"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Monday, May 30, 2011


Jesus Christ said "Greater love hath no man than he give his life for his friends". Please remember that Memorial Day is more than just another 3 day holiday weekend. Many, many, thousands have given their lives for our liberty. Please do NOT let the politicians legislate it away.

In memory:
PFC Joe Myer Jr.
PFC Joe Metz
SGT Lee Cook

May God bless America
Dumb Farmer

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Good morning friends! I'd like to pass on some encouraging things I've seen this past week. Despite the overall trend of jobs moving offshore, there is still considerable manufacturing going on in this country. After looking for a decent job in Fla. for 10 months, I came up to Pa. and am driving truck again. I was very pleasantly surprised to find Caterpillar is still having radiators made in York, with copper tubes made in Altoona, Pa, out of copper actually made in the USA. A lot of packaging industry and food manufacturing and distribution around this area also. The Florida economy is so dead, it seems like boom time here in the NorthEast. And of course, Harley's are still made in York.

But that's another sad story about corporate greed. Harley threatened to shut down York operations unless the union agreed to big paycuts etc. Union agreed and then the company proceeded to lay off something like 1200 workers anyway - then offered them part-time, no benefit, big paycut jobs. Guess what? They posted record profits last year and their new slash and burn scumball CEO got a several million $ bonus. What a shame. Harley used to be the best company in the country to work for, now their just like all the rest - screw the employees and put it all in upper management's pockets.

Thank a soldier this Memorial Day,
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Donna Brazile, Democratic campaign manager, DNC committeewoman, and advisor to many Democrats over the years, is whining in USA Today about about Republicans trying to deny people their voting rights. Says "The GOP is engaged in what appears to be a coordinated, expensive effort to block voters from the polls". "The motivation is political - a cynical effort to restrict voting by traditionally Democratic - leaning Americans."

What's she so vocal about? Bills to require photo identification at the polls. Claims 11%, or 21 million, citizens will be denied their right to vote. Hmmm, who got those people with no driver's license or any other form of photo ID registered to vote in the first place? The Democrats running their buses around the ghettos (now known as "hoods") offering people free lunches to register. First of all, let's be perfectly clear.  Although there was quite a bit of discussion amongst our founding fathers as to whether only land owners would be enfranchised, as our constitution is written, those people, ASSUMING THEY ARE ACTUALLY CITIZENS, are legally eligible to vote.

Now I realize there are always exceptions to general rules. The Amish and Mennonite women come immediately to mind, but I would venture to guess that 80 to 90 % of people who do not even have a driver's license, or some other form of photo ID, would hardly be taxpayers. 

My question for you today is: Is it really beneficial to have the freeloaders, those who contribute virtually nothing to our society, but suck at the government teat, vote? Remember, they are getting very close to being in the majority. Or is it time for a constitutional amendment so only those who pay taxes get to vote? Or only those not on some kind of government handout?

I am not advocating this at this time, I would have to spend a lot of time on research and trying to foresee all the ramifications. But it's something for you to think about. Please leave your comments below.

God bless America,
Dumb Farmer

Monday, May 16, 2011


I wish I could say this was amazing, but it's no surprise. It's politics as usual. All of a sudden Obummer realizes things aren't looking too good for his reelection chances and presto-bingo, we see some REAL CHANGE. First, he takes 90% of the credit for the elimination of Bin Laden, and now the same guy who 2 months ago said oil prices were "about where they need to be" is dropping the moratorium on new drilling and exploration, granting new leases, and spouting rhetoric about how prices are too high and we need new domestic sources. All of a sudden the deficit / debt problem needs to be addressed. (Oh, but we still HAVE to increase the debt limit)

Typical politician, say whatever it takes to get the votes, then do whatever the h*** he really wants once he's in office. The real shame of it is the majority of American people fall for this same crap every election cycle. You would think by now they'd be smart enough to see through the B.S.

I will say this: the hoopla created by the Tea Party etc. is the most encouraging sign I've seen in politics since Ross Perot. Perot had a few problems, yet he still came close to upsetting the apple cart. We should be more successful this time around if we get the Republicans to field the right candidates. The third party / candidate just splits the conservative vote, allowing the socialist Dems to win.

God bless America,
Dumb Farmer

Sunday, May 15, 2011


As hard as I and many others have been fighting against the gradual turn to socialism / communism, it seems we are losing badly. Sadly, we have come to the point that more people want / need the government to take care of them than don't.

An estimated 59% of the 308.7 million people in this country today are receiving one or more forms of government payments every month. That's not QUITE as bad a statistic as it first appears, because that includes social security, medicare, and VA disability payments, but after removing those categories, it's still startling. And as I've said before, I do not consider social security / medicare to be an "entitlement". We have paid for that all our working lives.

42.4 million people get Medicaid. (Do not confuse that with Medicare, Medicaid is free healthcare for the "poor") 36.1 million receive food stamps. 12.4 million get housing subsidies. And while I don't have exact figures for this, many millions of working "poor" get the Earned Income Tax Credit, the government paying them for working instead collecting welfare, and state medical "cards" - more free healthcare.

Besides the fact that all of this is part of the huge federal deficit we're running, maybe the more important fact is we have created the snake who eats it's own tail. How many people are going to vote out of office the very people who are putting that cash in their pockets every month? Remember, overall, we are at the point where 53% of the people are supporting the other 47%. So already, come election time, they are very close to a majority. Then add in the millions of so called "independents" who are really uneducated on the issues, believing every thing they hear in campaign ads, and we're in serious trouble folks. Witness the inability of Congress to come together with any viable concrete plan to fix the problems. Again, because all they truly care about is getting reelected, even at the expense of running us into bankruptcy.

Again I remind you, we are right in the middle of the most crucial time in American history since the Civil War. If we don't solve these deficit / debt problems in the next several years, we're done. America will become a "Third World" country. That's why it is so critical for each and every one of you to not only be politically active, writing emails to your Congress people etc, but to take every opportunity to educate everyone you know on the issues.

The war is not lost yet, keep fighting,
Dumb Farmer

Friday, May 13, 2011


Doubt that your government lies to you? This is old news, but I'm sure many of you haven't heard a thing about this. And there are some new developments making the news. A federal judge has just ordered the FBI to release video tapes and other records pertaining to the 95 Oklahoma City bombing. The bottom line is the whole story of McVeigh / Nichols being the sole perpetrators of OKC is nothing but deliberate B.S. Hold your breath, because I'm about to tell you things that will make you question everything you hear from our government and mainstream media outlets.

Remember for a day or so after the bombing, every law enforcement agency in the country was looking for the “third terrorist of middle eastern decent”? Then all of a sudden that was a mistake? You remember that, right? Well, it was no mistake. In fact, Jayna Davis, a reporter for an Oklahoma City TV station, spent the next several years of her life tracking down the real story behind the bombing. If you want a real eye opener, read “The Third Terrorist” by Jayna Davis. In short, the truth is McVeigh and Nichols were hooked up with a cell of former Iraqi Revolutionary Guards, who were already in place in Okla. City. AND..... were connected to several of the terrorists who hijacked planes on 9/11. If you think this sounds far-fetched, I beg you, read the book. She's got the absolute proof. And the FBI and the rest of our wonderful gubmint shut her down. An absolute coverup right from the git-go. A cover up that could only have come from the very highest levels.

Remember how quickly they put McVeigh in the chair? When every other person on death row goes through 20 plus years of appeals??? Ever wonder why?

The thing that really amazes me isn't only that our government wanted to cover all this up, but that in all the lead up to the Iraq invasion, not once did any of this come to light. You also remember that Saddam Hussein was behind an assassination attempt on Bush the Elder in Houston, right? Funny how that never made the mainstream news either and was never mentioned in the lead up to Iraq. Only possible WMD's.

If you really want to know how badly our government is pulling the wool over your eyes, and learn that our military is just as screwed up as Washington with power grabs and glory greed, all it takes is to read two books. The aforementioned “The Third Terrorist” and “Kill Bin Laden, the real story of Tora Bora” by Dalton Fury. Dalton Fury is the pen name of the Delta Force commander on site at Tora Bora when Bin Laden escaped out the back door to Pakistan. Why did that happen? Two major reasons : Infighting amongst the generals as to who was going to be in control and get the glory, and political correctness. Political correctness, you ask? Yep, that's right. We had to have our Afghanistan allies involved. So what do we do? Give them arguably the most important task – the blocking force. Anyone who has ever been involved in military strategy and / or combat knows that the blocking force is just as critical as the attacking forces. THE BLOCKING FORCE KEEPS THE ENEMY FROM JUST RUNNING AWAY TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY. So we give that critical job to the Afghan army, which is rife with Taliban / Bin Laden sympathizers, and he walks out the back door, surprise, surprise. 9 years, 9 gazillion dollars, and 1480 plus young American lives later, we finally get him.

Please, educate yourself. Get pi**ed off. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Vote the career scumballs out of office, and send a message to the Generals : We're mad and we're not going to take it any more.

In freedom,
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Now that Bin Laden is dead, is it time to get out of Afghanistan? That is the only reason we went there in the first place. I say it is. Give them 6 more months only. 6 months to crush the Taliban's "spring offensive", 6 months more of training for Afghan police and army, and then bring 100% of our troops home. That is more than "mission accomplished". We have no further need or business there. If Karzai's corrupt regime collapses to the Taliban, that's their problem, not ours. Besides, we happen to have a major deficit/debt problem here, remember?  If Afghanistan once again becomes a haven for terrorists plotting against Western targets, we can always go clean out that mess when the time comes.

Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


What a plan! Yes sir, once again the politicians prove how out of touch with reality they are. Obama's plan to "fix" out immigration policy / border problems is to give all illegal aliens a "path to citizenship".
Starting by requiring them to register with the government (he didn't specify which agency, no doubt he would create another multi-billion $ per year bureaucracy) and, pay attention now! : pay back taxes and fines, learn English, and submit to a criminal background check. Yes sir, I can see the long lines now. Bet they just can't wait, some of them may be lining up with cash in hand already.
Ah, now wait! We can waive the taxes and fines, just sign up to vote Democratic right here.

HOW MUCH LONGER AMERICA????? How much longer are we going to put up with these self-serving scumballs running our country? Till we no longer have a country that is recognizable as America? Till you can no longer feed your children? Till you are working like a slave for a Chinese company and still can't feed your children? How much more will it take to get you to write an email, attend a meeting, go to the polls and vote?

Again I say, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


How much can you believe about the raid on Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan? So far they've changed the story a dozen times. The truth is, we may never know what really went on, or it will be 30 years from now when someone on their deathbed comes clean. Here's a few things to ponder:

1. They claim the Paki's had no idea they were coming, yet somehow our guys spent 40 minutes shooting / blowing things up / searching the compound within 3 miles of the Paki "West Point" and 3 brigades of Paki army troops and nobody showed up to see what was going on?

2. First reports said Seals blew up the downed chopper (Standard Operating Procedure, you don't let the enemy get your comm gear or anything else) and showed a pic of a huge fireball at the compound. Next day a pic comes out with futuristic looking chopper crashed partially over a wall at the compound. Which to believe?

3. First Bin Laden was armed and resisting, then unarmed but reaching for a weapon. Hahaha. Right, they've been shooting the place up for 10 minutes and he's what, cowering in a corner behind his wives and kids with no weapon in his hand and waits till they bust the door down to reach for it? Even a 3rd rate Hollywood screenwriter could come up with better stuff than this.

4. Burial at sea. Convenient. No body, no evidence. Who knows what they dumped into that ocean? They might actually be waterboarding him somewhere right now. Or not. The only ones who really know won't be talking.

Or, Obummer knew he needed a boost in the polls for reelection and it's all B.S. But then Bush was behind 9/11 and the Rothchilds etc. are taking over the world right?

Question everything, believe nothing,
Dumb Farmer 

Friday, May 6, 2011


The GOP has a major problem. Most of the well known presidential hopefuls are not interesting to the average voter. Why? They're old time career politicians rehashing the same old stuff. The only candidates generating any real interest are so called "Tea Partiers", and rightfully so. Here's my take on a few of the hopefuls.

Sarah Palin: Unfortunately irrelevant. While I personally think she'd probably make one heck of a good president (have you seen what she actually accomplished in her short stint as governor of Alaska?) she has blown her chances by resigning her governorship when the going got real tough, and quite frankly, acting ditzy on her TV show.

Michelle Bachman: She's got the right ideas and the right stuff, but not nearly enough national exposure yet.

Donald Trump: Should he by some chance get the nomination, he doesn't stand a chance against Obama because he's a loose cannon. Big money and big mouth do not necessarily a good president make.

And finally, just who the heck is Herman Cain? This former VP at Pillsbury, Former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, newspaper columnist, and radio talk show host set the world abuzz at the candidate debates in S.C. the other night. According to every poll taken he blew the rest of them away. He is very conservative, and unlike 99% of political candidates, has more than b.s. generalities to his platform. This man has solutions, knows exactly what has to be done to get them implemented, and isn't afraid to step on toes to get things done. Oh, and did I mention that he's black? Which makes him an attractive opponent against Obama. Because let's face it, in order to win the general election the GOP candidate is going to have to pull some of the black vote away from Obama.

My favorite ticket? Chris Christie and Lt. Col. Allen West. But the last I heard Christie was still adamantly refusing to run. Too bad.

Dumb Farmer


Another example of the religion of peace: On April 14th Chicago resident James Larry, a prison convert to Islam, killed his mother, wife, 7 month old son, 3 year old niece, and 16 year old niece because they refused to convert to Islam. His quote? Allah tells us to do it in the Quran. The court has found no symptoms of insanity. As I said, don't think the struggle against evil is over just because we got Bin Laden. And we have become so stupid as a country that we are letting these maniacs preach jihad in mosques all over this country. Do not be surprised if the next strike is carried out by home grown Muslims.

Pray for this country to wake up
Dumb Farmer


Predictably, Obama's popularity has jumped in the polls following the Bin Laden raid success. But what's scary is 46% approve of the overall job he's doing. Which actually isn't too surprising I guess. After all, it's within 1 point of the percentage of the number of people who pay NO federal income tax. Let's hope the usual voter's  short memory applies here, and by Nov. 2012 they've forgotten about Bin Laden.

I do have to admit I liked Obama's response to complaints that the sea burial wasn't respectful enough. He said we'd showed a lot more respect for him than he did for the 3k he'd killed on 9/11.  Probably the best thing he's said since being elected. Now let's go get the rest of them!

Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


According to Edward Wolff, economist, the median household WEALTH in the U.S. had dropped 36.1% since the high point of the housing bubble in 2007. The wealth of the top 1% households dropped only by  11.1%.
In terms of wealth distribution, as of 2007 the top 1% households owned 34.6% of all private wealth, with the next 19% having 50.5%. Thus the top 20% in terms of wealth owned about 85% of the wealth, leaving 15% for the bottom 80%. In terms of total net worth minus a households' home value, the top 1% had a 42.7% share.
What's the direction of travel? 1983 through 2004, wealth became more and more concentrated. The American Economy grew enormously during this period. 42% of the new financial wealth created went to the top 1%. 94% went to the top 20%, leaving some 6% to be shared out amongst the remaining 80% of us.

Which group do you think our Senators and Representatives fall into? Now don't get me wrong, I'm am not for government mandated "income redistribution". That is Obama's socialism. What I am in favor of is we the people fixing this. As I wrote before, we have the power to fix this just like we have the power to fix Congress. It's time for IRA and 401K holders to start shouting to boards of trustees about executive compensation etc. Since greed seems to be the motivator for everything in this country today, if you need motivation to get you screaming, think about this: all those millions going to executive bonuses should be going to your dividends.

Dumb Farmer


I was talking to a friend last night who is retired Army with 30 years service. He told me between increased tax withholding, increases in health care deductions, etc. his net check is down $300 a month. Now two congressional panels and the president's debt reduction panel are calling for further cuts to the military retirement system. One major change being suggested is not being able to collect until age 57 or 60. So what's a 30 year vet who's body is worn out, mental condition is PTSD to some extent or another, supposed to do from age 48 to 57 or 60? Who's MOS (military occupational specialty) was infantry for example. What kind of job, at what kind of pay is he/she going to be able to get? There isn't much demand in the private sector for those kinds of skills when you're 48.
That's right, the government you put your life on the line for all those years is going to screw you one more time.

I am all in favor of debt reduction/cost cutting/elimination of waste and fraud/and huge reductions in the welfare giveaway programs, but this is NOT the place to do it. Let's start with Congress and their retirement and perks instead.

Dumb Farmer

Monday, May 2, 2011


Congratulations Seal Team Six for carrying out a textbook perfect operation. It took almost 10 years, but we finally got him! Now, keep your eyes and ears open friends, you know they are going to try to retaliate, and they're going to try it right here in America. The work is not done, the war in Afghanistan is not won, the age of terrorism is not over, evil is not defeated. But, the world is a better place today. I'd sure have hated to be Bin Laden when he faced the judgement of the one true God, and found out who he'd really been serving all these years.

I have to admit, I am surprised Obama had the sense and gonads to OK this without notifying the Paki's first. Which, of course, would have resulted in an empty compound. Now, will we follow through, or will this success be used by the fool liberals as an excuse to cut the military budget even further?

Well, let's just take today to celebrate and we'll worry about the rest of it tomorrow!

Dumb Farmer