"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Saturday, March 31, 2012


See the quote at the top of this blog home page. Now you can add our military to our government. If this doesn't make you angry enough to spit nails, you're probably in the 50% of our population legally medicated into zombieland. The political correctness bullsh** has gotten so bad in our military that not only do we allow a Muslim doctor with known jihadist sympathies to remain in the Army until he massacres soldiers at Fort Hood, allow open homosexuality, (have you seen the pic of two Marines in uniform kissing upon the return of one from Afghanistan? - one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen) but now WE PROSECUTE OUR SOLDIERS FOR DEFENDING THEIR OWN LIVES FROM  TERRORISTS!

Yes, you read that right. Not only prosecute them, but deny them due process of law, hiding exculpatory evidence from the court and refusing to share that evidence with the defense. 1st Lt. Michael Behenna has already spent 3 years in Ft. Leavenworth for shooting a terrorist who was trying to grab his sidearm. His case has finally made it to military's equivalent of the Supreme Court. You have to read this story :


This is certainly not the first case of this kind. I won't rehash details here, you can easily find these stories with a Google or Yahoo search, but remember the prosecution of the Seals who captured the terrorist responsible for the beheading and hanging of American soldiers bodies in public in Iraq because the guy had a bruise on his face?  How about the way they cashiered Lt. Col. Allen West out of the Army because he fired a round past the head of an uncooperative insurgent group leader they were questioning?
How did these morons who would pervert any sense of justice for a soldier defending his life just so they can win their case, become Army lawyers? Why is it that for the majority of individuals today, the more formal education they have the less common sense they have?

Are we still able to save this country?
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Once again the liberal news media has convicted someone, not only without a trial, but without even investigating the story. In private conversations in the first day or two after the news hit, I cautioned people to withhold opinion until the whole story came out. Yes, as first reported, Zimmerman appears to be a complete a**hole who should be behind bars. What gave me pause (besides plenty of previous experience with media distortion of news, starting with Vietnam) was that he wasn't immediately arrested.

So now the whole story starts to come out. Zimmerman did get out of his vehicle and confront Martin, asking him what he was doing there. Apparently Martin took offense to being asked (and I understand that, I'd be pi**ed too at being accused of being up to no good just because I happened to be black in a white neighborhood). Whatever words were exchanged, the truth, verified by an eyewitness, a second 911 call, and a bleeding Zimmerman, is that after Zimmerman turned and started back to his car, Martin attacked him from behind, and had him on the ground beating the he** out of him.

As I said in the last post : question everything, believe nothing until proven. Especially from our so called "news" outlets.

Dumb Farmer


My friends, how many of you still think there's no Obama based conspiracy going on? How many of you mentally rolled your eyeballs when I reported months ago that Obama's "birth certificate" AND draft card were forged? Truthfully, I did when I first started hearing the rumors. I tend to the "question everything, believe nothing until proved" way of thinking.

For those of you who do not follow conservative news outlets on the web, you've probably never heard about Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's criminal investigation of Obama's eligibility for the office of President. Let me throw out the latest developments and see if you still feel that way.

Arpaio's posse (a very poor choice of name for his investigative task force, in my opinion) has obtained "legally actionable" evidence that both Obama's birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are forgeries. Not only that, but airline passenger records into Hawaii for the week of Obama's birth are mysteriously missing.

Have you heard one single word about this on any TV news, including Fox? How about talk radio? I didn't think so. Now we are finally learning why. Turns out every news outlet in the country has been threatened with FTC and FCC investigations if they report on this. News commentators have been threatened with losing their jobs. One, Andrew Breitbart, dropped dead of a heart attack at 43 the night before he was going to release evidence videos revealing Obama's connections to the Communist Party of the U.S. Not surprisingly, the editor who took over now refuses to print anything about Obama's eligibility or communist connections. Articles written on the subject on internet news sites have disappeared within a day of being posted. As far as I know, there are only 2 major web news outlets still reporting on this subject : World Net Daily (WND) and the Drudge Report. Better check them out to verify what I'm saying before Obama figures out a way to intimidate them also.

I'd like to say "God help us all", but somehow I doubt He'll be giving us much help, since we've spent the last 30 years kicking Him out of our country.

Dumb Farmer  


Thursday, March 22, 2012


I wish I could say "good morning", but the news has been pretty darn depressing lately. The latest on Big Brother government is really scary. Wired and the Salt Lake City newspapers have broken the story on the NSA's (that's National Security Administration for those of you who lead an insulated life) huge new data storage facility in Utah. This top secret, hardened bunker, heavy security site is going to store EVERY piece of data that traverses the Internet including private emails, every cell phone conversation, every land line communication, every financial transaction (every time you use a debit card or ATM)  IN THE WORLD starting in Sept. of next year. Not only that, they have built the worlds fastest supercomputer in Oak Ridge, Tn. that is capable of breaking 256 byte public key encryption. There will be not one single thing that the government will not be able to find out about every single citizen.

I know this sounds like one of those things you think "yeah right, anybody can write anything on the 'Net" but I'm telling you this is for real. I've seen the Wired report - outed by NSA whistleblowers, and the newspaper articles. See for yourself here : http://www.zerohedge.com/news/%E2%80%9Cwe-are-far-turnkey-totalitarian-state-big-brother-goes-live-september-2013

And here :  http://www.ksl.com/?nid=960&sid=19615060    



As I've said before, I used to mentally roll my eyeballs back when anyone would start talking conspiracy theories. I'm not sure at all now. Let's examine just a few things that are happening right now. 
1. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has incontestable PROOF that not only is Obama's birth certificate forged, but also his selective service registration card. (How many of you rolled eyeballs when I reported that a year ago?) Of course, the liberal main stream media has ignored this totally. Even Fox, for some unknown reason. O'Reilly said he "doesn't have time for that".
2. Hillary Clinton has committed the U.S. to the UN gun treaty, which bans private ownership of ALL weapons. Yes, this would have to pass Congress, but don't bet against another end run from Obama.
3. Obama just signed another executive order which sets the legality for him to declare martial law.
4. Don't forget Obama promised to "fundamentally change America" in an '08 campaign speech.
Now this NSA news comes out. Once this is up and running, it pretty much makes any opposition to a government takeover impossible. It will be impossible to coordinate any kind of resistance beyond those you can talk to face to face. Smoke signals maybe.

I know it all seems very far fetched, but I predict if the average American continues with their head in the sand, we are going to wake up one day soon and find it's a done deal. Then it's going to be too late.

Dumb Farmer

Sunday, March 18, 2012


How much do you earn? $123 thousand a year? That's what the AVERAGE federal government salary is today. And you all know how good the benefits are. I know ya'll are probably tired of hearing me harp about big government / socialism, but here are a few statistics that should make you sit up and think.

In the last 10 years, private sector employment rose only 1 %. That's right, a piddling 1%. Government employment however, rose an astonishing 16%.

The Transportation Dept. has 1690 employees earning over $170k. Defense 10,100 making more than $150 k. Those are the only two I have figures for, extrapolate that to the rest of the alphabet agencies.

Getting angry enough to get involved in our political process yet? If not, here's one more to think about. Government employees now constitute 16% of the entire workforce. Add their spouses and now you're looking at 32% of the electorate. Do you think they are ever going to vote for anyone advocating smaller government? How about the 47% that are getting some kind of government check or assistance every month? Almost every European country is on the verge of bankruptcy - Greece, Spain, Portugal and others already requiring international bailouts. How long do you think we can continue this?

Once again : We are in the single most critical time in the history of America since the Civil War.
Be part of the solution or you are part of the problem.

Dumb Farmer


One more perfect example of how government regulation kills business, and therefore jobs. Obama / Holder's Justice Department issued  (that's right, these huge bureaucracies like the TSA, EPA, Justice Dept. FHTSA, and on and on are now in the business of making law, rather than Congress) requiring every public swimming pool to install wheelchair capable lifts under the Americans with Disabilities Act. We are not talking about just your commutity association pool. Every motel, hotel, and campground in the country falls under this law.

Next to housing and construction, the tourist / travel trade is the hardest hit industry in this economy. Motels are mostly empty and campgrounds are half full if they're lucky. This is the third year of this, now the government tells them they have to spend an estimated average of $5,000 to $8,000 to install this lift. Hope you don't really enjoy swimming, because I predict a whole lot of closed pools.

Why would Justice do this? How many wheelchair bound people even want to get in a swimming pool? They surely aren't going to do it with no friends or family around to keep them from drowning. People who could help them in and out if they really wanted to "swim". I'll tell you why. Because some handicapped man or woman with a chip on their shoulder filed a lawsuit.

I recall reading back 10 years or so ago that the estimated cost of lawsuit protection added 20% to the cost of every single product you buy. My guess is that now, in 2012, that cost plus the cost of meeting every government regulation that business is saddled with today approaches 35 to 40% of the cost of the goods. People, the cost of labor is only a small part of why manufacturers have moved their production plants overseas. The cost of our government and legal system is a larger factor.

And speaking of the cost of government, see my next post on Big Brother government.

Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Still think this is a free country? Think it just can't happen here? Here's how it's already happened. Slowly, very slowly, they take one freedom at a time. And that becomes the new "norm". As I said before, helmet laws, seat belt laws, now hate crime/speech laws, gun control laws, red light cameras, face recognition software, the government monitoring talk radio and the internet - labeling "disaffected veterans" and anyone who buys food in bulk or pays cash for goods a potential domestic terrorist. The EPA seizes private property, threatens fines of thousands per day. Border Patrol agents arrested,  convicted, and jailed for violating the "rights" of illegal drug smugglers. New Hampshire police arresting and confiscating all the guns of a man who shot into the ground to keep a burgler from running off before the police arrived. I could go on for pages citing examples. There are so many laws and regulations on the books today that experts say that every single citizen - no matter how upstanding - has or does break some law. Obama consistently circumvents the Constitution with his "czars", has stated it's too bad he can't do away with Congress, rewards his political backers with huge government loans, and continues to drive us closer and closer to bankruptcy with uncontrolled spending. Folks, it's already happened. We may still be "the home of the brave", but this is no longer the "land of the free".

We have one last chance to turn things around. One last chance to take back our educational system, our government, and our country. This November. And keep in mind, it's not just the presidential race. Congress is every bit as important.

Please make informed choices and VOTE
Dumb Farmer 

Monday, March 5, 2012


The GOP establishment not only needs to wake up and get in touch with reality in the world, but they need to understand what the current political reality is. The polls still show Obama winning against any of the Republican candidates.

I am blessed to know quite a few outstanding young people. Some have a conservative outlook, some have much more liberal attitudes. But here is one firsthand fact : most of the females WILL NOT EVER vote for anyone who wants to take away their decision about abortion. And despite my personal opposition to abortion, I totally understand their position on this. Not only was this country founded on the principles of religious and personal freedom, God Himself gave us the freedom of choice.

Just as I do not believe it is the government's job to force religious schools and organizations to provide birth control, or force me to buy health insurance, or tell me I have to wear a motorcycle helmet, or a seatbelt, or that I can't build a home on property I already own and have building permits for, it is not their job to tell a woman she has to have a child she doesn't want. That does NOT mean the government should assist in abortion funding, as it does now through Planned Parenthood. That doesn't fly either.

Gun control does not stop crime, the "war on drugs" has not stopped illicit drug use, and outlawing abortion will not stop that either. It quite possibly would become much more hazardous to the health of the woman though.

So, GOP candidates, if you want to change that 48 to 50% of the vote going for Obama, you'd better start heavily advertising that you won't try and get Roe v Wade overturned.

Dumb Farmer