. And I have learned to pray God's Word. What He says in the Bible, He will not fail to do. So I pray for His hedge of protection around me. I pray that He sends angels to watch over me. And He never fails me. 

Yeah, yeah, you Dumb Farmer, we want to hear about the storm! You all know the forecasts, largest / meanest storm ever recorded. 60 to 80 mph winds a thousand miles from the eye, etc. And I had a 250 mile trip home from northwest Pa. with an empty trailer. I've seen empty trailers blown over, even loaded trucks blown over from the Santa Ana's in Calif. Seen pictures of loaded trucks blown over while sitting still. Needless to say, I wasn't looking forward to that trip, but I'd told the man Friday that I'd run for him, so run it I did. Well, the wind changed directions, and was a direct tailwind for the longest leg of the journey, I couldn't even tell it was blowing except for seeing the trees. When I turned south, it changed again-tailwind. Got buffeted a little bit from just north of Harrisburg to Elizabethtown, but not nearly as bad as some thunderstorms I've been in. Of course, that COULD have just been coincidence.
 Heard on the radio on the way home in the car that over 4k homes were without electric in Perry county already. I am a full time RV'er. I live in a fifth wheel camper. You know mobile homes and campers are the first to go in hurricanes and tornadoes. As I came up the driveway, I envisioned an angel sitting on the roof of my camper. No, I didn't say I SAW an angel, I just thought it in my mind. Had to walk bent over to get from the car to the camper the wind was blowing so hard. I was expecting to get rocked all night, as has happened in many thunderstorms. As I sit here, I swear this is true - that camper never moved all night. I could hear the wind howling, when I went out for a smoke I could hardly stand up, but this camper was as solid as a rock!  I didn't feel a thing. No movement. And the electric never went off for more than a second or so, then came right back on. The wind is still gusting 30-40 mph here on this ridgetop this morning, and I don't feel a thing. Yep, COULD have just been the direction the wind was blowing. You will form your own opinion, but I know.

Thank you Lord! I hope you all have come through this as well as I have, and I have prayed for all those less fortunate.

Dumb Farmer

Friday, October 26, 2012


Finally, finally, the truth of the fiasco in Libya is starting to come out in the mainstream news. All of the things being reported on radio news today have been known for several weeks, why has it taken them so long to report the WHOLE truth? Or are MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of them reporting it even now? Or still trying to hide the facts until after the election????

In case you've been well insulated from the world, here's a quick rundown. Ambassador Stevens AND the security chief had been reporting the deteriorating situation and requesting increased forces for months before the attack. What was the administrations response? They PULLED OUT a security detachment that had been assigned to the embassy, over the strident protestations of the head of that detachment (a 20 plus year Special Forces colonel). The very day of the attack, Stevens had cabled another request detailing the need for more boots on the ground.

Now that's not the worst of it folks. If any of you reading this are vets, or have a family member or friend in the service, you're going to have steam coming out your ears when you hear this:
The former Seals serving as embassy security people were DENIED any support during the attack 3 times! We had air assets available that could have been on scene within 30 minutes of the first call for help. DENIED. We had Hellfire armed drones that could have been on site in less than 30 minutes. DENIED. We had boots on the ground that could have been there within an hour. DENIED.

This is not the first time, people. The current ROE in Afghanistan denies artillery and air support to our guys if it's needed anywhere near buildings where a civilian MIGHT be killed. The politically correct bastards in Washington have decided to sacrifice our troops to avoid affronting anyone.
For more on that story, please see:


and : http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-american-weapons-suicide-soldiers.html

One thing that every American Soldier and Marine has drilled into him is : You DON'T leave ANYONE  on the battlefield. You DO NOT EVER, ever, leave a wounded buddy. You don't leave his body. Everyone comes home, one way or another.

So now they try and put the spin on it. We didn't know what was happening, we didn't have enough intel. BULLSHIT, they were watching satellite and drone video in the White House situation room. 

I am so angry at these scum in D.C. I can hardly write this. ANYONE involved in the decision to deny support should be tried for treason, and EXECUTED by firing squad!!!

Dumb Mad Farmer

Saturday, October 6, 2012


One month till the election. In one month, the most critical point in the 236 year history of the United States of America since the Civil War is going to take place. As I've said before, this election will determine if we continue to exist as the most successful free society in the history of the world, or go down in the flames of bankruptcy.

For my longtime readers, I apologize for the repetition but because this election is so important, I am going to repeat some salient points.

1.  We are 16 trillion dollars in debt already. Obama and the Democrats have added 1.2 to 1.4 trillion to the deficit each year for the past 4 years. U.S. debt instruments (treasury bonds) have been downgraded once already. This debt is the simple and unavoidable result of socialist programs starting with Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society", that have continually expanded year after year.

2. Socialism / Communism does not work. It hasn't worked anywhere in the world it has been tried. It didn't work in the USSR, doesn't work in Cuba, didn't work in China until they opened up to private enterprise, and look at them now. It drives countries into bankruptcy. Guess what? When that happens, we are ALL poor as dirt. The U.S. dollar will be next to worthless. Want to pay $20 for a loaf of bread? It's not far off if we don't immediately get government spending under control.

see:  http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2011/12/how-bad-is-economy-and-will-america.html

3. Obama was raised by American Communist Party members. (Do the research yourself -google Obama and Frank Marshall) He promised to "fundamentally change America". Can it be any clearer than that? He has no intention of doing anything about the deficit, that's part of the plan. Drive the country into defaulting on it's loans, and the government will have to take over everything.

No, I don't think Romney was the best choice the Republicans could have made, but ANYONE who is not a communist is a better choice. It is going to take bitter medicine to fix the situation we've put ourselves into. Why? Because we're going to have to change the "welfare mentality" we've created in a very sizable portion of the population. The idea that it's the governments job to feed, clothe, house, and provide free medical care.

We need people in Washington who are willing to make the difficult choices needed. People who are more concerned with the welfare of their country than increasing their own wealth and power. The Senate and House races are just as important as the Presidential election. Please, please, research your choices and vote wisely.

see:  http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2012/02/budget-prepare-for-riots-in-our-streets.html

Dumb Farmer.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Voter ID laws have been at the forefront of the news again, especially here in Pennsylvania, where a judge has just delayed implementation until after the election. Ok, put away your emotions and preconceived opinions smuggled into your head by the news media, and lets examine the facts.

1. The Constitution grants the right to vote to legal CITIZENS of this country. That's correct, citizens only. Citizen does not mean resident. There are legal and illegal residents of this country that are NOT legally allowed to vote.

2. The specificity in the Constitution therefore imposes a duty to insure that only citizens vote.

3. One argument put forward by those opposed to voter ID laws is that there is no voting fraud now, so such laws are superfluous. Hmmm, recall the Minnesota Senatorial race in the last election where Al Franken was declared the winner, after a recount, by less than 300 votes? And over a year later, when an official investigation revealed over 3k votes by dead people and convicted felons, a judge ruled it was too late to change since Franken had already been sworn in and serving for a year. Al Franken was one of the pivotal votes that passed Obamacare.

4. Opponents argue ID laws would disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of legal voters. Really? How many people do YOU know who have absolutely no way of identifying themselves? The only group I can think of OTHER THAN ILLEGAL ALIENS who might have a sizable number of those would be the Amish, and I suspect the majority of them have some means of identification.

5. You have to prove you are who you say you are to obtain driver's licenses, get loans, fly on an airplane, even open a checking or savings account at a bank. If you are detained by the police for anything, and can't show identification, your going in the tank until they identify you.

So I ask you, why would ANYONE be opposed to voter ID laws? Obviously for the same reason they have refused to do anything serious about the Mexican border problem. Because the Democrats want the illegals here and they want them voting, because they'll vote Democratic, because that's where all their assistance money comes from.

And speaking of illegal aliens, according to 2010 study, they cost the U.S. taxpayer a staggering $113 billion dollars per year. That's $1,117 PER citizen household! 30% of federal prison inmates are illegal aliens, and they're not in there because their illegal aliens, they're in because they committed serious felonies.

I know several of my friends are staunch Democrats, and I invite ANYONE to present rebuttal via the comments.

Dumb Farmer