"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


click on the appropriate icon at the bottom of the post or copy and paste this link into your email:

Friday, April 29, 2011


Good news people! Over a year in the planning, the NACSP Bank and Trust Co. (see post 1/11/10) has finalized it's new financial security program. We are actually doing away with paying any interest on your savings, instead replacing it with total responsibility for your well being. That's right, set up your automatic paycheck deposit today, and we'll take care of everything for you. Food, rent, (if you currently own your own home, you will have to sign that over to us) healthcare, transportation, etc. Nationality and/or legality are not a problem. We are an equal opportunity institution, backed by the best in the business. To insure your confidence in this program, our board of directors includes Barak Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuckie Schumer.

Looking forward to your participation, (oh, did I forget to say that's not voluntary?)
Dumb Farmer


What a sad commentary on the state of television news today. Every network this morning, even Fox, is nothing but the "Royal Wedding". The real news is left to scroll across the bottom of the screen. Which is, of course, impossible to see while you're doing other things. Is this really relevant to anything in the real world? How many people actually want to sit and watch hours on end of that? Or maybe you'd rather get an update on the latest casualty figures from Afghanistan, or the terrible storms across the South, or Osama's (Oops, did it again, must be habit-I mean Obama's) latest fraud or power grab? Or, am I once again overestimating the intelligence of the average American in the 21st century, and hundreds of thousands are clamoring for this?

Hmmm, when I think about the rest of the TV programs, movies, and even a lot of the authors on the best seller list that Americans love today, maybe the last is right.

What are your thoughts on this, my readers? How much coverage of things like this is enough? How many hours on Lindsey Lohan's latest idiocy is enough? 5, 50, or 500 minutes? Click on comments below this post to share your opinion.

Dumb Farmer

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Barry Soetoro, aka Barak Hussein Obama. An Indonesian citizen of the Muslim faith. Absolute proof of this is available, I'll let you do your own research. Granted, he was just a kid, and truthfully, I really don't think it's going to make much difference if it is ever proven conclusively that he is constitutionally unqualified to be President. He's got too many people on the Supreme Court now. And even those who aren't "his" may chose to avoid the major upheaval that would result from nullifying every law he has signed since taking office. So, don't hold your breath.

The White House has just released a "long form birth certificate" for Obama. Having to get copies of my own birth certificate four years ago, I find several troubling items about this "official certificate".
First, let me say to those who think anyone who doesn't think Obama should be President is a racist, I would vote for Lt. Col. Allen West in a heartbeat. Now on to the "birth certificate". If this was so easily available to the state registrar on April 25th, 2011, why haven't ANY of the investigators who've been looking for it for 2 years been able to come up with it??? Until they fired him, the previous Hawaiian Registrar had stated it couldn't be found. And where is the SEAL OF THE STATE OF HAWAII and the SEAL OF THE REGISTRAR??? I am not saying this isn't real or true, it could well be. What I am saying is do not be so naive as to believe everything you read or hear. On ANY side of ANY issue until you do enough research yourself. Spin is EVERYWHERE today, both sides do it equally well.

The bottom line is it doesn't matter where he was born, or what shenanigans he's pulled over his lifetime. What does matter is the fact that he is a Socialist bent on turning America into Cuba/China/Venezuela etc. and he is hellbent on accomplishing his agenda whether he drives the country into bankruptcy or not. We need to get him out of office.

Dumb Farmer

Monday, April 25, 2011


This is a few days late, as many of you know I was gone last week, so I'm playing catchup.

Friday was the 7th anniversary of Pat Tillman's death in Afghanistan. For those of you who don't remember, Tillman was an NFL player with the AZ. Cardinals who walked away from a multi-million $ contract to enlist in the Army after 9/11. From all the accounts I've read, Tillman was not only a great patriot, but he had the right ideas about life overall. Unlike 90% of politicians and businessmen today, they say he never cared about the money. Instead he understood what is really important in this life. Family, friends, honor, integrity, character. Sgt. Tillman should be held up to all young folks as the epitome of a REAL hero, not rap stars, movie stars, sports egomaniacs, etc. Do you think there's a chance of that happening in our educational system today?

Since we are on the subject of sacrifice for our country, I would once again like to ask you to support our troops with more than lip service. Click on any of the support links above and donate to your favorite support group. Two of my favorites are the Wounded Warrior Project, who gives long term rehabilitative care, and the Coalition to Salute America's heroes, who steps in with financial assistance because, as usual with anything concerning the military or government, it is taking 6 months plus for wounded troops to start receiving disability payments. A lot of these guys have wives and family to support while they are recuperating. These groups are stepping in and filling the gap, but they've got to have funds to do that. I know a lot of us are hurting financially now, but I'm sure most of us can find a spare $10 or $20 somewhere. It's the right thing, do it.

Dumb Farmer


I present the following with a caveat, that being that everything I have learned about this was information gleaned from the Internet. However, these investigators seem to be real, competent, and have quite a bit of data to back up their claims. But one always needs to remember that anyone can write anything on the net. Look at Wikipedia, the online "encyclopedia". Anyone can write or edit entries with no one checking facts. That said, I personally believe this story has credibility. So here we go:

1. Obama's name AND known addresses have been linked to at least 27 different Social Security numbers! The one he uses currently was issued in the state of Conn. where he has NEVER lived. In fact, that number was issued in 76 or 77 to a person born in 1890. The Social Security Administration never reissues numbers. All inquiries and lawsuits seeking release of data from the SSA have been denied or just plain stonewalled. I believe it is a felony to use a fake SSN.

2. Although we haven't had a draft since after Vietnam, it is still a requirement for every male to register with the selective service when he turns 18. Obama's registration was filed in 2008, and altered to appear that it was made back when he was 18. This is also linked to the Connecticut SSN.

3. Not one single person remembers Obama being at Columbia University, even those with the same dual major (Poly Sci and Pre Law). Columbia, like every other institution connected to Obama's life, has refused to release any records pertaining to him.

4. It is generally known his boyhood mentor was the head of the communist party in Hawaii, and his association with Weather Underground figures is well documented.

Just who the heck is this guy, and whose money has been behind him from the beginning???? Someone paid for that expensive Columbia / Harvard education, and there are NO records of him EVER receiving a student loan.

In my humble opinion, this guy has pulled off the biggest scam in history.

I may be a dumb farmer, but I wasn't born yesterday.
Dumb Farmer

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I've been on the road, and not sure when I'll be able to connect to the 'net again, so this may be several days old news when you read this. Continuing and confirming what I've been telling you for the last several weeks, Standard and Poor's has just officially rated U.S. Treasury bonds as negative, sending the stock and bond markets into the first, and so far minor, tizzy. Folks, this is only the beginning, and I predict somewhat of a recovery for a short period of time. The major collapse won't happen until the IMF removes the dollar as the world standard currency. WHICH MAY HAPPEN AS SOON AS NEXT MONTH, but surely within 1 to 1 ½ years. This is another major red flag, and warning to those sharp enough to heed the signs.

Lest you think I am a voice crying in the wilderness, USA Today's editorial page today (4/18/11) is confirmation of everything I've been telling you about the last several weeks. If you have faith in our politicians in D.C. to do what's necessary to avoid the coming collapse, then do nothing. If you, like me, have lost faith in our politicians to actually accomplish anything that doesn't involve their reelection, then you need to take steps to protect your assets. Once again, I am not going to give you any concrete advice, other than to say put your money in things and places that do not involve the U.S. dollar. The rest is up to you.

Good luck and may God have mercy on us all,
Dumb Farmer

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Some good news for a change. Over half the states have court cases or legislation pending opposing various facets of the federal governments unprecedented and unconstitutional seizures of power.

27 states are petitioning the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare on constitutional grounds. This should be a no-brainer for the court. The constitution specifically gives the federal government certain powers, and cedes everything else to the states. Requiring every citizen to purchase insurance under threat of fines and jail is definitely not one of them.
24 states have bills in their legislatures or have already passed clones of Arizona's immigration law.
13 have bills requiring presidential candidates to prove their eligibility (natural born citizen) before being listed on their ballots.
8 states, led by Montana, have bills or have passed legislation exempting firearms manufactured and sold in their states from all federal gun laws.
Utah, recognizing the coming worthlessness of US paper money has legalized gold and silver for legal tender.
Even the somewhat liberal states of Vermont and New Hampshire are raising Cain about federal interference.

Good to see people are finally waking up and paying attention!
Dumb Farmer

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Once again President Obama showed what a good orator and campaigner he is. The man is excellent at giving wonderful, motivational speeches that really say nothing. I suffered the pain of watching for 10 minutes or so and came away with three thoughts.
1. He is reposturing himself for the 2012 campaign, reading the voters writing on the wall and all of a sudden he's "concerned" with the deficit. I see on Fox News this morning I wasn't the only one to get this.
2. He's still way out in la la land, thinking wealthier people WANT to pay more taxes.
3. Why do these politicians all call Social Security and Medicare "entitlements" and say they're the programs that have to be cut?

Let's examine number 3 a bit. The last time I checked they were still taking Social Security (6.something %) off of worker's paychecks. And employers were still required to contribute a matching 6.whatever %. Self employed pay both, 12.something % And Medicare was still being deducted. Get this politicians:
Now Medicaid is a horse of a different color. That's free healthcare for illegal aliens and welfare recipients. Why don't they talk about getting rid of that???

Now let's look at number 2: the wealthy want to pay more taxes. Yeah, they're talking about 200k and up. If they wanted to pay more taxes why do they all pay accountants to find every single deduction they possibly can??? Why do corporations have entire departments who do nothing but structure their financials to get every tax break they can? Pay off politicians with campaign donations to created loopholes for them???? Huh, tell me why Mr. President.
Now I was not even close to their idea of wealthy, but I did make decent money. Here's what they used to take off my paycheck: Over 18k in federal withholding. 6 or 7k for Medicare. Don't remember what the Medicaid was. And I paid that kind of money for many years. YES, I want my Social Security and Medicare. At my job that generated that income, I worked close to 70 hours a week. Would YOU want to pay more than 25k in fed taxes a year to support people who don't work??? No, I didn't think so..  Somehow I doubt anyone else does either.

Ok, number 1: Unfortunately, history tells me that close to half of the people in this country today will fall for his B.S. again. Remember that come Nov. 2012 and make sure YOU vote.

Dumb Farmer

Monday, April 11, 2011


It seems like almost every day now there is a new revelation about the corrupt shenanigans being perpetrated at the expense of every US taxpayer, and indeed, the welfare of our country. Well, here's another one. Obama and his cronies are repaying the unions and campaign donors with another $5 billion of OUR money.

Did you know that Obama care includes $5 billion to reimburse profitable companies, unions, and state pension funds (another union deal) for healthcare costs of early retirees? No, I didn't think so, because "we had to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it". Of course you recognize that quote from our genius former House majority leader, Nancy Pigosi. Just for starters, how about $206 million to the United Auto Workers? $37 million to GE, who earned 14 billion last year and paid $0 in taxes. (see: GE taxes -why we need to get the crooks out 3/28/11)

This revelation follows directly on the heels of the news about McDonalds, Wal-Mart, and 9,998 other corporations being granted exceptions to complying with the new health care law.

Which follows the news of the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on American citizens, the financial bailout / housing repo ripoff I wrote about earlier. (See: Biggest legal scam in history 4/5/11)

Our government, both the politicians and the bureaucrats, are so utterly corrupt today that IF we were still putting men on the moon they'd smell the stink all the way up there.

WE CAN PUT A STOP TO ALL OF THIS in Nov. of 2012. Do not have a short memory, like so many voters of today. Stay informed, stay active, and be part of the solution.

Dumb Farmer


My day today is a sad commentary on the state of American business. I had to deal with 5 businesses today and only one didn't get me aggravated by lousy service or rip off practices.

1. Found out I can't get my teeth cleaned by a new dentist unless I spend $135 for xrays first.
2. Called a business I had ordered a new DSLR camera from last Wed. and didn't even have a shipping confirmation for yet. Ah, no wonder no confirmation, hasn't been shipped yet. Seems they don't keep ANY inventory, must order stuff after it's sold. Then I'm told I can have it shipped 3 day for $40. Duh, they'd make about $25 on the shipping. Unhappy? Too bad, cancel your order, you won't get any better service anywhere else.
3. Go to the local Ford dealership for a recall reprogram of the ECM and an oil change on my diesel pickup. Included in the oil change is supposed to be a free 27 point inspection that looks at tires/pressures/brakes/lights, drain water from the fuel filter, etc. Good thing I happened to be standing outside when the tech brought it around. Asked him how the tire pressures were and he told me he hadn't checked. Asked him if there was any water in the fuel filter, guess what? Yep, hadn't done it.
4. My credit card bill came in a USPS envelope. Must have been in a truck with a leaking roof or something. It had gotten soaked. About the only thing you could read was my name and address.
So, call the credit card company to ask them to send me another bill. Sorry, I don't speak Pakistani or Indian. I THINK they'll be sending me another, but not totally certain.

The only good experience of the day was walking into my local bank and being greeted by name, not only by the teller, but also by the customer service rep. Of course, they've got my money :-)

As I've said before, we are sinking to the level of our own mediocrity
Dumb Farmer

Addendum 4/12/11: Was pleasantly surprised at the dentist this morning. Once I was talking to someone other than the receptionist, and they understood the situation, no problem. In fact, I'm sure I'm going to like these people.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Pay attention, this is getting positively scary. Obama has already succeeded in consolidating far more power in the executive branch than was ever envisioned by the founding fathers or done by any previous president. Through his appointment of dozens of "czars" not needing congressional confirmation to run huge agencies, takeover of the financial and auto sectors of business, and governing through executive orders he is following the footsteps of Hugo Chavez, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro et al. Now he wants Congress to exempt from their approval key positions in the Justice Dept. having to do with gun control.

In the past, I've always mentally rolled my eyeballs up when people start talking about conspiracies, but I'll tell you folks, this is really starting to worry me. Envision this: as I've said in previous posts, we are very close to the IMF removing the US dollar as the world's standard currency, resulting in an immediate devaluation of the dollar to the tune of 25 to 40%. That makes every single thing you buy cost 25 to 40% more, including food. This is what precipitated the riots and overthrow of the government in Egypt, and is fueling the unrest everywhere else in the world. It's coming here. Yes, riots in the streets because people can't feed themselves or their kids. I haven't been able to figure out why Washington hasn't been doing something about this, they surely know. Maybe I've finally got it. What a perfect opportunity to declare martial law, putting ALL control in the hands of the President. Martial law suspends the Constitution, allowing the President complete control of everything, INCLUDING THE PRESS.

Am I getting paranoid in my old age or do you think I might be on to something here? Your comments are welcome.

Dumb Scared Farmer

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Watched some of Harry Reid's budget speech to the Senate yesterday. After about 5 minutes I wanted to punch him so bad I almost put my fist through my television set. What a lying, conniving, piece of sh** he is. He and Nancy Pigosi, what a pair they make.

Here's the scenario: Republicans wanted to remove funding for our state sponsored abortion factory, Planned Parenthood. Did you know your taxes paid for 330,000 abortions last year? Yes, they do offer other services such as free mammograms, STD treatment, and giving your 13 year old daughter birth control without your consent, but their major thing is abortion. Now, back to Reid. "My wife, daughters, and granddaughters will be denied medical care." Uh huh, you read that right. Reid's own wife, daughters, etc. Does anyone with an IQ over 70 actually believe Reid's family is going to Planned Parenthood for their medical care? I'll believe that when pigs fly. Yet that's what he claimed.

What makes me so angry is the deliberate lying. Folks, these scumballs know darn well what is happening because of their profligate spending ways, know darn well the country is on the verge of bankruptcy, yet continue on the same path for the sake of the votes of the freeloaders, illegal aliens, homosexuals, etc. Why do you think they refuse to actually do something about our border problems?

Barring a miraculous event on the scale of the return of Jesus Christ, I predict things in D.C. are not going to change before the 2012 elections, meaning it's going to be too late. Read my previous posts on the IMF's pending removal of the US dollar as the world standard currency.

Dumb Farmer


Well folks, the Democrats are at it again and the Republicans are caving in. They did manage to cut a measly 38 billion. I'm so impressed (not!) What happened to the GOP's promise to cut 100 billion?
It's really no surprise, is it? Just amazes me how the Dems can claim that cutting the equivalent of one grain of sand on the beach is "drastic", "dire" measures that will hurt Americans. Yeah, no kidding, it'll hurt the freeloaders with their outstretched hands. Meanwhile completely ignoring what's going to happen to EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN when their continued outrageous deficit spending causes the US dollar to be worth nothing.

Once again the politicians, mainly Democrats, have proved what true scum they are. Once again they have flushed America down the drain by catering to their voter base to get reelected instead of doing what's right for the country. For you Democrats out there: when are YOU going to let your party know that the current policies of the party are NOT good for the country? Once again I remind you that we have no one to blame but ourselves for the mess we are in. We, the people, have the power to vote these scumballs out of office. We, the people, have the power to let our elected representatives know how we feel about issues.

I know you're tired of hearing me harp about this, but I have to ask you each again : what have you done to help save our country lately? Written any emails? Made any phone calls?  We all need to get mad enough, and scared enough, to take the few minutes to make a difference. I have heard so many times over the years that "my vote doesn't mean anything", "my opinion means nothing to them", etc. etc. My answer? One man CAN change the entire world. Jesus Christ. Adolf Hitler. Osama bin Laden.

Do something for yourself and your country and then go out and HAVE A GREAT DAY
Dumb Farmer

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


                                                            WOW, WOW, WOW!

Wow, it really is here! Professor Daniel Nocera of MIT has announced he has succeeded in producing an efficient, low cost, artificial leaf. What's that got to do with energy you ask? It's called a leaf because it mimics a leaf's photosynthesis process. It splits ordinary water into hydrogen and oxygen, which is then used to charge a fuel cell. Nocera claims one of these playing card sized solar cells can operate a house on 1 gallon of water a day. (Assuming it's a sunny day, I guess :-)

I honestly thought this was an April Fools Day joke when I first read it, but the press release was 3/28.
Then I did the research and it's no joke. A large Indian multi-national corporation, Tata Group, has licensed the patent already. They say they'll have a refrigerator sized power plant by next year.

This is the biggest advance in practical science since the invention of the transistor. This truly has the capability of removing the world's dependence on oil, and, it's an all natural process, no pollution. And unlike a lot of other new technologies, this is supposed to be easily affordable.

Now if the physicists would just hurry up with my "beam me up Scotty" beam :-)

Dumb Farmer


A few Senators are finally getting the message. Jerry Morgan (R-Ks), Mike Lee (R-Ut), and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) have informed their colleagues and Senate leadership that they will filibuster any bill to increase the federal debt limit. Furthermore, they are backing Senator Pat Toomey's (R-Pa) bill for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. This bill would also cap government spending at a percentage of GDP.

A constitutional amendment takes years to get enacted, as it has to be ratified by the states through elections, but this is a definite must need if we are going to start to fix our problems. Let your Senators and Representatives know that you back this bill.

Dumb Farmer


This one is guaranteed to get you p***ed off. This is way worse than Bernie Madof's ponzi schemes, worse than the savings and loan bailouts of a few years back, in fact, it's probably the biggest ripoff of taxpayer money ever perpetrated! And it's totally legal. Why is it legal? Because the bought politicians allowed it.

Remember when large Indymac Bank was seized by the FDIC back in '08? In July of '09 the FDIC sold Indymac's assets to One West Bank for 70% of par value. One West Bank is owned by Goldman Sachs VP Steven Munchin, George Soros, and John Paulson. Former Sec. of the Treasury  Henry Paulson is also an ex CEO of Goldman Sachs. Are we seeing the connections? Soro's / Obama, Goldman Sachs / FDIC? Ok, hold on to your hats, because when you finish reading this they'll be ready to blow off your heads.

Remember, One West only paid 70% of the value to start with. As part of the purchase deal, the FDIC agreed to guarantee 80 to 95% of any loss One West incurred on any mortgage. This guarantee is based on THE TOTAL ORIGINAL MORTGAGE, not the amount owed. So Joe Homeowner pays on his place for 15 years, loses his job, and gets behind. Let's just use simple figures as an example. Joe's original mortgage was 100,000. After 15 years let's say the balance was 60,000. One West forecloses on Joe and seizes his property. They sell it for 50,000. Ok, they took a 10k loss. Oops, no they didn't, remember they only paid 70% of that 60k to start with: equals 42k. equals profit of 8k. Now the FDIC pays them 80% of the fake loss based on the original 100k mortgage: 50k x .8 = 40k. THAT'S 40K OF OUR TAXPAYER'S MONEY for a deal they already made $8,000 on! Then, to add insult to injury, they make Joe Homeowner sign a promissory note for the $10k they "lost" on his property!
 I want in on this investment. Make 48k on a 42k investment in a year! And that's only if they never get another cent out of old Joe. That's just a low example of one deal. Many of these loans are 250k and up. I don't have figures of how many homes have been taken so far, but you can bet they're grabbing every one they can as fast as they can. By the time this is done I'm sure it will be approaching a billion $ ripoff.  Do not miss a single payment on your mortgage!

This is another perfect example of why we need to clean house in D.C. It's not only the politicians, it's all the bureaucrats running the agencies too. The revolving door, go from Congress or heading an agency to CEO of private companies under the regulation of said agency, etc. etc. They are all scum. Our government is rotten to the core. And American businessmen are just as bad today. As I say at the top of this blog, outright, outrageous GREED is destroying our country.

We can fix this, but we HAVE to stay politically involved!
Dumb Farmer

Monday, April 4, 2011


More and more economists and economic researchers are predicting a major stock market crash due to our governments continued failure to immediately address our drastic debt problems.

Highly respected researcher Harry Dent, founder of H.S. Dent and The Dent Method, says it's coming by late this summer. Cites the continued printing of money by the Fed to pay interest on the debt, further devaluing the U.S. dollar. (see previous posts)

According to Stephen Moore in the Wall Street Journal, more Americans are now employed by government at all levels (fed, state, local) than in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities COMBINED! Half of the total of 2.2 trillion in state and local government debt is for pay and benefits (including retirement) of employees. That's right, government is the single largest employer in the country. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will. It's one of the reasons we now have 53% of the people supporting the other 47%.

I say again: This CANNOT continue. It doesn't work. We are seeing the results of this tremendous growth in government now - state, local, and our federal government on the very precipice of bankruptcy.

And again I say: This is the most critical time in the history of America since the Civil War. We cannot allow self serving political power mongers to continue on this path. PLEASE, PLEASE,
stay involved. You don't have to write a physical letter or even make a phone call. Use the resources at the top of this page to find your particular Representative and Senator and dash off an email. Simply tell them they MUST support the Paul Ryan budget proposal or they will lose their job come Nov. 2012. (See prior post). Ten minutes of your time to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Dumb Farmer


The budget mess in D.C. finally has someone with a grip on reality proposing a budget. Tea Party backed representative Paul Ryan, (R - Wis) has presented a complete 2012 budget that cuts $4 trillion over the next 10 years. Now we're talking some real money. Full details haven't come out yet, but big cuts everywhere, including revamping Medicare and Medicaid. Of course the Dems are already attacking it without even knowing what's in it. Oh, that's right, I forgot. They have to pass it to learn what's in it.

I expect to see a huge battle over this bill. And it is likely the most important piece of legislation that has been before Congress in years, and years to come. It's now or never to save our country from bankruptcy. We are going to see who has real balls, and puts the U.S. before their personal gain, and who just wants to be reelected.

Should be interesting and we all need to keep a close watch on this and let OUR congress people know how you feel.

Dumb Farmer


Most of you are probably aware of your individual states budget problems but may not be aware of how widespread and serious state deficits are. 44 states and the District of Columbia are carrying a combined $112 billion in debt. Several states are considering filing bankruptcy. If that happens, every person / bank / company that owns state bonds is going to take a huge pasting. Compounding the problems that are going to come when the dollar is devalued.

And it doesn't stop with the states either. Many cities are in the same situation. You see, this spend, spend, spend mentality of the current breed of politicians is not limited to Washington. No indeed, it starts at the local level. Let's build bicycle paths, dog parks, subsidize mass transit that almost no one uses, and on and on. As I've said before, these are nice things to have, BUT WE CAN'T AFFORD THEM! This spending HAS to stop.

Stay active on all levels,
Dumb Farmer