"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


As I feared, even the Republicans in Congress still haven't gotten the message. Republican leaders in Congress refused to include newly elected members in their backroom negotiations and compromise with Obama about extending the Bush tax cuts.

This is just the beginning. Have you seen the recommendations of the deficit reduction "task force"? How about a national sales tax of 6.5% for starters? In fact, 15% would be fine if they'd do away with the income tax and the IRS, but of course that's not in the plan. What I've seen about details of the plan entails cutting the military budgets, keeping department budgets from increasing year to year, freezing most federal employees pay for 2 years, and minor cuts to various programs, none of which are social giveaway programs. That's right, we'll still be buying cellphones for welfare recipients (so they can conduct their drug dealing business), giving $2000 to people in work retraining programs to buy cars, etc. etc. So, bottom line: we'll cut a few billion in spending, (remember the deficit is nearing 14 trillion) and get the rest from increased taxes.
Oh, surprise surprise, Congress is exempt from the pay freeze.

Don't give up, our work is not done yet. We got a good start in the past election, but 2012 will be even more important. Knowing how short term the memory of most voters is, we need to keep up the dialogue, keep striving to educate family and friends.

God bless,
Dumb Farmer


For the past 20 to 25 years, our educational system has been controlled by leftist liberals. Our teachers have all been submersed and indoctrinated in socialism and political correctness by our colleges and universities, and therefore pass it on to their students.

I recently had a personal example of just what they've done. I had a long interesting conversation with a very bright University of Florida grad student. I was totally flabbergasted by how thoroughly he had been brainwashed. Here are some of the things he truly believed:

People who watch Fox News and listen to talk radio are morons.
Republicans, and Tea Party people in particular, are cold hearted bastards who would enjoy watching people starve to death.
09/11/01 was perpetrated by Bush and Cheney.
Health care is a right of every person in this country, citizen or not.

Folks, I kid you not, he sincerely believed all those things, and this is a young man who obviously was very intelligent. If I were to guess at his IQ, I'd say in the 120 to 140 range.

The only argument I tried that had any effect on his liberal viewpoint was this:
There are only two "unalienable" rights any human being has.

1. The right to believe or not believe in God. (Otherwise known as "free will", granted by God Himself.)
2. The right to die.
Every other "right" that you have as an American citizen has been bought and paid for with the BLOOD of patriots, and the grief of their loved ones left behind. Despite what you may think, you do NOT have the RIGHT to be fed, clothed, housed, and given free health care and education because you happened to be lucky enough to be born in this country.

Maybe, just maybe, I got him to put that wonderful intellect to work reexamining his core beliefs. I pray that is so.

God bless you my friends,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, November 5, 2010


I know I just said ya'll could relax for a bit, however it seems they still don't get "it" in Washington. Republican leadership in the House is already campaigning against Tea Party backed Rep. Michelle Bachman being given an influential leadership position. They say she's to "extreme". I doubt there was a single Republican candidate that won without some benefit of the Tea Party getting people motivated to go out and vote.

So, I'm going to ask for just a little bit more of your time. Write one more letter and send it to all your elected representatives. Tell them it's a shame they can't figure it out for themselves, but "we the people" are sick and tired of "politics as usual" meaning selling votes for campaign contributions, back door dealing, deficit spending, more and more government control of our lives, and putting their personal ambitions ahead of the good of the country. Tell them if they don't get it by 2012, they'll be out on their asses too.

Which is why I'd like to remind you about GOOOH again. There wasn't enough time or money donated to get their program up and running for this election, but they are definitely planning to field a slate of candidates in 2012. People who've never been politicians before. Working people like us.

Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Good morning friends,

The 2010 midterm elections are now history. Despite losses in 2 closely watched races, Nevada and Delaware, it appears the Tea Party had a huge impact. Overall, Republicans, Tea Party backed or not, trounced socialism soundly. Now we'll get to see if the Republican leadership got the message.


Keep in mind we probably won't see much in the way of changes until the new Congress is sworn in in January. And a lot will depend on how many Americans STAY INVOLVED in the political process. It's not quite time to relax yet. We ALL need to write at least one more letter to send to our senators and representatives. Tell them we are sick of all these things and we EXPECT them to start FIXING the problems. Only then can you take a breather till the '12 elections roll around.

To all of you who voted (hopefully everyone who reads this): THANK YOU!

God bless America,
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


New deficit solution #1: The STUPID fine.
New deficit solution #2: The ASSHOLE tax.

How it works: Every time you get caught doing something totally stupid, you pay a fine of 10% of your last years tax liability. Every time you get caught acting like a total jerk, you pay 10% of last years taxes.

Example #1: You are driving on the interstate and ignore 10 signs in 2 miles telling you the left lane is closed ahead because you just HAVE to get in front of as many other vehicles as you can before you get stopped in the traffic jam. I mean, after all, you DESERVE to be ahead of all the other vehicles, YOU'RE in a hurry. This is YOUR highway. How dare you people get in MY way? If you manage to force your way in without causing an accident, you get the asshole tax assessed. If you hit the cones, signs, or barrier because the people at the head of the line have had their fill of assholes like you and wouldn't let you over at the last second, you get the stupid tax assessed. If you cause an accident involving another vehicle, you are slapped with both fines, therefore becoming an official STUPID ASSHOLE and costing yourself 20% of last years federal income tax liability on top of the normal state fines for reckless driving etc. Said asshole earned $50,000 and paid $10,000 in fed income tax last year, making his contribution to deficit reduction $2,000.

Example #2: Congressman so-and-so states we can't base any more troops on Guam or Okinawa because the extra weight of men and equipment may cause the island to tip over and sink. Yep, that's right, one of our brilliant Congressmen actually said this at a House hearing!
Unfortunately I can't remember his name or state. Hmm, wonder if he can even remember his own name? Anyway, I digress. Said Congressperson earned $238,000 last year and paid $500 in fed income tax. Wait a minute, the first asshole made 50k and paid 10k in taxes, how did the Congressman only pay $500??? Ah well, it won't matter in the long run, even though the Congressman's fine is only $50, anyone that stupid will be paying that 50 bucks several times every day.

You ask how to enforce such taxes? Obama will appoint a "czar" to create another trillion $ federal agency to watch and listen to you via satellite 24/7.

VOTE Nov. 2!
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello friends,

Election day is 2 weeks away. Make no mistake about it, we are at the most critical juncture in American history since the civil war. This election will determine whether our country remains a bastain of freedom or goes down the European socialist path to destruction. Obama has instituted the first massive grab of power this country has ever seen. Our government has taken over control of the auto, banking, and healthcare industries, and Obama has put unelected "czars" in charge, who answer not to Congress, but only to him. Runaway government deficit spending is threatening to collapse our currency. How soon are you ready to pay $10.00 for a loaf of bread, $20 for a gallon of gas???? Think this can't happen almost overnight? The dollar has already lost 1/3 of it's exchange value against foreign currencies in the last 10 years. The U.S. government has been FORMALLY warned by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the G8, that it MUST cut government spending or risk bankruptcy. That's right, we are tottering on the verge of insolvency RIGHT NOW.

We, the American people, control our destiny. Once again I ask you all to please do your part. Educate yourself on your local candidates and go vote.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hello friends,

As I have said before, we are in the most critical time in American history since the civil war.
Less than 1 month till we find out if we will save our country or become the United Socialist States of America. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE accept your responsibility as an American citizen to vote. You can bet your last $ the Democrats will be sending busses around all the "hoods" and "casas" to give rides to the polling places. (And probably offering free lunches too.) Tell your co-workers. Educate your families. Offer your elderly neighbor a ride to the polls.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem,
Dumb Farmer


Who are the bigger crooks, politicians or businessmen? I'd say it's a tossup. Both are DIRECTLY responsible for our current economic straits.
Remember a few years ago when Hershey Foods (Candy) built a new plant in Mexico and put hundreds of Central Pennsylvania workers out of jobs? The CEO of Hershey was Richard Lenny. Lenny was also on the board of trustees for Milton Hershey School, a $7.5 billion charity founded by Milton Hershey to provide a high quality education to orphaned children. The charter of this foundation specifically states that NO funds are to be used for ANY other purposes.
It has recently been revealed that the Milton Hershey Trust board voted to pay $12 million for a golf course valued at less than $4 million adjoining school property. Said golf course was going bankrupt. Guess who was an investor in the course? Yeah, Lenny. That was real hard to figure out, wasn't it? Lenny, whose total compensation reward for putting Americans out of jobs his last year before retiring (2007) was $11.3 million.
As I have said before, the scum running American corporations today are no better than the politicians. The only thing they think about is how much they can put in their own pockets. They could care less if the whole country collapses in the next ten years as long as they are getting rich beyond our wildest dreams.

My friends, we, the American public, are also owners of these companies. If you have a 401k or an IRA, you are in the stock market. Just like politics, it's time to let these bastards know "we're mad and we're not going to take it any more." I know it's hard for most of you to find 5 minutes to do something you really like doing, let alone spend an hour writing letters. But let me remind you "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Just like the political situation, if we don't fix this stuff now, America as we know it will be gone within our lifetimes.

In Liberty,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, October 1, 2010


I'd like to apply for the now vacant house cleaning position at Meg Whitman's place. $23 per hour for a maid. Wow. I definitely give her credit though for treating her employees generously, unlike most employers nowadays, who expect you to do the work of 2 people for the wages of 3/4 of a person. Good for you Meg, you sound like a decent human being to me.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story, she's the Republican candidate for governor of California. The one the man hating, socialist, feminazi attorny Gloria Allred is trying to crucify over having an illegal alien housekeeper. Said housekeeper worked for Whitman for 9 years until Whitman found out she was an illegal.

I'm sure having to fire her created conflict for Whitman, she obviously must have liked the woman or she wouldn't have kept her 9 years and paid her that much. However, she knew she had to do it because of being in politics.

Allred (a Jerry Brown campaign contributor) and the housekeeper have produced a copy of a letter from the Social Security Admin. back in '03 telling Whitman that the social security number she had submitted payroll taxes for did not match the name. (Did you get that: Whitman was witholding taxes from this woman's pay, not paying her under the table!) Of course they're claiming Whitman knew all these years. Whitman says she never about anything of the sort. Having seen Whitman's denial, and considering the above mentioned withholding of taxes, and her offer to take a lie detector test; I have to believe Whitman.

It's another political hatchet job. This one just might backfire on Allred and the Dems. Latino voters may take note of the wages Whitman was paying and figure she must be a pretty decent human being, worth their vote.

Stand up for Right,
Dumb Farmer

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Hello friends,

A new example of trickle down economic theory: A $4.4 million pet hotel just opened in Ft. Worth, Tx. $200 a night to board your pet in his/her very own luxury room with maid service.
Here's how the trickle down works: Mr. oil company executive rips off every American, indeed the country, since one reason we are in these economic straights is the high price of energy. (Exxon Mobil: $32 billion PROFIT in 1 quarter) Doctor so and so rips you off so he can make $250 to $400 thousand a year. Mr. car dealer really shoves it to you so he can make $500 thousand a year. Mr. hardware store owner charges you $4.00 for a 30 cent part so he can make $200 grand a year. And on and on. So they can throw away $200 a night to board Rover.

Oh well, they gave 25 construction workers jobs for a year. And a dozen minimum wage workers (probably illegal immigrants) permanent jobs. And I'm sure they have a groomer ($20,000 a year) on staff and a veterinarian on call.

What's wrong with this picture? Outright GREED! What has happened to ethics in this country? Oh, that's right, we kicked Him out of our government, schools, town square, and now they're trying to kick Him out of our private lives too. What happened to business owners who measured their success not by how much money they made, but by how many families they supported through the jobs they created?

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against making money, but how much is enough? How big a house do you really need for you, your wife, and your one child? How big a boat is big enough?

Pray for our country,
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, September 23, 2010


You'd have to be wearing fisherman's waders to stay above the political B.S. today. First, Obama addresses the U.N. general assembly. Over half his speech concerned American domestic problems. What in the h*** makes him think that the representatives of Uganda or Indonesia, or Bolivia, or anywhere else give one hoot about our problems??? The other half addressed the Islamic terrorism problem and the Mideast peace process.
A wonderful speech, but with the typical idealists problem. They don't live in the real world.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of the things the idealists espouse are where the human race needs to go if we are to survive the next thousand years without annihilating ourselves or poisoning our planet to where no life can live on it. The problem at this point in time is that humanity as a whole is not advanced beyond the point of individual self - interest. Granted, if the race is to survive long term, it will take visionary leaders to push the agenda. Unfortunately, Obama is about 20 generations ahead of his time, and he doesn't understand that or the raw savagery humans still embrace in many parts of the world. He needs to watch the videos of the terrorists beheading their captives. These people aren't even in the 20th century, let alone the 21st.

And then, the Republicans big press conference about their "Promise to America". What a typical farce. Orchestrated to make them appear like ordinary middle class citizens, dressed in casual clothes, no ties etc. Half the speech was spent blaming the Democrats for everything, the rest general promises with not many details about how they plan on accomplishing their agenda. Example: We promise to fix the unemployment situation. OK, wonderful. But HOW??? Cut government spending. But WHERE??? They did promise to repeal the health care bill if they get control of Congress, but most of the stuff was sorely lacking any concrete solutions.
As usual, their real agenda is just to stay in power. No current mainstream politicians are putting forward a true plan to save America. It would cost them campaign contributions from the special interests that now pull the strings and therefore have the real power and control.

Lord, help us all,
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Howdy folks,

The big debate in DC now is whether to let the Bush tax cuts expire, keep the ones for the middle class and let the ones for earners over 250k per year expire, or let them all expire.
What a perfect example of just how out of touch they are. I don't even KNOW personally anyone who makes over 250k per year, do you? They think that's the poverty level.

Of course the real solution is the "Fair Tax" first proposed by Mike Huckabee. In case you're not familiar with this, basically it's a federal sales tax. ALL other federal income taxes will be done away with. The IRS and all the expense that entails is eliminated. It's perfectly progressive in that the more you earn, the more you spend, therefore the more tax you pay. Simple, perfect, no loopholes for the rich. Of course that last is why our current politicians will never implement it. There is a fair tax petition you can sign, just google "fair tax".

Don't give up the ship, keep fighting.
Dumb Farmer


Hello Karl,
Amazing. Seems like more Democrats are getting the message (they KNOW they're not getting reelected on Osama and Pigosi's platform) and starting to see the light than you establishment Republicans. Witness your beating up on the Tea Party backed woman who won Delaware's GOP primary. You refuse to understand that we're sick of ALL of your self-serving BS and ALL career politicians. You sir, have a tremendous amount of power within the Republican Party. If you don't want to see you and your party become irrelevant in the near future, you'd better start to understand where we're coming from. CLEAN UP YOUR OWN HOUSE. We're sick of career crooks running our government. We're sick of Republicans cutting taxes but not cutting SPENDING because your afraid you'll lose the votes of those who suck at the government teat.
Learn now, Mr. Rove, because if things continue the way they're going, you will see the USA collapse upon itself IN YOUR LIFETIME.

Dumb Farmer

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello friends!

Sorry I've not been keeping up with the political commentary. I've actually found out I'm a lot happier when I'm not reading/watching/listening to the news :-) However, I am not going to abdicate my responsibility as an American citizen in favor of sticking my head in the sand. Unfortunately, a lot of that is part of what's gotten us in the shape we're in now.
Speaking of citizen duties, I did vote in Florida's primary last week. Sent my message, I didn't vote for either of the crooks running for governor, voted for the 3rd guy. The one crook won anyway, but at least he was a corporate crook, unlike the other one who's been a political crook for 25 years.

On to the good stuff: The news this morning has me so p.o.'d again, I just had to blog.


What's more important: What the world thinks about the US or the US collapsing upon itself from a mountain of debt? Who gets the power in the next election, or keeping the US from becoming a third world country?
As I have said before, the goal of this blog is threefold. One, to open peoples eyes to what is happening to our country, and two, to get them to do something about it. Like vote, for example. And third, to propose real world, common sense fixes for these problems.
What some seem to see as extremely complex problems can really be fixed quite easily if you're not worried about where the money will come from for your next election fund, or what France will think about it, or how the government handout receipients will vote.


Two related problems that can be mostly fixed by the same measures. Earlier on this blog I proposed imposing high tarrifs on all imported goods. I'm going to modify that.
First, impose huge taxes increases on every corporation that has closed American plants and moved jobs overseas. This could be based on the number of jobs each company has cost the American economy. Including Wal-mart, who doesn't actually manufacture anything itself, but imports a trillion $ worth of goods every year.
Second, give tax credits for every job corporations bring back into this country.
Yeah, this will hurt for a short while, because our greedy businesses will just try to pass the cost on to the consumer. That will drive sales way down because we won't be able to afford the jacked up prices. HOWEVER, in the long run companies will be forced to trim their CEO's, presidents, 50 vice presidents etc. outrageous salaries and bring prices back down or they'll go bankrupt. Meanwhile, the increased tax revenue will be reducing the deficit.
Speaking of outrageous salaries, you all have heard the story of Bell, Ca. paying their city manager 762k, the police chief 400+k and the part-time city councilmen 100k per year, right?
This is exactly what American corporations have done. Only instead of the taxpayers of one city, they've done it to every American consumer. Salaries are set by the Boards of Directors. The boards are made up of chairmen and CEO's of other corporations. Interlocking, it's called. When the Mafia does it it's called racketeering, and it's against the law!
Next, you tax hell out of the personal incomes of those company officers. If you make 1 million a year you can afford to pay 40% in taxes. If you make 100 mil a year, like some of them do, you can afford a 75% tax rate. NO LOOPHOLES! More deficit reduction.

Now I know some of you are going to strongly disagree with me on this. What's the Democrats answer? More direct government control of private business. Actually telling corporations how much they can pay their officers. That, my friends, is outright socialism and not the answer unless you want the gubmint controlling every facet of your individual lives eventually. Including taking your guns away so you can't protect yourself from your government.

God bless and keep fighting,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, February 26, 2010

Pelosi's backyard BBQ

Hello friends,
Sorry I've been absent for so long. After 6 months of looking, I'm finally working again. Cuts drastically into the time available for research and writing.

At Osama's (darn, there I go again, I mean Obama's) health care press op (oop's - summit) yesterday, Nancy Pigosi (oop's, Pelosi) said "We hear what Americans are saying around the picnic tables and backyard BBQ's". Hmmm, wonder how much a catered backyard BBQ at Pigosi's costs? Ah, who cares, just one of her and her husbands financial holdings is $17 million in StarKist Tuna stock. Which of course has received favored treatment from the federal gubmint.
As I have said before, these people really don't have a clue what it's like for the average American, to live paycheck to paycheck, watching your standard of living decline year after year.
Why isn't the dollar worth what it used to be? One major cause is runaway gubmint spending causing inflation at a time when you can't get a raise that even matches the cost of living increase.

If you haven't done it yet, please check out gooh.com. It's the best chance we have for saving our country.

God bless,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, February 5, 2010


The ROE in A'ghan makes ME want to fly a jet into the Pentagon. I want to see the Generals and Congressmen IN THE FIELD operating under their own idiotic rules. These people don't have a clue.

In case you haven't heard the details, not only are the guys not allowed air support any more, they cannot fire back if there are any civilians around anywhere, even when under attack. What do you think the Taliban are doing? Right, using women and children as shields. This is costing the lives of our men DAILY. Needless to say, the morale of our men has plummeted to the basement. Somehow I doubt they signed up to be target practice for brainwashed Islamic fanatics.

The same idiocy that has overtaken our government is rampant throughout our military services today. And the same power craving politics as our elected officials is epidemic in the military. Which is exactly why bin Laden escaped Tora Bora. The stinking Generals were constantly fighting over who was going to control what and who was going to get the glory. Result: No one person had all the intel and knew exactly what was going on. Believe me, the deal at Tora Bora was a classic cluster****. Read "Kill bin Laden : the battle of Tora Bora" by Dalton Fury, the Delta Force commander on the scene. It's a real eye opener as to what's going on in the services today.

Pray for our troops,
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The North Carolina education dept. is proposing a revision of the history curricula for high school students. Sitting down? American history courses will start in the 1850's with President James Buchanan. That's right, we wouldn't want our kids to know anything about the principles this country was founded on. They might actually realize how the gubmint is usurping their freedoms and vote the socialists out.
In the 30's, Hitler wrote "win the children's minds and you will win the country". Folks, if we don't get rid of these liberal socialists running our educational system WE ARE GOING TO LOSE OUR COUNTRY.

God Bless,
Dumb Farmer

Monday, February 1, 2010


President Osama (Oops, there I go again, I mean Obama) presented his budget proposal to Congress today. 3.8 Trillion in spending, 1.6 trillion of which is going to be added to the deficit.
Yes, that's right, 1.6 trillion with a T added to the national debt in 1, yes one, year. And his proposed spending cuts? Most of them are not cuts, just freezing funding at current levels, eliminating the normal year to year increases. Of course Nancy Pelosi is proposing a few real cuts. Where? The Pentagon. Of course, don't cut one cent from all the socialist giveaway programs, let's destroy our ability to defend ourselves.
Don't get me wrong, there are billions wasted by the Pentagon that could be saved by throwing the fat, lazy bureaucrats out on their arses and putting some real business people in there. But that's not what she's proposing.
Unless you want to be paying $10.00 for a loaf of bread and gallon of gas, WRITE YOUR CONGRESS PEOPLE. Swamp them with emails! Tell them exactly how you feel.

God Bless,
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The real state of our Union is P-POOR. Let's see:

1. Socialists/Communists in control of both houses of Congress and the White House.
2. Same in control of our courts.
3. Same in control of our educational system.
4. Same in control of most gubmint bureaucracies.
5. True unemployment rate of 17.5%.
6. Federal debt so large our great great great great grandchildren will still be paying for it.

Yes, there have been some encouraging developments lately (Socialists being defeated in Virginia, New Jersey, and Mass., 4 or 5 Dems announcing they won't run for reelection because they know they'll lose, etc.) BUT! Don't think when the Republicans get in the graft and corruption is going to be much better. It will be politics as usual, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

Lets REALLY fix it!!! Join GOOOH (see the link above)

Have a blessed day,
Dumb Farmer

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Sitting down?

1/2 to 1/3 of the 3rd graders in the state of Indiana cannot read well enough to be passed on to the 4th grade. What solutions do the brilliant PHD's running the Indiana school systems propose?
#1. Pass them anyway, it hurts their self esteem to flunk, and statistics show a much greater percentage of kids who fail a grade do not graduate from high school.
#2. More money for preschools.
#3. More money for better teacher training.

Lets address their solutions one by one:
#1. What GOOD is a high school diploma if the graduate cannot read, write, spell, knows nothing about US history or geography, let alone world history and geography?
That diploma tells a prospective employer NOTHING about the candidates ABILITY to do the required job.
#2. We are already pumping a trillion $ a year into government funded preschool programs. Apparently they are not doing a very good job. (Gee, that's a surprise)
#3. Maybe we should ask what's wrong with our teaching colleges that their graduates don't have a clue how to teach???

And just maybe, we should abandon the new methods of teaching reading that were authored by said brilliant PHD's (With absolutely no COMMON SENSE) and go back to PHONICS, which actually works.

I am about to tell you the two TRUE root causes of 90% of the problems in our school systems. With all the reading, watching, listening I've done over the years, I have NEVER seen a TV pundit, columnist, or talk show host or especially politician, admit this.

The job of a parent is not to be your child's best friend. THE JOB OF A PARENT IS TO RAISE YOUR CHILDREN IN SUCH A WAY THAT THEY CAN FUNCTION SUCCESSFULLY IN SOCIETY by the time they become adults. Included in that definition is having respect for others, respect for the law, self reliance, self discipline, morals, ethics, and accepting responsibility for their own actions. (Hint: the Bible is a great teaching guide) Lack of discipline in the schools is just a mirror of lack of discipline at home.
Today's parents are not spending any time teaching their children anything. They don't even teach them to eat properly, hence the epidemic of childhood diabetes and obesity. They leave it to the TV set, video games, and the schools.


Ever try to figure something out with the "new math"? It's insane.
Tried to teach your child to read using the "new method"? Again, stupid! See above results of this. What we need to do is throw out every textbook except Science printed in the last 25 years and go back to the old books, WHICH WORKED!!!
AND quite spending valuable class time teaching 5th graders how to put a condom on, how to practice homosexuality, and that the world owes them a living because they happened to be born.

I hate to keep harping at ya'll, but we can gripe to each other about all these insanities till the cows come home and nothing will change. We've got to get off the couch and let our government representatives know how we feel.

Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, January 22, 2010


It's taken them a lot longer than I thought it would, they were too busy with the bailout and health care, but they're finally getting around to it. But the sly buggers are going to try and slip it in under the radar. Our "one-world government" administration is enthusiasticly backing the proposed UN gun control treaty. This George Soros backed UN measure has been in the works for many years. If the US ratifies this, Congress won't have to enact any direct gun control legislation, thinking they will spare themselves the wrath of the voters. Under the guise of preventing international military arms trade, hidden in the fine print, THIS TREATY WILL OUTLAW PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF GUNS IN EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

If you are a student of history, you already know the major reason why our founding fathers specifically put gun ownership in our Constitution was so WE THE PEOPLE would be able to prevent tyranny by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT!!! No surprise the Socialists are so anti-gun, is it?

Since Congress will have to vote to ratify this treaty, it is critical to let your representatives know how you feel on this issue. If we're lazy, sit back and think others will take care of this problem, then you have no one to blame but yourself when the Storm Troopers knock on your door. Think it can't happen? It's already happend in England and most other European countries, Canada, and they're trying to get it done in Australia if they haven't succeded already.

Write, write, write,
Dumb Farmer


My appologies to any who haven't seen the youtube video on the health care bill. I fixed the link this morning. By the way, don't think this is over yet because of Brown's victory in Mass.
You can bet the Commies will be scrambling to find a way to get it done anyway.

Have a GREAT day,
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, January 21, 2010


This gets kind of long but worth it just for the picture of Sarah, who is hot, hot, hot:-) as well as our kind of down to earth conservative. Just kidding, read what she herself has to say about Scott Brown's victory in Mass.


God Bless and "keep on keepin on",
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Received replies from my elected officials about the health care bill. Predictably, both the Republican Senator and Representative voted against the bill and the Democratic Senator voted for it.

Don't these Democrats understand that communism/socialism DOESN'T WORK? It didn't work in the USSR, it doesn't work in South America (see the troubles Chavez is having in Venezuela), it doesn't work in Cuba (check out their unemployment rate), and it doesn't work in China! China did not start to prosper until they allowed private enterprise. Not many in Canada are happy with their health care or government.

Not surprisingly, neither the Senate or House versions of the health care bill address one of the biggest cost increase factors: The proliferation of malpractice lawsuits. Why not? Who benefits the most? Lawyers. If I recall right, I saw a figure a couple of years ago that said 75% or so of our legislators are lawyers. And the American Bar Assoc. gives millions in campaign contributions every year.

As I said before, how much does it cost to own your very own Congressman?

Write your emails, do it for the love of your country,
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



The people of Mass., the most heavily Democratic state in the nation, sent a very clear message to Washington today. By electing Scott Brown, a Republican adamantly opposed to the health care bill, they've clearly stated even the average Democrat doesn't want to live in a Socialist country. Let's all hope they get it this time. Should be fun to watch the rats jump Pelosi and Reid's ship :-) And let's not forget the RINO's, the Republicans In Name Only, who have sold their souls for votes.

Folks, we cannot get complacent now. There is still much work to be done to repair our system of government. Once again I urge you to check out goooh.com. Let's get ALL the career politicians out of there and start fresh. Then we can start cleaning up the state legislatures, some of which are even worse than Washington.

God Bless and thank you all,
Dumb Farmer


Are you overweight? Smoke? Drink more than 1 alcoholic beverage a day? Couch potatoe that gets no exercise? Over 65? Your life is going to change if this health care bill gets passed. THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT PANEL THAT WILL DECIDE IF YOU GET TREATMENT OR NOT. And if you do get treated, they'll decide what and how much before you go into the "not cost effective" catagory. And you can bet they will track individual risk factors and attempt to control the way you live.

Don't think this will happen? How is freedom lost? A bit at a time. When motorcycle helmet laws first came up back in the 70's, I told people if we let them do this to motorcycle riders, the next thing will be seatbelt laws and eventually what color toilet paper you can use. (I personally never ride without a helmet, or drive without my seatbelt, but IT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS BUSINESS TO TELL ME I HAVE TO.)

So let's see, where are we today? Helmet laws, seatbelt laws, can't spank your own kid, can't say certain words or you'll be charged with a hate crime, can't get your own money from a bank deposit until the government has checked to see that you don't owe taxes, child support, fines, alimony, or anything else they can think of.
Traffic cameras, face recognition software, and on and on ad nauseum.

Have a great day in America, Land of the Free,
Dumb Farmer


Good morning friends,

Well, I hope it's a good morning. I am so outraged by what's actually in this health care bill I haven't even been able to sleep. As I told my congress people last night, this bill is the ABSOLUTE ANTITHESIS of the principles our founding fathers believed in.

Let me make my personal political beliefs absolutely clear here. I am not a Republican stooge like Rush Limbaugh. I think they have ALL become corrupted slaves to campaign contributors, power, and greed. How much does it cost to own a congress person? Ask any large corporation or special interest group. The Republicans are no better than the Democrats. HOWEVER, in this particular battle against outright Socialism, (you do understand that the only difference between socialism and communism is in the definition, in practicality, they are the same) the Republicans do seem to be on the right side.

Once again I beg you to write your Congress person. IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION, THEN YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

God bless and fight hard,
Dumb Farmer

Monday, January 18, 2010


PLEASE PLEASE take a few minutes and watch this video. So much of this bill goes against the very principles this country was founded on even I have a hard time believing our congress could be so close to passing this disaster. If nothing else gets your goat up, pay particular attention to the part of the Health Care bill that gives the government complete access to your bank accounts. If this doesn't get you to email, call or write your Senators and Representatives then I truly feel sorry for you. PEOPLE, IF WE DON'T STOP THIS CRAP RIGHT NOW, IT WILL NEVER END. YOU CAN KISS THE AMERICA YOU GREW UP IN, FOUGHT FOR, AND LOVE GOODBYE!


Dumb Farmer (who has already written my congress people)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Despite all the problems we have today, we still live in the best country in the world. The next time you see someone in uniform, take a minute to shake their hand and say thank you for serving your country. Or better yet, buy their breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

"Greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his friends".
Jesus Christ

Dumb Farmer

Friday, January 15, 2010


I know I'm probably going to take a lot of flack for this, but please read the whole post before you rush to judgement. Pres. Osama (oops, Obama) just pledged $100 million of our taxpayer $ to Haiti. I wonder if that's in addition to the costs of sending the 82nd Airborne, the USS Carl Vincent, etc.?

Actually, I have no problem with the military help, but I do have a problem with the $100 mil of taxpayer money. Americans are the most caring and generous people on the planet. The way this should be done is the government creates a fund for any American to DONATE to for Haitian relief. It is not the governments job to TAKE MONEY OUT OF OUR KIDS POCKETS to give to other countries. WE JUST CANNOT AFFORD IT!!!
We don't have it, it will just add to the already incredible deficit.

You do understand one reason everything is so expensive today is that the government keeps printing more money without anything to back it up, making each dollar you have worth less and less, right? When the Euro first came out, 1 dollar equaled 1 Euro. I believe the latest exchange rate is it takes $1.50 to equal 1 Euro. This is called inflation, and our government has been fudging the figures for the last 3 or 4years or so. They report an artificially low inflation rate because they factor in the drop in the price of homes. So that reported rate is only true for someone who purchases a home in that year. Lets say they report the cost of living only went up 2.5%. But the price of energy (gas, home heating oil, electricity, etc.) went up 10%, the price of groceries went up 10%, etc. So what is YOUR true inflation rate? Right, 10%. Now the great majority of peoples annual raises are based on the governments inflation rate. So you've been losing 5 to 15% of your actual purchasing power every year for the last several years.

Again I say, make sure you thank your congress for their out of control spending.

Dumb Farmer

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dear Mr. CEO of GM, Chrysler, Ford,

The bottom line of your current situation is this: If you had been building vehicles with comparable quality to those of Honda, Toyota, and Nissan you wouldn't be having the problems you are. GM, your last CEO's ad about quality says it all. "If you don't like your new GM car you can return it within the first 90 days".

Yeah right, the first 3 months is a real quality indicator. What about 2,3,4,5 years down the road when the imported stuff hasn't required anything but oil changes and your junk needed thousands of dollars worth of repairs?????

You are getting exactly what you deserve for your build it cheaper - planned obsolescence engineering.

So, now that we, the American taxpayer, own a large part of you, we want you to focus on real quality instead of how much your bonus is going to be this year!!!

Here is a quote from me, your blogger, back around 2000 or 01: "When a corporation or company starts running their business based on this quarter's profit or loss, this year's profit or loss, and their stock price, they make short sighted decisions that may help the current bottom line, but hurts them in the long run". My bosses answer? "When you're the CEO you can run this company however you want to."

Imagine the satisfaction I got when this was repeated almost word for word several months later by Alan Greenspan, who was the head of the Federal Reserve at the time.

Strive to make a difference in our country, and therefore your life,
Dumb Farmer (Who drives an American made vehicle)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Good news friends!

I am announcing the opening of the New American Common Sense Party Bank and Trust Co. Even if I succeed in just about collapsing the entire world economy, I promise I will limit my salary and bonus pay to less than $1 million per annum, unlike Goldman Sachs, AIG, Citigroup, Bank of America, et al.
Hurry and join this ground floor opportunity to receive more than 1/2% interest on your savings. Just mail me your paychecks, I'll take care of the rest.

Thanking you in advance,
Dumb Farmer


Thank you Ford for not taking government bailout money. And thanks for sticking it to the American worker again for building your new diesel engine in Mexico. As I said before, who do they think will be able to afford their 50/60 thousand $ trucks when we're standing in the unemployment line or flipping burgers and salting fries????

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello friends,
Why don't any of the politicians or economists talk about the real fundamental causes of our current economic malaise? The bottom line truth is it is GREED. Greed of the CEO's, board members, stock holders (that's us folks), politicians, doctors, lawyers, unions, et al.
When the outsourcing of our jobs to low wage countries first started back in the 80's, I said "Who do they think is going to be able to afford their products when everyone here who used to have a decent paying job is now flipping burgers at Mickey D's???" The truth is you CAN NOT have a viable, sustainable economy based on service. YOU MUST PRODUCE REAL GOODS IN ORDER TO PRODUCE REAL WEALTH. This is 10th grade economics, but nobody wants to admit it. If you don't believe this, ask yourself why China's ecomony is booming and ours is in the tank.

If we are EVER going to fix our economy more than temporarily, we need to bring manufacturing back to this country. There are several ways the government can encourage this to happen.
1. Enact enormous tax increases on corporations who have become no more than importers.
2. Give enormous tax breaks to corporations producing their products in this country.
3. Enact import duties and excise taxes on all imported goods.

Yes, I realize this is the opposite of a free world market. What do you want, an ideal world or a job??? Drastic problems call for drastic fixes.

Frozen in Florida Dumb Farmer

Friday, January 8, 2010


Good morning friends,

The EPA is a perfect example of the lack of COMMON SENSE in our bureaucracies. What is an acceptable amount of emissions from an internal combustion engine? Their goal is 0, none, nada, zip. That would be cool in an ideal world, no doubt. But what do we have today? Diesel pickups that should be getting 22/24 mpg getting 11 to 13, doubling the amount of oil consumed. Like gas and diesel fuel is free, right? Can't we have some kind of real world compromise?

They have put emissions regs on every small engine sold in America. That's why your lawnmower, air compressor, pressure washer, etc. have to run with the choke on for at least 5 solid minutes till they even start to run right, and half the time they never run right because they're so lean. But the best part is now a lot of small engines are coming without oil drain plugs. So you've either got to buy a vacuum pump or, as I suspect a great many do, turn it on it's side and dump gas and oil all over the ground. Why no law about that?

And my favorite EPA boondoggle: Last year they came up with new regs on the allowable lead content of children's toys. Which included dirt bikes and ATV's.
Result? Every dealer in this country had to remove every bike or ATV 90cc and under from the showroom floor, and were not allowed to sell them. Yeah, they have lead in the batteries. Now I've been involved in motorcycle racing for 40 years, and I have NEVER seen a kid licking his battery, chewing on his fenders, or sucking on his handlebars. I know I'm just a dumb farmer but I seriously doubt a child old enough to ride a motorcycle or ATV is doing any of that stuff with ANY of his toys. Manufacturers, dealers, and individuals contacting the EPA got exactly nowhere. ONLY AFTER MONTHS OF THOUSANDS OF VOTERS DELUGING THEIR CONGRESSMEN WITH PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS WAS THIS INSANITY CORRECTED.

Remember folks, you have got to get involved in our political process or these idiots will legislate and regulate US out of existence!

Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Local judge Joseph Brownell in Plymouth, Mass. recently set bail for a scumbag with a 9 year long rap sheet charged with raping a 6 year old girl at $10,000 after the prosecutor asked for $200,000. The perp's own lawyer did not even contest the bail amount, but bleeding heart liberal Judge Brownell decided that the perp would never be able to make that amount (and how could we keep this poor, abused as a child man behind bars) and set it at 10,000. Hmmm, I thought one of the purposes of a very high bail was to protect the public from the criminal by keeping him in jail till the trial. Result? Said scumball rapes a 3 year old.
There is a solution to the problem of these bleeding heart judges. Most local judges are elected, not appointed. Recall petitions can be started. The problem is we, as voters, need to take the time to educate ourselves about every candidate for every office that we are going to vote on come election day! If we, each and every one of us, doesn't care enough about our country to do that, then we have no one but ourselves to blame for our current conditions.
Speaking of solutions, how many times have you seen the perpetrator of a horrible crime have a rap sheet as long as your arm? ESPECIALLY SEXUAL PREDATORS. They keep letting these scumballs out and time and time again they commit another sex crime. Common sense tells you there's a real easy fix for that problem, but we won't do it. Why should castration be considered cruel and unusual punishment? A little anaesthesia, a week to heal, and the problem is solved, PERMANENTLY.

God Bless,
Dumb Farmer

Monday, January 4, 2010


For those of you who haven't heard anything about the field of quantum physics, here's a few things to tickle the brain cells over. The best and brightest minds the human race has produced have been working on the "theory of everything" for many years now. Many of the theorums they have formulated have ALREADY BEEN PROVEN IN THE LABAROTORY. For example they can "entangle" two particles, separate them by an infinite distance, and whatever they do to one will happen to the other. They can induce a clockwise spin on one particle and the other one will also get the spin, even though they are separated in space by an infinite distance. This is one that has been proven in the lab with real world distances. Practical uses? Some day we may have the "beam me up Scotty" beam. They have proven that space and time are not separate things but totally interconnected.
But the most interesting theorum is the one that says if we believed with every atom of our bodies that we could, for example, walk through a brick wall, we could actually do it. Or, let's say, walk on water. Hmmm, seems I remember somebody telling us the same thing over 2000 years ago. "When ye stand praying, believe that ye have recieved, and ye shall recieve". "If a man had faith like a mustard seed, he should say unto that mountain, be ye removed, and that mountain should be cast into the sea." Over and over again Jesus told us "believe and ye shall recieve". Food for thought, eh??


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke 1729-1797

Believe me, I know how hectic life can be in this day and age. However one of the things that has become simple thanks to technology is communicating your views to your elected representatives. All you have to do is click on "Contact your Senator or Representative" and you can find the email addresses for your politicians.
In less than 10 minutes you can send a message to all of your elected officials.
Yeah, 9 times out of 10 you'll get a canned message in reply, but don't think they aren't keeping track of peoples opinions on issues. Because, as we know, their first priority is getting reelected.
One problem for conservative folks has always been we are too busy earning a living to support our families to be very politically active. Thank goodness this national healthcare debate has finally gotten enough people riled up to actually do something. I am not asking you to take a day out of your life to attend a Tea Party or anything like that. I am asking you to take 10 minutes once in a while to let your elected officials know how you feel about current issues.
By the way, www.libertyandpride.com, which is where the "Contact your Senator or Representative" takes you, is an excellent resource. They have the entire Constitution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense, and much, much more on there. Check it out.

Dumb Farmer


My friends,

How far have even our local governments gotten from the Constitution and the ideals upon which this country was founded?
The city of SeaTac, Washington has started eminent domain proceedings against a parking lot near SeaTac airport. Is this land absolutely necessary for direly needed runway expansion? Is it adjacent to a planned new regional hospital? No. The city has decided they would get more tax revenue from a shopping center and a city owned parking lot on that land. And oh yeah, they expect the owner to accept $2 million less for it than he paid 2 years ago. So the government confiscates private land from a citizen for it's own revenue benefit. And this is not the first time this has been done. Believe it or not, our Supreme Court upheld the right of cities to do this in Kelo vs City of New London, Ct. a couple of years ago. WHAT COUNTRY DO WE LIVE IN?????
Now folks, you realize "the city" is run by elected officials. Mayor, commissioners, board, whatever particular setup they have in SeaTac. Or New London. These people voted to commit this abomination. Since we don't seem to teach American history in our schools any longer, perhaps the time has come we need to make a requirement for incoming elected officials to attend a six week course on American history and government.
Speaking of which, I wonder how many realize that our founding fathers envisioned a government run by men who had become successful enough in private business that they could take 4 or 8 years out of their lives to DONATE their services to their country, and then would go back to private life. I doubt they even considered such a thing as a career politician.

God Bless and keep up the good work,
Dumb Farmer


Recieved an interesting email today. While I did not check it for accuracy, it sounds right. Says only 8% of the appointees and staff of President Obama have ever worked in private industry. That's probably the case with the great majority of bureaucrats also. No wonder our government seems to have no common sense whatsoever.
I would bet that 95% to 99% of the politicians in this country grew up in upper middle class or upper class homes and neighborhoods. They have never spent any time in the Bronx, Watts, downtown Detroit, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, or any third world country other than on a political tour. They don't even have any idea what it's like to be an average American working family who has to live within their income level, let alone what life is like for those less fortunate than us. They think you can sit down and negotiate with fanatics like Bin Laden (see Arafat, the inventer of terrorism), come to an agreement, exchange cheek kisses, and everything will be just hunky-dory.
You can evision it this way. The real world is 25,000 miles in diameter. Their world is about 5000 miles in diameter.

God bless and keep striving to make a difference,
Dumb Farmer


Good morning/afternoon/evening readers!

One of the great things about the New American Common Sense Party is that you can make your ideas and opinions known for free. It doesn't take a campaign donation to get your local politician to sit down and listen to you. Your comments, be they just "right on" or "You're an idiot" are welcome. Proposed solutions to problems of government and society are especially welcome. Lets make this a joint effort. Just click on "comments" at the bottom of any post.

God Bless and continue the race,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year folks!

Here (in no particular order), are a few suggestions of things to pray about for 2010.

A happy, healthy, and prosperous year for our families and friends.
That our politicians will have their eyes, ears, hearts, and minds opened to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
That God will bless and protect our troops in this battle against the evilness of radical Islam.
That He will bless our individual efforts to bring about changes for the betterment of our country and everyone in it.

And my personal prayer for all of you: Lord, may you put your hedge of protection around, your blessings upon every one of us, and your healing hand upon any of us who need it. AMEN

Happy New Year,
Dumb Farmer