"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Monday, April 11, 2011


My day today is a sad commentary on the state of American business. I had to deal with 5 businesses today and only one didn't get me aggravated by lousy service or rip off practices.

1. Found out I can't get my teeth cleaned by a new dentist unless I spend $135 for xrays first.
2. Called a business I had ordered a new DSLR camera from last Wed. and didn't even have a shipping confirmation for yet. Ah, no wonder no confirmation, hasn't been shipped yet. Seems they don't keep ANY inventory, must order stuff after it's sold. Then I'm told I can have it shipped 3 day for $40. Duh, they'd make about $25 on the shipping. Unhappy? Too bad, cancel your order, you won't get any better service anywhere else.
3. Go to the local Ford dealership for a recall reprogram of the ECM and an oil change on my diesel pickup. Included in the oil change is supposed to be a free 27 point inspection that looks at tires/pressures/brakes/lights, drain water from the fuel filter, etc. Good thing I happened to be standing outside when the tech brought it around. Asked him how the tire pressures were and he told me he hadn't checked. Asked him if there was any water in the fuel filter, guess what? Yep, hadn't done it.
4. My credit card bill came in a USPS envelope. Must have been in a truck with a leaking roof or something. It had gotten soaked. About the only thing you could read was my name and address.
So, call the credit card company to ask them to send me another bill. Sorry, I don't speak Pakistani or Indian. I THINK they'll be sending me another, but not totally certain.

The only good experience of the day was walking into my local bank and being greeted by name, not only by the teller, but also by the customer service rep. Of course, they've got my money :-)

As I've said before, we are sinking to the level of our own mediocrity
Dumb Farmer

Addendum 4/12/11: Was pleasantly surprised at the dentist this morning. Once I was talking to someone other than the receptionist, and they understood the situation, no problem. In fact, I'm sure I'm going to like these people.

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