"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Friday, March 29, 2013


So you think all the "conservative" chatter about Big Brother watching is just more fear mongering?  Shrug off the 40 acre data storage building NSA is about put into operation in Utah? Well put this in your pipe and smoke it :

Tuesday, I went to buy a rifle. The National Instant Criminal Background System comes back with a "conditional approval", can't pick it up until Friday, a 3 day wait like it was a pistol. So today I go to get my new weapon. Nope, still conditional, can't pick it up till Monday. They can keep doing this for up to 30 days.

Let me give you a little background. Since the inception of the NICS, I've probably bought somewhere around 25 or 30 weapons of one type or another. I have concealed carry permits in 2 states. I've never had a problem buying a pistol or rifle before. So what changed? I now write a conservatively oriented blog. I now repost a lot of material on Facebook critical of Obama and Democrats in general. No, I have never threatened anyone. Guess I do fit Obama / Napolitano 's description of a possible terrorist though. Let's see : "those who see themselves as patriots", "those who jealously guard what they see as their freedoms", and "disaffected veterans".


Dumb Farmer


So here we are in 21st century America. The Democratic party may as well be renamed the Socialist Party, (a system that eventually bankrupts every country that has ventured down that path) and the Republicans - unfortunately including a lot of Tea Party people - have become nothing more than bought stooges for conglomerates and corporations. Greed is running rampant in all sectors of our society, from business to the politicians to those on government handouts. More, more, more, they all demand.

It's hard to say which segment is the biggest offender. Business has returned to the days of the Robber Barons, where the owners live in unimaginable wealth while their workers can barely keep shoes on their kid's feet and put enough gas in the car to get back and forth to work.
Looking over the annual report for one SMALL corporation that I own stock in, I see the CEO received $3.1 million in compensation, and each of 4 Executive VP's received over $1 mil each last year. The 9 Board members raked in from $253k to $35k, an average of $144k each, for a total of 1.299 million, for attending 4 meetings. Yep, you read that right, for attending 4 meetings in a year.  

That got me to doing some research. Exxon Mobile CEO Rex Tillerson : $34.9 million in 2011. That's all I could find after 30 minutes of searching on Exxon. Apparently they are very sensitive to the subject, not even including exec compensation tables in their annual report to shareholders. Hmmm, wonder why.
GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, the man Obama chose to be his "jobs czar", and a man shamelessly responsible for moving thousands of American jobs to China and Brazil, got a whopping 80% pay raise last year. To $20.6 million.

I could go on and on here. You get the idea. A month or so ago the Republicans shot down a Democratic sponsored bill to create a tax liability on every corporation / company that closed plants down here and opened new ones overseas. (An idea I proposed here almost 2 years ago, but I said make it retroactive for the last 10 or 15 years and create an offsetting tax credit for every new job they create here) Yep, one thing that could have a huge impact on job growth and economic stimulus here and the Republicans shut it down. Good job you prostitutes. Yes, that's what I said, bought and paid for corporate whores.

I say it's time for a real third party to emerge. (We could even call it the "New American Common Sense Party :-) With a candidate like LTC. Allen West, for example. A man who isn't rich, isn't owned, devoted the majority of his life to serving his country, including putting his life on the line in combat, and who has the right ideas, principles, and programs. And, I hate to say this, but it is fact. West would have a much better chance of winning because his skin happens to be darker. It's no secret that many, many blacks voted for Obama just because he is black. Or half black or whatever. They see him as one of their own. But I say there are thousands and thousands of good people who happen to be of African descent that would jump at the chance to vote for a man like West.

In the words of one of the more infamous egomaniacs on TV, "What say you?" Anyone want to join me in an "Allen West for President in 2016" campaign? Oh yeah, that's assuming we make it that far before the crooks in office now succeed in collapsing the dollar and we have total chaos in the streets.

Still hoping for Liberty,
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Almost 2 years ago I reported on an incredible scientific advancement that should change the entire world. See here : http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2011/04/cheap-clean-energy-is-here.html

At that time, they said these easily affordable "furnaces" could be in production within 1 year. A search I just conducted returned only the original M.I.T. press releases and so on. The original patent was bought by Tata Group, an Indian multi-national conglomerate. Not one single piece of new news in 2 years.

Reminds me of two similar reports from years ago. First, and this I'm pretty sure it was Paul Harvey's radio show where I heard about this, was about an engineer from Denver who invented a frictionless bearing. On the surface, that might not sound like such a big deal, until you really start to think about it. No internal friction in wheel bearings, electrical motor bearings, transmission bearings, differential bearings, and on and on. A huge energy saver. Not another word about it in 15 years?
Second was a guy who invented the proverbial "perpetual energy" machine. A device (engine, motor, whatever you want to call it) that produced more energy than it consumed. His claims were quite controversial in the scientific community, so he put on a demonstration for teams from Stanford, M.I.T., and other prominent engineering schools. While those academics never came out and said that his device worked as advertised, they never said it didn't either. What they said was, they were baffled. So what happened to it? 

 Don't you just have to wonder who owns those patents now? The artificial leaf is the real kicker, holding the potential to reduce the world's dependence on fossil fuels by 30, 40, maybe 50%. So is it going to disappear down the rabbit hole too? Seeing as how our current administration thinks the price of gas and oil here should be comparable to Europe, ($6 per gallon plus) to reduce oil usage and would just love to further choke the American economy with carbon credits, why aren't they investigating these disappearances? Hmmm, how much did the energy sector donate to candidates over the last few election cycles?

We should all buy stock in Vaseline
Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


First, for my newer readers, let me clearly state the purpose of this blog. It is not just to point out the problems with our society and government today, but to educate and push people to seek out reasonable, common sense solutions. To motivate people enough to become involved in our political process. To at least make the small effort required to convey their thoughts to their elected officials. And finally, to make informed choices as voters. Toward that end, quite a few of my recent posts have been written to influence those readers who tend to have a 'liberal" or "progressive" viewpoint. You can expect that to continue. After all, there is no sense preaching to the choir, right?

I recently had a self-confessed progressive claim that the way out of our current economic malaise is for the government to spend more. Claims government spending creates jobs. Ah, a true statement, without a doubt. But at what price longterm? That is the real question. Another forwarded me a chart showing how unequal the wealth distribution is in this country, implying that a "redistribution" of the wealth is in order. Another truth. But how to accomplish that? Government wage and price controls? Both of these ideas are indisputably socialist, whether they realize it or not. As are most of the ideas and programs of the Democratic Party today. Let me make one more thing perfectly clear : I am NOT A REPUBLICAN STOOGE. My long term readers know I am as disgusted with most Republican politicians as I am with the Democrats. I do admit I am anti-Democrat though. I am a true believer in the principles this country was founded on, and the Democratic party of today has become the party of socialism.

The death of Hugo Chavez presents a perfect opportunity to take one small look at the results of socialism and government intervention.

After 14 years of Chavez, Venezuela has one of the highest overall crime rates in the world, and Caracas has the highest murder rate of any major city in the world at 130 per 100k population. They have a crumbling infrastructure, under-performing industy, (much of which was "nationalized" by Chavez) unsustainable public spending, the worst performance in capitol growth in South America, and 20% per year inflation rate.  Lest some of you be put off by the source for these statistics, it's the BBC. Not Fox, not WND, or any other conservative outlet.

The European states have been gravitating towards socialism for the last 30 years. Most of them today are effectively socialist. Most of them have stagnating economies with huge unemployment, and are on the verge of bankruptcy. I won't bore you with repetition, do the research yourself. Or see previous post here :  http://commonsenseandcircumstance.blogspot.com/2012/11/comrade-commander-flaunts-his-arrogance.html

So liberals, I challenge you again. How much evidence does it take?

In Liberty,
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Just how much evidence does it take before people stop dismissing all the reports about what the administration and the Dept. of Homeland Security are up to as just "more rantings from right wing conspiracy nutjobs"? Laughing any given news report off  if it came from Fox News, or any conservative web site?

To recap just a few things briefly:
2008 Obama says "we need a national police force the size of and similarly armed as our military"
2008 Obama promises to "fundamentally change America"

2012 DHS has bought over 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo over the last year and a half.
DHS has been conducting military exercises in and over major American cities.
DHS is in the process of taking delivery of 2700 upfitted MRAP's. (that's Mine Resistant Armored Personnel carriers) Yes, the very same used in Iraq and Afghanistan, only modified for high speed street usage.
2013 Multiple reports of intimidation (attempted control) of the press. Reporters as famous as Bob Woodward detailing how they were threatened by the White House. Here's the latest:

“I had a young reporter asking tough, important questions of an Obama Cabinet secretary,” says one DC veteran. “She was doing her job, and they were trying to bully her. In an e-mail, they called her the vilest names — bitch, c–t, a–hole.” He complained and was told the matter would be investigated: “They were hemming and hawing, saying, ‘We’ll look into it.’ Nothing happened.”

And I saved this for last, because it proves to liberals that I am one of those "right wing nutjobs".
2009 - 2012 It's been CONCLUSIVELY proven that the birth certificate he provided was altered AND pretty well documented that the social security number he uses (or was using until it was discovered) was issued to a deceased Conn. resident. No one has ever found out who paid for his expensive education. Not one single college classmate has come forward and said "yeah, I knew Barry back then". No reports on Obama at all until he shows up in Chicago and joins Rev. Wright's anti-white, anti-America church.

These are only the tip of the iceberg. If I had the time I could fill several pages.

So when does the not so average (because the average Obama supporter doesn't have a clue what's going on in the world) Obama supporter start to wonder? When the jackbooted thugs knock on their door?

Dumb Farmer

Friday, March 1, 2013


Want to know why our folks in D.C. can't get anything worthwhile accomplished? Just look at the people we elect:

President Obama (D-Ill) thought we have 57 states. (Duh, this is our President?)
Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) says "we have to pass this bill in order to find out what's in it".
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga) thinks Guam would tip over and sink if we base an additional 8k Marines there.
And just to prove it's not only Democrats - Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo) thinks a woman can control whether she gets pregnant or not if raped.

And now, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Ca) claims loss of 170 million jobs if the "sequestration" kicks in. Let's see, cuts of $85 billion (2.4% of the total budget) would cause 170 million people to lose their jobs. That's pretty amazing, considering only 134 million are currently working.

That's just the ones that come to the top of my head this morning. The real problem is "we the people" keep electing these idiots.

When do we wake up, America?
Dumb Farmer