"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln


WARNING! Read at your own risk. This blog has not been approved by the Politically Correct Thought Police.

HOWDY FOLKS! (ya like that down home hello do ya?)

Welcome to the home of the
(hereinafter referred to as NACSP)

Yep, that's right people, it's time to take America back. Enough is enough. It's time we quit electing the same crooks and scumballs over and over again. Quit pulling the all Democrat or all Republican lever because your daddy was a Rep. or a Dem. God gave you a brain, (oh my goodness, your blogger believes in the Creator, he must be an idiot) use it to study the issues and the candidates before you go to the polls. Before you vote for an incumbent, look at his voting record and see how much of YOUR, YOUR KIDS,
GRANDKIDS and GREATGRANDKIDS hard earned tax $ he voted to waste on porkbarrel projects. With the deficit running in the trillions, congress still doesn't seem to get the message. Of course not, they don't care about America, they only care about getting reelected. We have built a house of cards based on greed, and it's going to come tumbling down if we don't fix it SOON.


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Saturday, December 3, 2011


Haven't heard about Carrier IQ yet? You will, it's huge breaking news. Unless you're with Verizon, your carrier may have included Trojan horse spyware on your smartphone. Spyware that tracks EVERY keystroke and screen touch. Think about it, do you do online banking / billpaying? Ever click on an innocuous search result and end up on some porn site? Click a link in a news story about terrorism and land on some jihadi website? Do any online job applications? Carriers are denying they are doing anything with the data other than network diagnostics. Yeah, and I've got a bridge in N.Y. for sale. Even if they aren't selling your data, as they claim, who's protecting that information from hackers?

Why am I writing about this in a political blog? Here's one good reason : a California court has recently ruled that police can search smartphones without a warrant. If your local police can do it, you know the Feds can and will. See previous posts on Big Brother.

Here is a link for software to detect it's presence on your phone and info on a program to remove it if you find it. Verizon says they do not install it on their phones, and this program confirmed it's not on mine.


Obama has recently proposed to require issuance of an internet enabled "smartcard" for every schoolchild in the country. This card would be required to get on the bus, get into class, get your grades, get lunch, and who knows what all else. The Bible says "you will not be able to buy, sell, or trade without the mark of the beast". We are so close to the fulfillment of all the prophesies.

Dumb Farmer

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